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Les Chansons de Noël. To use this presentation: Click on the links below to go to the songs. Click on the words for each song to hear it. Click on the shooting stars in the corners to take you forwards and back Click on the flags to see a rough translation. Mon Beau Sapin. Douce Nuit.
Les Chansons de Noël • To use this presentation: • Click on the links below to go to the songs. • Click on the words for each song to hear it. • Click on the shooting stars in the corners to take you forwards and back • Click on the flags to see a rough translation.. Mon Beau Sapin Douce Nuit Vive le Vent Cliquez ici pour découvrir encore des chansons de Noël
Mon Beau Sapin Mon beau sapin, roi des forêts Que j'aime ta verdure Quand par l'hiver, bois et guérets Sont dépouillés de leurs attraits Mon beau sapin, roi des forêts Tu gardes ta parure
My beautiful pine tree My beautiful pine tree, King of the forests, How I love your green. When winter comes Woods and fields Are stripped Of their attractions. My beautiful tree, King of the forests, How I love your finery
Douce Nuit Douce nuit, sainte nuit. Dans les cieux, l’astre luit. Le mystère annoncé s’accomplit. Cet enfant sur la paille endormit. C’est l’amour infini. C’est l’amour infini.
Gentle night, holy night! In the skies a star shines. The miracle we heard of has come to be. The baby is asleep in the straw. Infinite love. Infinite love.
Vive le vent Vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver qui s'en va sifflant, soufflant dans les grands sapins verts. Vive le temps, vive le temps, vive le temps d'hiver boules de neige et jour de l'an et bonne année grand-mère.
Live the wind! Live the wind, live the wind! Live the winter wind That whistles and blows in the big green fir trees. Live the time, live the time, Live the time of winter snowballs, New Year’s Day And Happy New Year, Grandma.
Encore des Chansons de Noël • For more French carols, click on these links. • French carols, most with sung audio (all in French) • About.com: American site with words and rough translations for many carols, some tunes • French site with Christmas stories and songs, with tunes For a rough translation of French sites, click here.