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LHC Physics - Experiments. M.Bosman IFAE-Barcelona. Baeza – February 4-8, 2008. Yesterday’s outline. Why a Large Hadron Collider? Accelerator challenge Detector concepts and performance Before the first data With the first data.
LHC Physics - Experiments M.Bosman IFAE-Barcelona Baeza – February 4-8, 2008 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Yesterday’s outline • Why a Large Hadron Collider? • Accelerator challenge • Detector concepts and performance • Before the first data • With the first data M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
With the very first collision data ( 100 pb-1) at 14 TeV • We will commission/calibrate the detector in situ in the LHC environment, tune the software tools (simulation, reconstruction, etc.) • Perform first physics measurements of Standard Model processes: e.g. cross-sections for W, Z, top, QCD jets with 10-30% precision; PDF; etc. start to constrain theory and Monte Carlo generators • Maybe some early discovery? More luminosity (at least 1 fb-1) will be needed to: • Precise SM physics • Put on firmer grounds any deviations and excesses • clear signatures of new physics • understand its nature and measure parameters M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
The path toward higher and higher luminosity J.Wenninger CERN-FNAL HC School June 2007 Year ? (present schedule) 2008 2009 2009-2010 > 2010 Ldt ? (my guess)up to 100 pb-1 1-few fb-1 O(10 fb-1) O(100 fb-1) Note: at regime, ~ 6x106 s of pp physics running per year ~ 0.6 fb-1 /year if L= 1032 ~ 6 fb-1 /year if L= 1033 ~ 60 fb-1 /year if L= 1034 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Today’s outline • Searching for SUSY and measuring properties • Searching for the Higgs and measuring properties • Some examples of other Beyond the Standard Model physics M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
SUSY Model Framework Minimal SuperSymmetric Extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) contains > 105 free parameters Consider specific well-motivated model framework in which generic signatures can be studied: Often assume SUSY broken by gravitational interactions mSUGRA/CMSSMframework unified masses and couplings at the GUT scale 5 free parameters (m0, m1/2, A0, tan(), sgn()). R-Parity assumed to be conserved. Inclusive studies : scan parameter space Exclusive studies: use benchmark points in mSUGRA M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
“focus point” Allowed 2 band a(exp)– a(e+e– SM) “Higgs funnel” Excluded by direct searches dark matter • From direct accelerator searches “low mass point” “bulk region” • From indirect accelerator searches “coannihilation point” • From cosmology SUSY Model Framework • Choose a few “characteristic” points • At the limit of experimental exclusion (SU4) • “Typical” point (SU3, light LSP and sfermions) • Special-feature points (SU1, SU2, SU6) 0 large Higgsino fraction J. Ellis et al, 2006 SU2 SU2 • in the allowed regions • Since mSUGRA has only 5 parameters, it is already well constrained from data ! m(LSP) ~ ½m(A,H) m0 (GeV) SU6 SU6 m(LSP) ~ m(NLSP) SU4 SU4 SU3 SU3 no neutral LSP SU1 SU1 m½ (GeV) t-channel for light sleptons M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Can we discoverSupersymmetry ? For expect 10 evts/day at L=1032 • If it is at the TeV scale, it should be found “quickly” …. • large (strong) cross-section for • spectacular signatures (many jets, leptons, missing ET) Tevatron 95% C.L. reach: up to ~400 GeV LHC reach for gluino mass Jets + ETmiss Ldt Discovery of well understood data (95% C.L. exclusion) 0.1-1 fb-1 (2009) ~1.1 TeV (1.5 TeV) 1 fb-1(2009-2010) ~1.7 TeV (2.2 TeV) 300 fb-1 (ultimate) up to ~ 3 TeV 100 pb-1 m ~ 700 GeV m ~ 1 TeV Hints with only 100 pb-1 up to m~1 TeV, but understanding backgrounds requires ~1 fb-1 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Crucial to understand ETmiss SM ETmiss sources Z + n jets W l + n jets W + (n-1) jets ( fakes jet) Use Z l+l- + n jets (e or ) as control sample Tag leptonic Z and use to validate MC / estimate ETmiss from pT(Z) & pT(l) Alternatively tag W l + n jets and replace lepton with n (0l): higher stats biased by presence of SUSY (Zll) ATLAS Preliminary (Wln) ATLAS Preliminary M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Other SUSY useful signatures • Jets + 0 leptons + ETmiss • Jets + 2 leptons + ETmiss ATLAS „Bulk“ point Meff (GeV)= ETmiss+ pT,1+ pT,2+ pT,3+ pT,4 4 Jets with PT>50 GeV, PTjet1 >100 GeV ETmiss > max(100 GeV, 0.2Meff ) Transverse sphericity ST>0.2 to reduce dijet background (ETmiss, Jet1-3) > 0.4 Two isolated leptons (e/m) with PT>20 GeV Transverse mass MT(l, ETmiss) > 100 GeV to reduce W+jet background HP Beck - LHEP Bern M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza Standard Model and Beyond in the LHC Era Valparaiso, January 7-12 2008, Chile 10
Once SUSY has been discovered, measure it ! • Inclusive SUSY discovery will provide indications about underlying scenario: • SUSY mass scale and cross section • R-parity (ET,miss spectrum), Gauge-mediated SB (hard ’s, NLSP’s, long-lived gluinos), large tan(’s) • However, fundamental SUSY parameters (masses, couplings, spins, …) can only be inferred from direct measurements of sparticle properties • Exclusivereconstruction of SUSY final states is possible: • Select final state signatures that identify exclusive decay chains (e.g., 2 or 3 final state leptons) • Fit, e.g., masses of particles in decay chain • Remarks: • R-parity conservation: at least two LSP’s in event no direct mass peaks, but kinematic “endpoints” • These endpoints depend on the masses of the involved particles • When cascade of at least 3 consecutive two-body decays occurred full kinematics accessible M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Di-lepton kinematic endpoint: leptons have same flavour ! (use for background fighting) Subtracting ′ background di-lepton mass (GeV) di-lepton mass (GeV) Exclusive Reconstruction: An Example • Let’s look again at the process: 3 two-body decays ! “edge” of kinematic endpoint M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Theoretical kinematic endpoint of the q+–system: Choose jet that minimisesmq to determine endpoint Choose jet that maximisesmq to determine threshold endpoint fit threshold fit … Also Reconstructing the Jet • We can also use jets from: 3 two-body decays ! • One can also look into the corresponding q endpoints and thresholds • In total 6 distributions can be fit to determine the corresponding sparticle masses • An ATLAS study for 100 fb–1 finds mass precisions of 12% (1), 6% (2), 9% (R~), 3% (qR~) • Thorough experimental and theoretical work will be necessary to control the backgrounds from other jet-lepton(-lepton) combinations in the event and initial state radiation of jets M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
To reject combinatorial background, use only b jets ATLAS estimate for 300 fb–1, with two peaks for the mass eigenstates b1 and b2 ATLAS estimate for 300 fb–1, with simulated mgluino = 588 GeV, giving (mgluino) of O(10 GeV) … Reconstructing sbottom and gluino Masses • Let’s look again at the full decay chain: Close to the +–endpoint, the 2 (~in rest) has residual momentum: The neutralino masses are known from the preceding analysis 2 4-vector is known • The gluino and sbottom masses are then obtained from the bb2 and b2 invariant masses, respectively • The sbottom mass is then best obtained from mass difference (reduces errors) • One can do better by using all events • (not only those at +–endpoint) together • with a global fit to full decay kinematics M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
spin-0 spin- ½ mostly bino phase space If we Discovered Something… is it SUSY ? (*) • If observed, the signatures discussed so far provide strong hints for SUSY • To verify that the new fields are indeed the SM Superpartners measure their spins • Not easy at LHC, but (hopefully) possible “far” lepton “near” lepton Decay chain sensitive to fermionic character of 2 • Invariant mass of quark-lepton system depends on the polarization of neutralino quark near lepton Invariant mass of q system strongly charge-dependent θ* (at rest) • Problem: this effect is inverted for anti-squark decay ! (*) For example, UED KK signals with WIMP LKPs could fool us ! M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Residual charge asymmetry in invariant mass Residual mass distributions after detector simulation 150 fb–1 squark decay anti-squark decay spin-½ spin-0 parton-level distributions spin-½ (parton level) Measuring the 2 Spin • Experimental Problems: • Cannot distinguish “near” from “far” lepton • Cannot distinguish quark from anti-quark jet • Plot mq for both leptons • Fortunately: LHC produces ~2x more squarks than anti-squarks • To 1) : Some residual asymmetry left from boost of slepton in the 2 rest frame • see quark-lepton(far) invariant mass (parton-level): • Measure the asymmetry: M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Constraining the MSSM Parameter Space • SUSY fits to observables usually work in particular scenario (mSUGRA, GMSB, …) • Mass differences (edges), sbottom & gluino masses can be measured, LSP less accurate • But: there are ambiguities on decay chain in the kinematic edge results • Cross sections versus mass scale can be used as additional information • Relative abundance of OSSF, OSOF, SSSF, SSOF lepton pairs model dependent • But: decay chains with leptons may simply not exist In general: Lester-Parker-White hep-ph/0508143 • Use statistical tricks to solve multi-parameter problem (Markov chains) • One can try to “inverse” the map of (1808) LHC signatures to (15 dim.) theory parameter space Arkani-Hamed et al. hep-ph/0512190 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
or Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking ? • Messenger scale MmMPl, SUSY breaking scale Fm (1010 GeV)2 • Very light gravitino ( 1 GeV) is LSP • Signatures determined by NLSP: either neutralino or slepton … • and by Cgrav parameter determining lifetime of NLSP Distinguish 4 cases: M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Some additional remarks about SUSY • Yet, another possible scenario: SUSY could also break R-parity (The signature could be ’s in final state from 0 ~ decays) etc... Proceed SUSY search as model-independently as possible Check for anomalies: ’s, ’s, strange t ’s • We may about learn about SUSY from the Higgs sector, seelater • Signals due to other phenomena could look like SUSY M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Searching for the Higgs M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
2006 2003 K factors included Both LHC experiments have been designed to discover a SM Higgs on all the expected mass range. Goal achievable after a few years of running at low L. More than one channel available over most of the mass range. Recently, most of the studies have been focused on the discovery of a light Higgs (MH<200 GeV) during the initial lower luminosity period (L=1033 cm-2 s-1). This is not the easiest region at LHC: for higher masses, the HZZ4l represents the golden channel (at least up to 500-600 GeV) M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Best strategy to search for the Higgs ? A. Djouadi “Compromise” between various factors: production mechanism, decay mode, trigger, background levels. In general final states with leptons or photons in the final state are easier to handle at the LHC. M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Inclusive analysis Do not use any feature of the production mechanism. The gluon-gluon fusion channel has the highest rate. The gluon-gluon fusion process is dominated by top and bottom quark loops. The large size of the top Yukawa coupling and of the gluon density functions explains the high production rate for this process. One makes less assumptions than in other search strategies. However to reduce the backgrounds need to have a clean final state with leptons or photons. Decay channels accessibles: H, HZZ(*), HWW(*) 24 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
H→γγ Need good photon ID to reduce g+jet and jet+jet backgrounds well below the irreducible one: R~103for eg≈80%. The background of isolated high PTp0 is particularly dangerous. Make use of: Photon isolation (with tracker and calorimeter) Study of shower shapes in calorimeter Photon conversion recovery: about 50% g convert before the calorimeter in the tracker material (on average 1 X0). Need to be reconstructed using tracking information ATLAS Signal: Simplest analysis: count events in mass windows. This gives a S6 for 30 fb-1 at MH=130 GeV Level of background will be known from data. A 10-15% sys error from the fit to the background has been estimated. 25 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
H→γγ The significance can be increased (~30-40%) including additional handles: Builds a likelihood including also gg PT (background has softer spectrum and less pronounced rise at low PT) cosq*, the photon decay angle in the H rest frame with respect to the H flight direction in the lab rest frame (the background distribution is somewhat enhanced for collinear photons) ATLAS: Uses 6 variables: isolation of each photon, ETi/Mgg, |h1-h2|, PLgg (ETi and hi are the transverse energy and pseudorapidity of i-th g) CMS: CMS 26 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
H→ZZ*→4l Features: Clean channel: can see peak over background; low statistic for MH<130 GeV and MH~170 GeV. Can use 4e, 4m, 2e2m. Trigger: High PT single and dilepton triggers Irreducible: qq,gg→ZZ*/g*4l Reducible: Zbb→4l, tt→4l Backgrounds: Analysis: Need reconstruction of relatively low PTelectrons and muons Need good electron and muon energy resolution (1-2%); recover brems effects for electrons Reducible background is handled via lepton isolation (tracking and calorimeter) and impact parameter cuts Background level can be estimated from sidebands 27 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
CMS study • Uncertainty includes: • Stat error on the estimation of the background from side bands (from 2 % to 13% for MH<200 GeV/c) • Theory uncertainty on the bkg shape (0.5% to 4.5%) MH=200 GeV MH=140 GeV 28 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
H→WW*→2l2ν Particularly interesting for 2MW<MH<2MZ (but its sensitivity extends also to lower masses) where all other decay modes are suppressed. Signature is 2m, 2e, em + ETmiss. However no mass peak and high background that needs to be well understood. Features: Trigger: High PT dilepton and single lepton triggers Continuum WW, WZ, ZZ (including gg→WW) tt production and single top production tWb also: Z, bb, W+jets Backgrounds: Select events with exactly two isolated (tracking and calorimeter) opposite sign primary leptons and ETmiss. Apply a jet veto in the event. Cut also on small dilepton mass and opening angle. Analysis: 29 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
CMS study • Estimated background uncertainties: • tt±16% • WW ±17% • Wt ± 22% • gg→ WW ± 30% (from control samples) (from theory) 30 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Vector Boson Fusion Features: Originally studied for the medium-high mass range (MH>300 GeV), this process has been found useful also in the low mass range. Lower rate than gluon-gluon fusion but clear signature. Signature: Two distinct signatures: Two forward “tag” jets (large h separation with high-pT) with large Mjj No jet activity in the central region (between the two tag jets): jet veto 31 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Vector Boson Fusion Experimental issues: Good efficiency for the reconstruction of forward jet is required. There are also uncertainties on the robustness of the jet veto with respect to radiation in the underlying event and to the presence of pile-up. So far VBF channels have been studied at low luminosity only. ATLAS Channels: qqH qq qqH qqWW(*)with WW(*) ln ln and ln jj qqH qq withtt lnnlnn, lnnhadand had had 32 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
qqH→qq→qq l had Experimental issues: Need good ETmiss resolution Need identification of hadronic t’s In the end H mass resolution ≈9%. Dominant background: Z+jets with Z→tt (dangerous for low Higgs masses) Control samples for the background: Z+jets with Z→ee, Z→mm For 30 fb-1, at MH=135 GeV, expect about 8 signal events with a significance of about 4 (CMS) CMS 33 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Other search channels Associated productions pp → WH, ZH, ttH with W → ln, Z → ll or Z → nn Low rates. Leptons from W, Z and t→Wb→lnb can provide trigger and discrimination from background. Provide useful channels with higher integrated luminosity (~100 fb-1). 34 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Summary 2003 2006 K factors included M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Combining ATLAS + CMS For mH>140 GeV an accumulated statistics of order ~1 fb−1 might be sufficient For low mass higgs (< 140 GeV) the situation is more complex: around 5 fb-1 are needed and several channels need to be combined In both cases it is assumed that the detectors and the data are well understood. 36 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Measurement of Higgs properties Mass measurement Best channels for this measurement are H→gg and at higher masses H→4l. CMS estimates a precision <0.3 % up to 350 GeV (stat error only) with 30 fb-1 ATLAS estimated about 0.1 % up to 400 GeV with 300 fb-1 including sys errors. The precision will be limited by the uncertainty on the lepton and photon energy scale, which is expected to be at the level of 0.1% 37 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Higgs properties To define Higgs properties (mass, coupling, spin) more luminosity than ~30 fb-1 is needed (a few examples given below) • Higgs spin (CP):In the SM, H has JPC=0++ • If we observe the process ggH or H then spin 1 is excluded • For MH>200 GeV, study spin/CP from HZZ4l • Exclusion can be deduced from and distributions Atlas-sn-2003-025 Θ polar angle of the decay leptons relative to the Z Φ angle between the decay plane of the two Zs M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Atlas note phys-2003-030 Higgs properties Higgs couplings:Concentrate on low mH scenario and define 3 steps: 1st step: assume spin 0 and measure x BR in different channels 2nd step: assume only one H and measure the ratio of BRs Relative error for the measurement of rates x BR Relative error for the measurement of relative BR 3rd step: assume no new particles on the loop, no strong coupling to light fermions and express rates and BR as a function of 5 couplings gw,gZ,gtop,gb,g like for example: (VBF): aWF.gW2+aZF.gZ2 BR(): (b1.gW2 – b2.gtop2)/H Relative error for the measurement of relative couplings M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
MSSM Higgs searches/ overall discovery potential (300 fb-1) Some remarks from this plot • In the whole parameter space • at least 1 Higgs boson is observable • in some parts >1 Higgs • bosons observable • But large area in which only one • Higgs boson observable Basic question: Could we distinguish between SM and MSSM Higgs sector - e.g via rate measurements? Result assuming no HSUSY - On going studies to include Susy decays of Higgs bosons e.g H±χ ±1,2χ01,2,3,43l+ETmiss M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
MSSM Higgs searches/ distinguish between SM and MSSM Higgs sector Basic question: Could we distinguish between SM and MSSM Higgs sector (e.g via rate measurements?) Method: - Looking at VBF channels (30 fb-1) and estimate the sensitivity from rate (R) measurements - Compare expected rate R in MSSM with prediction from SM exp = expected error on the ratio in the particular MSSM parameter space Assuming knowing Mh mass precisely No systematic errors included No systematic errors included (study ongoing) M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Conclusion on Higgs search • The LHC experiments are well set up to explore the existence of a Standard Model or MSSM Higgs bosons • The full Standard Model mass range and the full MSSM parameter space can be covered (CP-conserving models) • in addition: important parameter measurements (mass, spin, ratio of couplings) can be performed, vector boson fusion channels are important • In general, experiments are well prepared for unexpected scenarios • more difficult: • invisible Higgs boson decays or NMSSM models • measurement of Higgs boson self coupling M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Beyond Standard Model Shopping Corner • not complete - your favorite may not be mentioned here... • SuperSymmetry • sparticles, charginos, neutralinos, gravitino • Little Higgs SU(5) • extra gauge bosons ZH, WH, AH, heavyTop quark (T), 5 Higgs 0, • cure hierarchy problem without SUSY • Left-Right Symmetric models SU(3)LSU(2)RSU(2)L U(1)B-L • extra gauge bosons W´ , Z´ • Dynamical Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking (Higgs-less models) • Technicolor techni-pion pT, techni-rho rT, techni-omega wT,... • Top Condensate (Topcolour Z´, Topgluon gt) • Extra Dimensions • Kaluza Klein states of particles and gravitons • micro black holes • GUT´s e.g. exceptional group E6 or SO(10) or, ... to embed SM group • extra gauge bosons W´ , Z´ • Diquarks, .... • Heavy quarks Q, heavy leptons L, heavy RH Neutrinos N • Many of these new states predicted to be produced with LHC • Looking for new heavy state resonances with ATLAS
Large Extra Dimensions (ADD) • The most direct manifestation of EDs would be the presence of KK gravitons: GKK • Tiny graviton coupling: • MPl replaced by new fundamental scale MD in 4+d dimensions • (partonic) cross section: ~ (√s / MD2)d can be macroscopic • The produced gravitons do not interact in detector • Signature: mono-jet or high-ET + ET,miss, no lepton ( veto) 100 fb-1 • ET,miss distribution for signal for varying MD and d, and for the dominant background • Can probe ED up to MD ≈ 9 TeV with 100 fb-1 • No sensitivity to larger scales or EDs at LHC • In case of a discovery, it will be difficult to extract both MD and d ETmiss (GeV) ATL-SN-2001-005 HP Beck - LHEP Bern M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza Standard Model and Beyond in the LHC Era Valparaiso, January 7-12 2008, Chile 44
Large Extra Dimensions (ADD) • Virtual gravitons can change the Drell-Yan cross section: pp X + +–, leading to large +–, invariant mass tails Allanach et al JHEP12(2002)039 mG up to 2080 GeV for k/MPl=0.01 at 5 σ after 100 fb-1 HP Beck - LHEP Bern M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza Standard Model and Beyond in the LHC Era Valparaiso, January 7-12 2008, Chile 45
Entering Trans-Planck Scales: Black Holes Strong gravity in extra dimensions allows black hole production at colliders Cross section BH ~ r2, where r is Schwarzschild radius in 4+d dimensions With MD ~ 2–3 TeV BH ~ O(pb) fast discovery for MBH < 4 TeV, d = 2-6 Fast ( ~10–27 s) thermal decay via Hawking radiation, TH ~ MD·(MD/MBH)1/(d+1) It may be possible to determine from the observed final state energy spectrum and the BH cross section the characteristic Hawking temperature TH of the BH TH can then be related to the mass of the BH (through r) and the number of EDs Black hole universally and spherically evaporating into leptons, photons and jets in ATLAS. Final state multiplicity increases with MBH M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
Black Hole Event in ATLAS HP Beck - LHEP Bern M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza Standard Model and Beyond in the LHC Era Valparaiso, January 7-12 2008, Chile 47
LHC vs time: a (wild) guess ? ? L=1035 3/10/2014 M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza 48
Final remark • Experimentalists cannot afford to have theoretical prejudice. • Because most new-physics signatures are ambiguous • Only the combination of observations and precision measurements can guide us to the fundamental theory M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza
BACK-UP SLIDES M.Bosman LHC Experiments Winter Meeting 08 - Baeza