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What is HRIS?

What precisely is HRIS? HRIS stands for Human Resource Information System. It is a software solution for storing, managing, and processing detailed employee information and human resources policies and procedures.

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What is HRIS?

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  1. WhatisHRIS? A Human Resource Information System(HRIS) is an information system that stores, manages, and processes detailed employee information. Additionally, it recordsandintegrateshumanresourcepoliciesandprocedures.

  2. HRIS also provides a centralized platform for processing various personnel transactions such as payroll processing, benefits management, travel authorizations,andleavemanagement. It is used by organizations to manage the entire employment life cycle – from recruitment to retirement of employees. This includes managing employee data such as payroll, performance reviews, benefits administration, employee self- serviceportal,etc. Someofthekey functionsofan HRISare: • To provide a structured way of storing employee information like personaldetails,education,skills,etc. • Tomanageemployeerecordsincludingtheiremploymenthistory,any

  3. disciplinaryactiontakenagainstthem,andtheircontactdetails. • Tomanageallthecompany'semployeesinoneplace,thussavingtime andmoney. • To provide employees with an easy way to access their own records at anytimefromanywhereinthe world usinganydevicethathasinternet connectivity. • WhydoyouneedanHRIS? ThebiggestadvantageofhavinganHRISsolutionis that ithelpsyoukeep track of all your employees’ records in one place. It also allows you to have complete transparency overyourworkforce. • Recruitment process: You can use an automated system that reduces the time spent on managing recruitment processes like posting job vacancy announcements,schedulinginterviews,etc.Thiswillhelpyousave

  4. moneyandimproveefficiencyascomparedtomanualmethodsusedby mostorganizationstoday. Learnmoreabouttheapplicanttrackingsystem • Employee Data Management: The system stores all information related to employees like their contact details, personal information like address, etc.,aswellastheirprofessionalqualificationsandskillsthatcanbeused • forrecruitmentpurposes. • Learnmoreaboutemployeedatabasesoftware • Payroll Management: The system manages all salary payments made to employees and it also generates reports on timesheets which are submitted by the employees weekly. It maintains all records of employmenthistorylikepromotionsordemotionsetc.sothattheycan • bereferredwhenneeded. • Learnmoreaboutpayrollmanagementsoftware

  5. Time Management: This feature helps you manage holidays taken by your employees along with sick leaves taken by them. Using this feature youcaneasilygenerate reportsonabsenteeismamongotherthingsas • well. • Learnmoreaboutthetimesheetmanagementsystem Whatare thebenefits ofusing HRISSoftware? ThebenefitsofusinganHRIS softwarearemany,butsomeofthemost importantonesinclude: Betteremployeeperformance: AnHRISsoftware will helpyoutoseewhatyouremployeesaredoingonaday- to-day basis. This can help you to identify the good workers from the bad ones, andit canalsogiveyouinsightintohow wellpeopleareperformingtheirtasks.

  6. You can also use this information to see whether there are any areas where employeesneedmoretrainingorassistance. Improvedefficiency: If your business uses multiple locations, an HRIS system will allow you to manage them all with one central database. This means that you won't have to sendemailsbackandforthbetweendifferentoffices—everythingcanbedone throughonecentrallocation! Easiertransfers fromoneofficelocationtoanother: If someone leaves one office and goes to another one (or if someone moves fromonedepartmenttoanother),havinganHRISsysteminplacewillmake transferringinformationmucheasierthanitwouldotherwisebe! Fasterhiringprocesses: Whenit comestimefor yourbusinesstohire newemployees,havinganHRIS

  7. systeminplacewill makethingsrunsmoothly for bothapplicantsand employersalike! Automatedpayrollprocessing: Automated payroll processing, will save you time when it comes time to pay your employees their wages because it reduces the number of steps needed for thisprocess. WhatHRISfeaturesshouldyoulookfor? Thefirstthingtounderstandwhenlooking for anHRIS is thatnotallsystems are created equal. The features available will vary from vendor to vendor and from package to package. As a result, there is no one size fits all approach to selectinganHRISsystem. BeforeyoubegintheprocessofevaluatingHRISsystems,it'simportanttohave anideaofwhatyou'relookingfor andwhatyourbusinessneedsare.

  8. For example, if you need a system that can manage your employee benefits, then this will be a requirement of any system you consider. It's also worth noting that if there isn't a feature that exists today, you maybe able to have it addedlateronthroughcustomizationor integration withanotherapplication. Once you've identified what features are most important to your business, it makes sense to start looking at vendors who offer those capabilities within their softwareproducts. For example, if employee leave management is important but payroll is not thenthiscouldeliminatesomevendorsfromyour listrightaway. Check the functionality of the software first: Before buying any software make sure that it has all the necessary functionalities that you need in order to run your business efficiently. Make sure that this software provides all the necessary functionalitieslike employeemanagement,payrollmanagement,claims

  9. management,etc., Whatreportsdoes itgenerate?AgoodHRIS softwareshouldbeabletogenerate reports about various aspects of human resource management such as attendancereports,payrollrecords,etc., AgoodHRIS softwareshould allow easyintegrationwithothersystems. HowtoimplementanHRISsystem? The implementation of the HRIS system is the most important part of the process.Thisiswhenyou will gettoknowhoweffectiveyournewsoftwarewill beinsupportingyourbusinessgoals.

  10. ThereareseveralwaystoimplementanHRISsystem,butthebest wayto ensuresuccessisbyfollowingthesesteps: Select a platform that aligns with your organization’s needs. You want to choose a platform that aligns with your business goals and allows you to easily customizeit basedonthosegoals.Inaddition,besure tochooseaplatformthat has been tried and tested over time so that it will continue to meet those needs inthefuture. Create a high-level business plan. Create an outline of what you want out of your HRIS system, including identifying which features are necessary or desired for each department and how they would use them. Make sure that all departments can see this document so they understand what’s expected from themandfromtheirfellowdepartments. Set up testing groups within your organization. The testing groups should include members from each department who can test out different aspects of theHRISsystembefore it goes live for everyoneelseinthecompany.This gives

  11. themtimetodosometrainingonusing it beforeeveryoneelsestartsusingit. Areyoulooking forthebestandleadingHR softwareinSingapore. LearnmoreaboutHRSoftwareinSingapore Fora14-daysfree trial clickhere Takeaway:ThisblogposthelpedyouunderstandwhatHRISis, itsbenefits,and whatyoushouldconsiderwhenchoosinganHRISsystem.

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