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Last year, a total of S$132 million was distributed to small businesses in the sectors most affected by safe management measures, such as food and beverage, retail, tourism, and hospitality.<br><br>SINGAPORE: More than 40,000 small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic received up to S$10,000 in government grants last week to help them get back on their feet.<br><br>According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), a total of S$132 million was disbursed to small businesses in sectors most affected by safe management measures through t
More Than 40,000 Small Businesses Affected By COVID-19 Restrictions ReceivedS$132MillionInSingapore Lastyear,atotalof S$132millionwasdistributedtosmallbusinesses in the sectors most affected by safe management measures, such as foodandbeverage,retail,tourism,andhospitality. SINGAPORE: More than 40,000 small businesses affected by the COVID-19pandemicreceivedupto S$10,000ingovernmentgrants lastweektohelpthemgetbackontheirfeet.
AccordingtotheMinistryofTrade andIndustry(MTI)andtheInland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), a total of S$132 million was disbursed to small businesses in sectors most affected by safe management measures through the Small Business Recovery Grant (SBRG)lastyear(Jun27). Thesecompaniesincludethoseinthefoodandbeverage,retail, tourism,andhospitalityindustries. The grant, which provides one-time cash assistance to businesses, wasannouncedaspartofthe S$500millionsetasidefortheJobsand BusinessSupportPackageinBudget2022. AccordingtoMTI,eligiblebusinessesreceivedS$1,000 foreach Singapore citizen or permanent resident employee who made mandatory Central Provident Fund contributionsand worked betweenNovember1,2021andDecember31,2021. According to the ministry, this was limited to S$10,000 per firm. AccordingtoMTI,eligiblesoleproprietorships,partnerships,as well
as hawkers, market, and coffee shop stallholders licenced by the SingaporeFoodAgency,receiveda S$1,000 flatpayoutevenifthey didnotemployany workers duringthisperiod. BusinessownerscanchecktheireligibilityfortheSBRGatQuickHR