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Word Processing. create and edit documents of various types ... 3.2 Word processing. 3.2.3 Summary of Word processing. A Word Processing software allows ...
Slide 1:Chapter 3 Integrated Use of Application Software
3.1 Introduction to Common Application software 49 3.2 Word Processing Software 53 3.3 Spreadsheet Software 56 3.4 Database Software 60 3.5 Integrated Use of Application Software 64
Slide 2:3.1 Introduction to Common Application Software
Application software (or Applications) Programs that perform tasks for users General-purpose programs designed to process and present information. Common application software Word processing (Microsoft Word) Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) Database (Microsoft Access) Presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint) Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 3:3.1.1 Application Software-Purposes
Word Processing create and edit documents of various types Spreadsheet organize data in a table perform calculation produce charts of various type Database Management organize data in hierarchical structure accept queries and produce report in table form Presentation create slides that include multimedia elements 3.1 Intro to Common Applications
Slide 4:3.1.2 Examples of Applications
Word processing Teachers, Students , Officers , Secretaries , Writers Spreadsheet Accountants , Sales executives , Employers , Teachers , Scientists Database Management Government Schools , Libraries , Bus companies , Some Web sites Presentation Business people , Teachers , Students , Store managers 3.1 Intro to Common Applications
Slide 5:3.1.3 Applications- Common Features
1. Save and Save As 2. Print and Export 3. Document Format 4. Clipboard 5. Find/Replace 3.1 Intro to Common Applications
Slide 6: Common Features3.1.3.1 Save and Save As
Saving a file Copy data from memory to Secondary storage e.g. hard disk. Data are temporarily hold in the memory Lost if the application is quitted without saving Use proper filename Store in proper directory NOT in the same directory as the software. Will overwrite the previous data file Renaming the old file Moving it to floppy drive or different directory Use Save...As command to use a different filename 3.1.3 Common Features
Slide 7: Common Features3.1.3.2 Print and Export
Printing Hardcopy Printed on paper Exporting Softcopy Stored / transmitted in Electronic Form Three Forms: 1. Electronic signals e.g. transmitted to a remote fax machine 2. HTML file to be used as a Web page 3. PDF (Portable Document Format) file 3.1.3 Common Features
Slide 8: Common Features3.1.3.3 Formatting
Character formatting specify colour, typeface, point size, and font style; Point size measures the size of characters; Font style could be bold, italics, underlined etc. Paragraph format specify line spacing, justification, number of columns, indentation etc. Page formatting specify page size, page orientation, margins, header and footer. 3.1.3 Common Features
Slide 9: Common Features3.1.3.4 Clipboard
Part of the memory Advantage: 1. Save effort in repeating the same input 2. Move data from one place to another 3. Transfer data from between applications Features Flexible in size Content can be overwritten, cannot be undone. 3.1.3 Common Features
Slide 10: Common Features3.1.3.5 Find / Replace
Find command Search through a data file for a keyword. Choose whether a search is case sensitive or not Case sensitive: "abc" is different from "ABC" Replace Command Replace the targeted text with new text Use with Find 3.1.3 Common Features
Slide 11:3.2 Word Processing Software
3.2.1 Features in a Word Document 3.2.2 Mail merge 3.2.3 Summary Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 12:3.2.1 Features in Word document
1. Column 2. Headline 3. Text Box 4. Bulleted List 3.2 Word processing 5. Graphics and Objects 6. Tables 7. Page Header and Footer 8. Footnote Sample (Portrait) Sample (Landscape)
Slide 13:3.2.2 Mail merge
Mail merge produces letters with same contents but different addresses involves a source document with field names a table of records with matching fields Table can be a table in another word document a spreadsheet, or a database table 3.2 Word processing
Slide 14:3.2.3 Summary of Word processing
A Word Processing software allows you to type and correct text, delete text, move text find and replace text check spelling and grammar use Thesaurus to use alternative words set text, paragraph and page formatting insert pictures and tables produce mail merge create indexes and table of contents 3.2 Word processing
Slide 15:3.3 Spreadsheet Software
3.3.1 Simple formula in Spreadsheet 3.3.2 Relative and absolute addresses 3.3.3 Using Simple Functions 3.3.4 Recalculation 3.3.5 Charting Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 16:3.3.1 Simple formula in Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet A collection of rows and columns of cells in the form of a table. Cell address consists of: row name and column name e.g. F8 refers to the cell located at column F row 8 The formula in cell E3 is "=B3-C3-D3 Calculating the profit for January 3.3 Spreadsheet Sample Spreadsheet
Slide 17:3.3.2 Relative and Absolute addresses (1)
Relative address When a formula is pasted, it would change the relative cell addresses logically For example, when the formula =B3-C3-D3 in E3 is copied and pasted to E4, the new formula would be =B4-C4-D4 B3, C3 and D3 are relative addresses Sample Spreadsheet 3.3 Spreadsheet
Slide 18:3.3.2 Relative and Absolute addresses (2)
Absolute address e.g. $B$8. When a formula is copied, absolute address remains unchanged Suppose D3 stores "=B3-C3-$B$8. When copied to D4, the formula is "=B4-C4-$B$8. B$8 is used in copying cells vertically $B8 is used in copying cells horizontally Sample Spreadsheet 3.3 Spreadsheet
Slide 19:3.3.3 Using Simple Functions
Function SUM() : Finding sum of cells AVERAGE(): Finding the average of cells COUNT(): Counting the number of cells MAX(): Finding the maximum value MIN(): Finding the minimum value e.g. =SUM(D3:D6) D3:D6 represents a range of cells from D3 to D6 inclusively. Sample Spreadsheet 3.3 Spreadsheet
Slide 20:3.3.4 Recalculation
Recalculation When the data in a cell is changed, the rest of the worksheet will be updated automatically. Spreadsheets are useful in answering whatif questions. Sample Spreadsheet 3.3 Spreadsheet
Slide 21:3.3.5 Charting
Types of Charts Line charts Bar charts Pie charts etc. Method: Chart Wizard Sample Spreadsheet 3.3 Spreadsheet
Slide 22:3.4 Database Software
3.4.1 Database Design 3.4.2 Getting information from a Database 3.4.3 Advanced Concept 3.4.4 Advanced Queries Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 23:3.4.1 ?????
You will create Database school Filename "school.mdb The database will include Table student Key field student_id 3.4 Database
Slide 24:3.4.2 Getting information from a Database
Query to get information from a database using simple SQL (structured query language) e.g. SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY class, class_no; will display all the records from the table student in order of class and class_no. (*) means to display all the available fields 3.4 Database
Slide 25:3.4.3 Advanced Concept
Avoiding data redundancy For example, class teacher and room should NOT be included in the table student. The problems of Data Redundancy 1. The repeating data takes up extra space. 2. It makes updating difficult To solve the problem Set up another table class with key field class, which is linked to the table student 3.4 Database
Slide 26:3.4.4 Advanced Query
The following SQL instruction will retrieve information from the two tables: SELECT name, student.class, class_tchr FROM student, class WHERE student.class = class.class ORDER BY student.class, class_no; It will display the name, class and name of class_tchr for all the students, in order of class and class_no 3.4 Database
Slide 27:3.5 Integrated Use of Application Software
For instance, the Analysis of a Survey may include both text and charts to illustrate the result. A spreadsheet software is used to perform the calculation and create the charts A word processing package should be used to prepare the report. The integration can be done by copy-and-paste data between applications Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 28:Activity 1 Spreadsheet in a word Document
Write a report about the survey, including A title Relevant information Tables imported from a spreadsheet Open Microsoft Word and type the following: a. Title of the report b. School, class, date of report, name of members c. Result of survey in table form Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 29:Activity 2 Charts in a presentation slide
Produce presentation slides about the survey. Each slide shows one statistical result in the form of charts. Open MS PowerPoint and create two slides with: a. Title for the statistical result b. Result of survey in the form of charts and tables Open MS Excel and produce appropriate charts Copy the chart onto your presentation slide Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW
Slide 30:Activity 3 Mail merge
Using mail merge, produce letters with the same content but different addresses. Use MS Access to create Database address with table recipient Start Mail merge ... to include Data source from the database address Insert the fields of table recipient in appropriate position Click Merge to new document button to produce form letters Chapter 3 Integrated Use of ASW