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Voice search has turned out to be probably the most effortless approach to order food online, adding items to the cart, and finding local businesses around. The graph is improving as time passes and we see 2020 dominated by the smart devices and voice search.
THE OUTLINE According to Google, 20% of all searches are voice. 31% population uses voice tech at least once a week. 50%ofallonlinesearcheswillbevoice-basedby2020. 30%ofallwebbrowsingsessionswillbedonewithoutascreenby 2020. 55%ofhouseholdsareexpectedtoownsmartspeakerdevicesby 2022. Playingmusicisthemostpopularuseofsmartspeakerscurrently. Almost 20% of all voice search queries are triggered by just 25 keywords. Globalvoicecommerceisexpectedtobeworth$40Bby2022.
ParasTechnologies 35% of smartphone users in the world have never used voice tech, eventhough most would consider using it in the future. 2outof5adultsalreadyusevoice search oncedaily. 1 31% of smartphone users worldwide use voice tech atleast once aweek. (Source: Statista, LocationWorld).
ParasTechnologies The total voice searching user base among US adults is42.7%. 52% of smartphone owners in the US report using voice assistantsontheirmobiledevicesequivalentto41.4%of the total US population. Similarly, 19.7% of the US populationhasaccesstosmartspeakers. 1.3% of US consumers with access to a smart speaker do not own a smartphone, making the total voice assistant userbaseintheUSequalto42.7%ofthetotalpopulation. (Source:Voicebot) 2
VOICE SEARCH - BYGOOGLE Playing music (82%) is the most popular use of smart speakerscurrently.
ParasTechnologies 3 Google’s voice assistant is now available on more than 400million devices. Voice activated Google search is now availableondeviceslikeGoogleHome, Android phones and tablets, iPhones, headphones, TVs, watches, andmore. (Source: Google, TechCrunch,Location World)
ParasTechnologies 4... VoiceSearch Uses 51% 51% of consumers use voice search toresearch restaurants. 2022 Voice commerce is expected to jump to$40B 11.5% of smart speaker owners in the US makepurchases by voice everymonth. (Source:CapTech Consulting) (Source:BrightLocal) (Source:Voicebot)
ParasTechnologies 5...SMARTSPEAKER OWNERSSAY % of smartspeaker owners findtheir intelligent assistants to be useful. % ofsmartspeaker owners say it feels natural talking to these devices. % of consumers use voice search when theirhands or vision is occupied.
ParasTechnologies 75% ofsmartspeakerusersperformlocal voice searches at leastweekly. (Source:BrightLocal) 52% of smart speaker ownersareinterested inreceivinginfoaboutdeals,sales,and promotions frombrands. (Source:Google)
13%todayislikelytobedrivenmainlyby three techbehemoths: 55% Cortana(2%). Amazon,85%customersrelyingon Amazon’ssuggestions,andavast majorityofordersinareaslikegrocery being made on theplatform. (Source: OC&C StrategyConsultants) 2019
ParasTeachnologies 6 Half of all onlinesearches will be voice-based by 2020. One of the most widely-quoted figuresinrelationtovoicesearch, attributed to the media analytics firmComscore,saysthatby2020, 50 % of all searches will be voice searches. (Source:Comscore)
2020-2022 30% ofallwebbrowsingsessionswillbe done withouta screen by 2020 55% ofhouseholdsareexpectedtoown smart speaker devicesby 2022. Global voicecommerce is expected tobeworth$40Bby2022.
THANKSFORYOURTIME WEBSITE https://parastechnologies.com/ E MA IL ADDRESS harish@parasetchnologies.com PH O NE NUMBER +919915090599 Ref: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2018/04/10/voice-search-statistics-2018 https://99firms.com/blog/voice-search-statistics/