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What Are The Benefits of Installing Emergency Lighting?

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What Are The Benefits of Installing Emergency Lighting?

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  1. What Are The Benefits of Installing Emergency Lighting? Emergency Lighting Inverter

  2. What is emergency lighting? • Lighting that automatically comes on when the power supply to the normal lighting provision fails. • Emergency lighting is a general term and is sub-divided into emergency escape lighting and standby lighting. Emergency escape lighting– that part of an emergency lighting system that provides illumination for the safety of people leaving a location or attempting to terminate a potentially dangerous process beforehand. It is part of the fire safety provision of a building and a requirement of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

  3. Standby lighting- that part of an emergency lighting system provided to enable normal activities to continue substantially unchanged. This guide does not include standby lighting as it is not a legal requirement and is a facility that may or may not be needed, depending on the use and occupancy of the premises, etc. Emergency escape lighting is itself sub-divided into escape route lighting, open area lighting and high risk task area lighting. Escape route lighting– that part of an emergency escape lighting system provided to ensure that the means of escape can be effectively identified and safely used by occupants of the building.

  4. Open area lighting(in some countries known as anti-panic lighting) – that part of an emergency escape lighting system provided to minimize panic and ensure there is sufficient illumination to allow the occupants of a building to reach a place where an escape route can be identified. High risk task area lighting– that part of an emergency escape lighting system that provides illumination for the safety of people involved in a potentially dangerous process or situation and to enable proper shut- down procedures for the safety of the operator and other occupants of The premises.

  5. Emergency lighting classifications The old NM or M classification with duration in hours has been replaced with a code consisting of letter/number/letter/number, as follows: 2) Mode of operation 0 non-maintained1 maintained2 combined non-maintained3 combined maintained4 compound non-maintained5 compound maintained6 satellite 1) Type X – self-containedY – central battery

  6. 3) Facilities A including test deviceB including remote test deviceC including inhibiting modeD high risk task luminaire • 4) Duration in minutes. 10, 60,120 or 180

  7. Benefits of Installing Emergency Lighting Life without lighting is not possible. Light has become a custom part of our everyday lives that is why it’s essential you have a suitable contingency plan if your normal lighting fails. The loss of lighting can be for a number of reasons; one could be the result of a power cut in the area, which may result in darkness. A great investment is emergency lighting. Emergency lighting is lighting that is used in an emergency situation, it’s becoming increasingly popular in commercial and industrial properties, so we’ve put together some of the benefits for you.

  8. The main advantage of installing emergency lighting in your premises is that you will never be without lighting. By installing emergency lighting your business is not having to loose valued working time or money by dealing with lighting situations. • • The investment in emergency lighting can be recouped time and time again. • • The main advantage of installing emergency lighting is that your business will never be in darkness. Therefore your business will not lose valuable working time or money trying to sort such situations out. It will also ease the worry of power hitches.

  9. If your property is in an area that suffers from a disrupted power supply then emergency lighting is definitely something to consider. • • Our team of experts here at Online Power make sure your emergency lighting system is fitted as quickly and efficiently as possible so that you can carry out your day as normal. • If an incident does occur it is crucial that to make it as easy as possible for the occupants to make their way out quickly and safely through the designated escape routes. Emergency lighting lights up exit signs, allowing the occupants of the building to exit without trying to have to find an exit.

  10. Here at Online Power our team of expert electricians serving Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas provide only the best service when it comes to fitting your emergency lighting scheme that’s why you should make us your first port of call. Our modern installations mean that we can install emergency lighting to suit the layout of any building. For more information on our services call us today on: 800-227-8899 or contact us.

  11. Thank you!!!!!!!!! For More Information, Visit: http://onlinepower.com/

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