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As a business owner you must have at least one fire extinguisher in your building. Palladium Safety Solutions offers the complete fire extinguisher services that is needed to keep your building safe and code compliant. Whether you need to purchase new extinguishers, schedule an annual inspection, or recharge your canisters, Palladium does all of that. Palladium has successfully manufactured, tested, and sold hundreds of thousands of extinguishers across the world. To know more about ISI Mark Fire Extinguisher, Visit: https://www.palladiumss.com/fire-extinguishers
5 THINGSBUSINESSOWNERS NEEDTOKNOWABOUT FIREEXTINGUISHERS As a business owner you must have at least one fire extinguisher in your building EXTINGUISHERSARE DESIGNEDFORSPECIFIC TYPESOFFIRES Greasefireshavedifferent qualitiesthanelectricalfires, andtherefore, theyrequire differentextinguishingmethods. it’ssoimportanttopurchase extinguishersthatmatchthe typesofblazes. REQUIRESMONTHLY INSPECTIONS Themostcriticalinspectionsare thoseperformedonceayearby aprofessionalfireprotection company. However, youcan assignastaffmemberto performthistaskwithno rigoroustrainingneeded. FIREEXTINGUISHERS MUSTBERECHARGED AFTEREVERYUSE Maintainingfullychargedfire extinguishersisavitalpartof keepingyourbuildingassafe fromfireaspossible. Makeita prioritytotopoffthe extinguishersoit’sreadytogo thenexttime. FIREEXTINGUISHERS DON’TLASTFOREVER Rechargeablecanisterscanlast fordecades, buttostayinuse, theymustpassahydrotestevery 12years. However, disposable extinguisherscan’tbe recharged. FIREEXTINGUISHERS MUSTBEDISPOSED PROPERLY Takeyourextinguishertoa hazardouswastedisposal facility. Fornearlyemptyfire extinguishers, startbysqueezing thelevertoensurenopressure remainsinside. Removethe extinguisherhead. To know more about ISI Mark Fire Extinguisher Visit: www.palladiumss.com