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Adobe Photoshop 101

Adobe Photoshop 101 With Professor John Blandin Technology Department Old Dominion University

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Adobe Photoshop 101

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  1. Adobe Photoshop 101 With Professor John Blandin Technology Department Old Dominion University

  2. Adobe Photoshop 101 instructs students in the use of the various tools and effects available for photo editing and graphic design. Because of the growth of technology in this day and age, it is necessary to have the ability to work with digital media. This presentation is an introduction to the basics of Adobe Photoshop.

  3. Main Menu Click on any of the following topics to learn more about the tools involved. Adjustments Cropping Resizing Layers Manipulation Colors & Backgrounds More Information

  4. Adjustments The following tools are used to alter photos in order to bring out details and balance intensity. Brightness & Contrast Go to the Toolbar, click on Image → Adjustments → Brightness/Contrast Curves Go to the Toolbar, click on Image → Adjustments → Curves Rotations Go to the Toolbar, click on Image → Rotate Canvas Back to Main Menu

  5. Cropping The Crop Tool is used to remove unwanted space or material. 1. Find the Crop Tool in the toolbox on the left-hand side of the screen. 2. Select desired area. 3. Click on Crop Tool again to finalize. Back to Main Menu

  6. Resizing There are two methods to resize photos. Resizing photos is a convenient way to make sure the photo is the correct size for a project. Method 1: Go to the Toolbar, click on Image → Image Size. Method 2: Select desired layer, press Ctrl+T on keyboard. Hold down the Shift key to maintain proportions. This method will resize only the selected layer. Adjust width and height to desired measurements. This will resize the entire image. Back to Main Menu

  7. Layers Layers make it possible to add modifications that can be removed quickly and easily. They can be added individually or can be created from an existing part of the document. To insert a new layer: Go to the Toolbar, click on Layer → New → Layer. To make a layer from the existing document: choose selected area with the marquee tool, right click selected area and choose Layer via Cut/Copy. *To make a layer without deleting it, click the eye. Back to Main Menu

  8. Manipulation The following tools are used to edit and add effects to photographs. Magic Wand Shapes Clone Stamp Tool Opacity Back to Main Menu

  9. Magic Wand The Magic Wand Tool is used to select all the colors in a certain range. By changing the tolerance, one can adjust the sensitivity between ranges. Step 2: Click the desired color area and experiment with the Tolerance level. Step 1: Click on the Magic Wand Tool in the Toolbox. *By increasing or reducing the Tolerance, one can select more or less of the selected color range, respectively. Back to Manipulation Back to Main Menu

  10. Shapes Shapes can be used to create a decorative touch to a picture. Click on the Shape Tool in the Toolbox. Select preferred shape. Drag and drop on picture. Use Text Box to add text if wanted. Back to Manipulation Back to Main Menu

  11. Clone Stamp Tool The Clone Stamp Tool is used to simultaneously copy portions of a photo onto a specific area. Click on the Clone Stamp Tool in the Toolbox. Alt+Click to select desired area. Click and hold to clone the selected portion. Back to Manipulation Back to Main Menu

  12. Opacity Opacity changes the transparency of a photo. The Opacity scale is located on the lower right-hand toolbox. Back to Manipulation Back to Main Menu

  13. This concludes Adobe Photoshop 101. For more information or to review more advanced presentations, visit www.odu.edu/adobephotoshop101/info.html or email Professor John Blandin at blandinj@odu.edu

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