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About US<br>At Doral Health and Wellness, we believe in providing state-of-the-art technology, courteous professionals, and a welcoming environment to help take care of your loved ones when you simply canu2019t. Through a host of activities, therapeutic projects, and medical services, our brand new facility is open to members of the community, senior citizens, and diabetic patients.<br><br>Doral Health & Wellness is a multi-specialty, interdisciplinary medical facility at 1797 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 11212. In addition to dialysis, Doralu2019s integrated, comprehensive program includes urgent care, an onsite pharmacy, an Ambulatory Surgery Unit and infusion therapy services. <br><br>Meet our knowledgeable, dedicated team of medical professionals and compassionate caregivers. Welcoming, caring, and courteous, our staff has decades of combined experience!<br>
Profile Data First Name : Pain Medical Last Name : Clinic Email : painmedical87@gmail.com Phone : 646-555-2552 Facebook : Twitter : Linkedin : Instagram : Pinterest : Address : 1797 Pitkin Ave #334 About : About US At Doral Health and Wellness, we believe in providing state-of-the-art technology, courteous professionals, and a welcoming environment to help take care of your loved þÿ?o?n?e?s? ?w?h?e?n? ?y?o?u? ?s?i?m?p?l?y? ?c?a?n ??t?.? ?T?h?r?o?u?g?h? ?a? ?h?o?s?t? ?o?f? ?a?c?t?i?v?i?t?i?e?s?,? ?t?h?e?r?a?p?e?u?t?i?c? ?p?r?o?j?e?c?t?s?,? ?a?n?d? ?m?e?d?i?c?a?l? ?s?e?r?v?i?c?e?s?, our brand new facility is open to members of the community, senior citizens, and diabetic patients. Doral Health & Wellness is a multi-specialty, interdisciplinary medical facility at 1797 Pitkin Ave., þÿ?B?r?o?o?k?l?y?n?,? ?N?Y?,? ?1?1?2?1?2?.? ?I?n? ?a?d?d?i?t?i?o?n? ?t?o? ?d?i?a?l?y?s?i?s?,? ?D?o?r?a?l ??s? ?i?n?t?e?g?r?a?t?e?d?,? ?c?o?m?p?r?e?h?e?n?s?i?v?e? ?p?r?o?g?r?a?m? ?i?n?c?l?u?d?e?s urgent care, an onsite pharmacy, an Ambulatory Surgery Unit and infusion therapy services. Meet our knowledgeable, dedicated team of medical professionals and compassionate caregivers. Welcoming, caring, and courteous, our staff has decades of combined experience!