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Both startups and established companies have started to invest more in digital HR solutions such as HRMS (Human Resource Management System). Itu2019s capable of eliminating the traditional HR challenges such as heavy documentation workload, complex workforce, and payroll management, long recruitment processes, and more.
Whydocompaniesneed HRMsoftware? Companies shouldknowabout HRM Software WhydocompaniesneedHRMsoftware Both startupsand establishedcompanies havestarted to invest more in digital HR solutions such as HRMS (Human Resource Management System). It’s capable of eliminating the traditional HR challenges suchas heavy documentation workload, complex workforce, and payroll management, long recruitmentprocesses, and more.
Withanall-inclusiveHRMSsoftwarelikeQuickHR, a fullyintegratedcloud-based platformthatprovidesautomated,simplified,andstreamlinedHRprocesses, yourcompanycanbuildastrongworkforceandmaintainpositivebusiness growthas well. Let metell youmore aboutthe reasonswhy a full-spectrum HRMSsoftware such as QuickHR is an essential element for businesses of all types and sizes.
OptimizedCloud-BasedHRSoftware With cloud-based HRMS platforms, users can access records online via the Internet wherethe data is hostedon thesoftware's ownserver.Theupdates and maintenance are also automatically managed on a cloud-based platform, providinga convenient and time-saving process. Due to easy access and convenient maintenance, cloud-based systems are considered to bethe best practicefor HR solutions.For this reason,QuickHR has its data hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the largest cloud provider in the world, offeringmaximized storage withhassle-free and 24/7access to HR recordsacross all desktop and mobile devices. SecureDatabase AnHRMSsoftwareisalsocapableofimplementingvarioussecurityprotocols andupdatingthesystemwiththelatestpoliciesforbettersafety.HRMSsolutions offer heightened datasecurity, ensuringthat allemployee andbusiness records arestored securely on its servers. QuickHR has the highestlevel of datasecurity being ISO9001:2015 and MTCS SS584:2015 certified. The all-encompassing software features a cloud infrastructurewithmulti-tierencryption.Thismeansthatdata in theunderlying
storage is encrypted including automated backups, snapshots, and replicas. • Moreover, HRteamsandemployees canaccessreal-timerecords viafacial recognition orfingerprint scanning,instead ofentering passwordsor pins. • SeamlessIntegration • Certain HRMSplatformsarebuilt withconstantinteractionacross employee data, leave,claims,timesheets, reports,andcostsettings, ensuringthatevery HRtask will be accurately done on time. • HRMSsoftwareiscapableof: • Deliveringtime-efficient and accurate payroll generation • Managingleaveandclaimapplications • Conductingsystematicrecruitmentprocess • Monitoringattendance andmodifying workschedules • Establishinga holistic employee training system • Curatingcomprehensivereports • Ensuringgovernmentcompliance
There are only a few HRsoftware thatcover all ofthese aspects.One of them is QuickHRwhichoffers multipleHRmodules thatprovide automatedmanagement ofemployees'payroll,attendance,andtimesheets,leaveandclaims applications, performance evaluation as wellas reports and analytics. These modulesareinterconnectedwithinthe platformwhereHRdepartments canaccess and process real-time records all in one place. Withflexibleandmulti-functionalsettings,QuickHRwillbefullycompatiblewith the early business needs and thelong-term demands of an organization. Self-ServiceOptions Through an HRMS platform, employeescan access information and schedules, submit leave and claim applications, request a change ofschedule, and take chargeof their own training. Moreover,HRprofessionalscan manageandperform HRtaskswhileon thego, establishing smooth workflow within business operations. This way,organizationscaneasilyboostemployeesatisfactionandproductivity whilesaving management time. QuickHR can be easilyconfigured with different features,options, rules, and policies, depending onthe businessneeds.The softwareallows instantand easy modifications on all necessary HR modules such as employee database,
attendance data, salary structure, timesheets, leave, claims, and more. These simplified configurations allow increased work efficiency. Data-DrivenandStrategicRecruitmentManagement HRMS software allows the HR teams to easily filter and gather the best hires, helping businesses to increase operational efficiency with a skilled workforce. They can keep track of job applicants and manage the overall hiring process, ensuring the employment of the right candidate for a certain job. QuickHR’sapplicanttrackingsystem(ATS)canautomaticallygather,filter,and selectthebest-suitedcandidatesforcertainroles.Havingtherightpeopleonthe teamallowsformoreeffectiveworkflow,drivingpositiveresultsandprogressive businessgrowth. SupportsCompanyGrowth HRMS platforms can also help businesses adapt to the ever-changing demands of businessoperations, workplaces,and employees.With anHRsolution that’s capable of addressingthe currentand future needsof a company,it'll beeasy to prevent costlyerrors andother issuesthatmay negativelyaffect thebusiness. Mostly, HRMSsoftware caters toa specificindustry orcompany size.Some are best suitedforsmallandmediumenterpriseswhile othersaredesignedforlarge
companies. QuickHR caters to businesses ofall typesand sizes.Every partof theplatform is designed with customizablesettings, ensuringthat it’ll be fully suitablefor a business'growing needs. Ease-of-useandRemoteAccessibility Many HRMSplatformsaredesigned with a user-friendlyenvironment whereboth HR professionals andemployees caneasily navigate aroundthe systemwithout muchtraining and guidance. With wide accessibility, HRMS allows employees to work on project collaborationsfromremotelocationsandcommunicatewithcross-culturalteams instantly. HRteamsandemployeescanaccessand uploadinformationaswell asmonitor real-time updates while on the move. QuickHR comes with an accessiblenature, making it an idealplatform for individuals who arerelatively inexperiencedwith HRprocesses in Singapore. QuickHR also provideshassle-free and24/7 mobileaccesswhere HRteams and employees can access andupload information aswell as monitor real-time updateswhile on the move. DynamicandCross-CulturalPayrollManagement
HRMS software makes it easier for HR professionals to calculate compensation and communicate with employees who have different employment contracts and workschedules and locations. QuickHR’sversatilepayrollsoftwareis capableofgeneratingmultiplepayruns for full-time,part-time, andfreelance employeeswith differentpay periods. For companies whomanage multiculturalteams, QuickHRoffers multilingual itemized features to clarifythebreakdownandcategorizationofpay,encouraging better understanding for the HR departments and employees as well. WithQuickHR'ssmarterworkflow,HRprofessionalswillbeable to secure maximum clarityand accountabilitydespitethe diversity in payroll runs. StreamlinedRegulatoryComplianceFeatures Toavoid legal conflictsand consequences, HRMShelps businesses to understandand comply with legal matters. HRMS software takes intoaccount local laws includingstate income tax, especially with a global workforce that comeswith different regulatory compliances. With HRMS’ auto-inclusion and full regulatory compliance features, businesses will be able to prevent fines andpenalties which may lead to great financialloss. QuickHR allows automatic calculations and deductions in adherence to the
governmentcompliances.Theseinclude • TailoredCPFformulations • Imagesource:https://quickhr.co/cpf-calculator • Auto-calculatedSDLcontributions • BankGIROandCPFsubmissionfeatures • MOMitemizedpayslips • Being an IRAS-approved softwaresolution, QuickHR alsoguarantees smooth monthly submission with direct AIS linkage of payroll information captured on the system. • Moreover, theInfocommMediaDevelopmentAuthority(IMDA)hasevaluated
QuickHR as an effective, market-tested, and cost-effective pre-approved solution forgovernment grants offeredto SMEs. Screenshot:https://quickhr.co/resources/grants If you want to know more about QuickHR, you may contact usor request a free demowith absolutely no terms and conditions! Website:www.quickhr.co