1. Digestive Tract: Let’s Get to the Bottom of it By: Diana Blum RN MSN
Metropolitan Community College
2. Primary Role Extract molecules essential for cellular function from fluids and food.
4. Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Elimination Digestion: breakdown of food into simple nutrient molecules that can be used by cells
Process requires:
Adequate intake of food and fluid
Mechanical and chemical breakdown of food
Movement of wastes through the GI tract
5. Digestive tract Also called Alimentary tract
muscular tube about 30 ft long
Main parts
Small intestine
Large intestine
6. Acessory Organs Salivary glands
Each of the above accessory organs secrete fluid that contain special enzymes that enable breakdown (metabolism) of food
Peritoneum lines the abdominal cavity and covers surface of organs
Enables organs to moves without friction during breathing and digestion
8. mouth Teeth cut and grind food
Salivary glands secrete saliva
Saliva: a watery substance containing amylase (ptyalin)
Amylase: an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates
Tongue mixes saliva with food and when small enough- forces the food into the pharynx
10. Pharynx Shared by digestive and respiratory tracts
Joins mouth and nasal passages
Contains the epiglottis
Covers the airway (like a trap door) to prevent food from entering respiratory tract
12. esophagus Long muscular tube that passes through the diaphragm into the stomach
Gravity helps move the food but it is not essential
Circular, wave like contractions of the muscles propel food down the tract (peristalsis)
14. Stomach Widest section of the GI tract
Separated from esophagus by the cardiac sphincter
Has 3 sections
Unique muscle layers churn food by mixing it with gastric secretions
Rennin-starts breakdown of milk proteins
Pepsin-partially digests protein
HCL acid-partially digests protein
Lipase-breaks down fat
Chyme: semi-liquid mass (processed food)
Pyloric sphincter- keeps food in stomach until it is mixed properly
16. Small Intestine Chyme leaves stomach and enters here
Chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients take place
20 feet long
3 sections
Duodenum-liver and pancreatic enzymes enter here
17. Small Intestine Continued Bile- produced in the liver and stored in the GB break down large fat globs
Pancreatic enzymes-reduce the fat to glycerol and fatty acids to be easily absorbed
3 layers of tissue make up the wall
Mucous membrane-secretes digestive enzymes
Sucrase, lactase, maltase, lipase, etc. (see table 36-1)
Inner layer- covered with Villi (microscopic projections). Digestive food molecules are absorbed through the villi into the bloodstream
Muscle layers continue to contract moving the chyme into the large intestine.
19. Large Intestine No Villi
No digestive enzymes
Chyme enters through the ileocecal valve
Water is absorbed and remaining waste=feces
5 sections
Cecum-1st section..appendix is here
Ascending colon-up right abdomen
Transverse colon- across abdomen just below waist
Descending colon-down the left abdomen
Sigmoid colon-the part of the descending colon between iliac crest and rectum
Rectum-the last 6-8 inches of the large intestine
Anus – where waste leaves the body
22. Age related changes Teeth mechanically worn down
Illness causes increased risk for problems with digestion/elimination
Gingiva recedes
Tooth loss from caries and periodontal disease
Loss of taste buds
Xerostomia (dry mouth) is common
Walls of esophagus and stomach are thinner with lessened secretions
HCL Acid and digestive enzyme production decreases
Gastric motor activity slows
Delayed gastric emptying
Hunger contractions diminish
In the large intestine- muscle layer and mucosa atrophy
Smooth muscle tone and blood flow decreases
Connective tissue increases
Constipation is frequent
More laxative use
24. Nursing Assessment Hx of illness: weight loss, indigestion, change in bowel habit
PMH: surgery, trauma, infection, burns, hepatitis, ulcers, cancer, stomas, meds, allergies
Fam Hx: diabetes, CA, ETOH, polyps, obesity, ulcers, GB Dx
System Review: flatus, dyspepsia (indigestion), skin changes, caries, diff chewing, abd distention, pain, elimination
Functional: nutrition, activity, meal times, likes/dislikes, food beliefs
Physical exam: mucous membranes, condition of mouth/teeth, abd distention, bowel tones, palpation, percussion, rectum/anus for lesions, color, hemorrhoids
25. diagnostics Imaging/radiographs: NPO, allergy (iodine, dye, shellfish), consent
Barium swallow/enema
Hemmocult-looks for blood
26. NG
27. Tube feedings Assist pt into fowlers to reduce aspiration.
Remains this way for 30 minutes after
Pt remains up at least 30 degree during continuous feeding
Check placement for tube in stomach or duodenum prior to use
Air bolus and residual
Check to make sure you have the correct formula
Stop feeding if nausea or pain
Rinse tube with 30 cc fluid after each bolus
Remove plunger
Pinch tube while inserting syringe to avoid stomach content leak
Hold barrel about 12 inches above stomach and allow gravity to infuse
Flush after bolus complete
28. GI decompression Ng with suction
removes fluid and gas
To use
Attach to sxn as ordered
Generally low, intermittent is used for single tube
Low continuous for dual lumen tubes
Check patency
Irrigate routinely
Monitor output
Assess for flatus
Provide comfort measures
Once tube in place- securely tape it to nose
29. feedings TPN
Deliver nutrients directly into bloodstream via central line
Use sterile technique for dressings and care
Monitor flow rate
Monitor blood glucose
Label lines
Same as TPN except goes through peripheral line
30. Anorexia Lack of appetite
Physical/emotional disturbances
Decreased sense of smell
Tests: weight, physical, hemoglobin, iron, electrolytes, thyroid
31. Nursing diagnosis Imbalanced nutrition less than requirements r/t anorexia
Goal: improved appetite and adequate food intake
AEB: increase in intake, stable or increased wt
Interventions: provide antiemetics prior to meals, remove the bed pan and emesis basin from sight, conceal drains and collection devices, deodorize room
32. clients with Feed problems Paralyzed
Severe arthritis
Visually impaired
FEEDER is demeaning and can threaten self esteem
33. Interventions for feed problem Position properly
Specially enhanced utensils
Open sealed products
Cut meats
Butter bread
Season food after asking client their preferences
See page 751
34. Role play Practice feeding classmate a simple meal then reverse.
The person being fed can not speak but understands what is being said
1.How did it feel to be fed?
2. What steps did you use?
3. How did the feeder feed?
4. What did you learn?
35. Stomatitis Inflammation of the oral mucosa
Mechanical trauma (poor fitting dentures)
Irritation 2nd to smoke and ETOH
Poor hygiene
Drug therapy
Treatment: soft bland diet, antiviral agents, antibiotics
36. Vincent’s infection (aka Trench Mouth)
37. Vincent’s infection Caused by bacteria
Called trench mouth b/c occurred in WWI field
S/S: metallic taste foul breath. Bleeding ulcers, increased saliva, general infection signs, anorexia
TX: topical antibiotics, mouthwash, rest, nutritious diet, good oral hygiene
38. Herpes Simplex
39. Herpes Simplex Caused by Herpes simplex virus type 1
S/S: ulcers and vesicles in mouth and on lips
Other name is cold sore or fever blister
Common with people who have upper respiratory infections, excessive sun exposure, or are stressed
TX: Camphor, topical steroids, antiviral agents
40. Aphthous Stomatitis (aka canker sore) Caused by virus
S/S: ulcer on lips or mouth that recur at intervals
TX:topical or systemic steroids
41. Candidas AlbicansAKA yeast like fungus Other names: thrush or candidiasis
S/S: bluish white lesions on mucous membrane of mouth
Those at risk: steroid users, long term antibiotic users
TX: oral medications, topical antifungal agents, vaginal nystatin tablets can be used like lozenges
42. Care and intervention CARE
Usually tx outpt
Look at pt symptoms
Onset of symptoms, meds, radiation, habits, diet, ETOH use, and smoking
Describe pain (location, onset, precipitating factors)
Gentle oral hygiene
Prescribed mouthwash
Use soft bristle tooth brush
Instruct to take meds as prescribed (swish and spit, or swish and swallow)
Teach flossing techniques
43. Dental Caries Destructive process of tooth decay
Caused by plaque
Plaque is made from bacteria, saliva, and cells that stick to tooth surface
In time if untreated the canal will erode causing intense pain and death of pulp
TX: fluoride, good nutrition
44. Gingivitis Beginning of periodontal dx
Inflammation of the gums
s/s: red inflammed tissue of gums, pain, bleeds easily
More frequent in those with missing teeth or whose teeth don’t close properly, vitamin deficiency, anemia
45. Care and Intervention CARE
Assess pain and soreness
Assess diet and examinations
Examine mouth care practices INTERVENTION
Minimize pain
Gentle mouth care several times a day
Teach client proper technique
Page 752
46. Oral Cancer Most life threatening condition of mouth
2 types:
Basal cell
S/S: tongue irritation, loose teeth, tongue pain, ulcerations, leukoplakia (hard white spots), decreased appetite, diff swallowing, weight loss, change in denture fit, hemoptysis
TX: biopsy, surgery, radiation, chemo
47. Care and Intervention CARE
Assess sun exposure, smoking habits, ETOH use, fam hx of oral ca, Interventions
Dry mouth is issue
Good hygiene
Special rinses see pg 753
Monitor respirations
Suction if ordered
Stay on top of pain
Soft or liquid diet
Monitor I/O
Use communication board to talk with pt
Monitor for infection
If graft: monitor color and temp
48. Parotitis Inflamed parotid glands
S/S: painful swelling near low jaw, pain increases with mastication
Suseptible: those unable to drink liquids, those weak, no resistance to infection
TX: antibiotics, mouthwash, warm compress
Complications: gland ruptures, surgical drainage or removal may be necessary
49. Achalasia Progressive worsening dysphagia
Low esophageal muscles do not relax
Unknown cause
TX:dilation, surgery, botulism toxin, isosorbide dinitrate
50. Esphageal cancer Not common
Poor prognosis
No known cause
At risk: smokers, ETOH users, chronic trauma, poor oral hygiene, spicy food eaters
S/S: progressive dysphagia, substernal pain, epigastric pain, neck/back pain,sore throats, choking, obstruction, weight loss
51. Esophageal treatment Esophagectomy
Dilitation of esophagus
Laser tx
Photodynamic therapy
See page 756
52. Interventions Treat pain
Daily weight
Strict I/O
Calorie count
Quiet relaxed environment
Erect position
Chin tuck maneuvers for swallowing
Feeding tubes
If post op---do not irrigate or reposition
Assess pt knowledge
Monitor for infection
Monitor respirations
53. N/V Nausea: feeling of queasiness
Pain, pallor, perspiration, cold, clammy skin
Causes: irritating foods, infection, radiation, meds, inner ear disorders, motion sick
Vomiting: forceful expulsion of stomach content through the mouth
Regurgitation: gentle ejection of fluid or food w/o nausea or retching
TACHYCARDIA AND INCREASED SALIVA are common before vomiting
Complications: loss of fluid and electrolytes, dehydration, metabolic alkalosis, weakness, aspiration
TX: antiemetics, iv fluids, NG tube
Interventions: maintain cool room, remove unpleasant stimuli, place in comfortable position, provide emesis basin, cool damp cloth on head/neck, slow deep breaths, offer mouth care after vomiting, clear liquids
54. Hiatal Hernia Protrusion of stomach and and lower esophagus up thru the diaphragm and into chest
2 types:
Sliding: gastroesophageal junction is just above the hiatus. Stomach slides when patient reclines (associated with GERD)
Rolling: gastroesophageal junction remains in place but a portion of the stomach herniates up throu diaphragm through a 2nd ary opening
Complications: ulcerations, bleeding, aspiration
Strangulated hernia is one that becomes trapped without blood flow
Causes: asymptomatic to fullness, dysphagia, eructation (belching), regurgitation, heartburn
TX: meds(antacids, H2 receptor blockers, etc), diet, avoid intra abd pressure, surgery
Interventions: stay on top of pain, no food or fluid 2-3 hours before bed, wooden blocks under top of bed, monitor wt, small frequent meals, avoid fatty foods, caffeine, ETOH, and spicy foods
55. GERD Back flow of gastric content from the stomach into the esophagus
Key find: inappropriate relaxation of the low esophagus sphincter
Causes: abnormalities in the LES, ulcers, esophageal surgery, prolonged vomiting, gastric intubation
S/S: can be sudden or gradual, painful burning that moves up and down (common after meals) resolve after antacids, dysphagia, belching
Diagnosis: Based on s/s, raqdiographic studies, endoscopy, bx
Tx: H2 receptor blockers (zantac), prokinetic agents (reglan), proton pump inhibitors (prilosec), surgery
56. Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach lining
Mucosal barrier that normally protects stomach breaks down
H pylori is cause
S/S: N/V, anorexia, fullness, pain, hemorrhage
Tx: npo until resolve, IVF, Bx, medication,, bland diet, surgery
57. Peptic Ulcer Loss of tissue from digestive lining
Caused by pepsin and HCL injure unprotected tissue
Either gastric or duodenal
Causes: drugs, infection, stress.
S/S: burning pain, nausea, anorexia, wt loss
Complication: hemorrhage, perforation, obstruction,
Tx: meds, diet, stress management
58. Drug therapy
Used to relieve symptoms
Antacids are first line of defense
Avoid coffee, tea, meat broth, alcohol, spicy food
Frequent small feedings
NG tube to sxn if hemorrhage suspected
Saline lavage after NG procedure on page 769-772
Vasopressin may help control hemorrage
59. Table 38-4 discusses surgery tx of peptic ulcer dx
60. Stomach cancer 25,000 dx each year
Most common in men, african americans, people over 70, low socioeconomic status
S/S: no early signs
Late signs: vomiting, ascites, liver enlargement, abd mass
5 yr survival: 10%
No known cause
Risk factors: pernicious anemia, chronic atrophic gastritis, achlorhydria (lack of HCL), smoking, high salt starch pickled food nitrate diet
61. obesity Excess body fat
Causes: heredity, body build, metabolism, psychosocial, caloric intake
Complications: heart/lung problems, DM, polycythemia, cholelithiasis, infertility, endometrial cancer, DJD
Tx: wt reduction diet, exercise, medication (pg775), surgery,
62. malabsorption 1 or more nutrients not absorbed/digested
Causes: bacteria, bile salt and digestive enzyme deficiency, alterations in intestinal mucosa
2 types:
Celiac sprue (tropical, nontropical)- genetic,
Non-Tropical: changes in mucosa, impaired absorption
Tropical: infectious agent
Lactose intolerance
Inherited or aquired
Causes: IBS, gastroenteritis, sprue syndrome
S/S: steatorrhea (fatty stools), foul stools, wt loss, decreased libido, easy bruising, edema, anemia, bone pain
Tx: diet, meds, elimate gluten for celiac dx
Tropical sprue: oral folate, antibx, vit B12 injections
Lactose: no milk or milk products, lactase enzyme, monitor vitamin levels
63. diarrhea Loose liquid stools
Causes: spoiled foods, allergies, infection, diverticulosis, cancer, malabsorption, impactions, tube feedings, medications
S/S:cramps, abd pain, urgency
Complications: dehydration, electrolyte imbalance
Tx: anti diarrheal drugs, clear liquids vs npo, possible TPN
64. constipation Hard dry infrequent stools
Causes: ignoring urge, laxative use, inactivity, inadequate fluid intake, drugs, brain/spinal cord injury, colon diseases, surgery,
Tx: laxatives, stool softeners,
65. megacolon Large intestine looses ability to contract to move feces to rectum
Pts need regular enemas
66. Fecal impaction Retention of large amount of stool in the rectum
Some liquid passes around
TX: Digital exam/extraction
67. Instestinal obstruction Causes by strangulated hernia, tumor, ileus, stricture, volvulus (twisting of bowel)
S/S: vomiting (bile, blood, feces), abd pain, constipation
Complications: electrolyte imbalances, gangrene, perforation, shock, death
TX: gastric decompression, IVF, surgery
68. appendicitis Blind patch in the cecum
Inflammation of opening of appendix-bacteria related
s/s: pain especially at mcburney’s point (1/2 way b/w umbilicus and iliac crest), fever, n/v, elevated WBC
Tx: NPO, cold pack
69. peritonitis stomach contents enter Abd cavity
Complications: fluid shift, abscesses, adhesions, septicemia, hyovolemic shock, ileus, organ failure
S/S: abd distention, increased pulse and RR, n/v, fever, rigid abd, shock
TX: NG for gastric decompression, IVF, antibiotics, pain meds, surgery
70. IBS 2 types:
Ulcerative colitis:
Begins in rectum, expands to cecum
Crohn’s: regional enteritis
Affects all GI tract
Most common= terminal ileum
Causes: unknown
S/S of IBS: constipation, diarrhea, bloody stools, abd cramping, wt loss
S/S crohn’s: variable, n/v, pain, cramping, abd tenderness, fever, night sweats, malaise, joint pain
Complications:hemorrhage, obstruction, perforation, abscess, fistulas, megacolon, colon cancer, joint inflammation, diarrhea, stones, liver dx, electrolyte imbalances
Tx: meds (page 786), low roughage diet without milk, nicotine patches, surgery with possible removal of intestine
71. Diverticulosis Small sac like pouches in intestinal wall
Most in sigmoid colon
Risk factors: lack of dietary factors, age, constipation, obesity, emotional tension
S/S: asymptomatic, constipation, diarrhea, pain, rectal bleed, n/v, urinary problems
Complications: bleed, obstruct, perforation, peritonitis, fistula
Tx: high residue diet, no spicy foods, no seedy food, stool softener, meds, page 788, surgery
72. Colorectal CA 3rd most common in women
High fat low fiber diet is risk factor
Most found in rectum or low sigmoid
S/S: depend on location, cramping, anemia, weakness, fatigue, left sided= more obvious changes
TX: surgery, colostomy, chemo, radiation
73. Polyps Small benign growths that can become malignant
Multiple polyps called gardner’s syndrome or familial polyposis
Complications: bleed, obstruction
Tx: removal, colectomy
74. hemorrhoids Dilated veins in rectum
May be internal or external
Risk factors: increased pressure in rectal blood vessels from constipation, pregnancy, prolonged sit or stand
S/S: pain, bleed, itching,
TX : surgery, ice followed by heat, medication
75. Anorectal abscess Infection in the tissue around rectum
S/S: pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, diarrhea, bleeding, itching, discharge
Tx: antibx, incision, drainage, surgery, ice packs, pt education r/t to cleansing
76. Anal fissure Laceration b/w anus and perianal skin
r/t constipation, diarrhea, crohn’s, TB, leukemia, trauma, childbirth
S/S: pain with defecation, bleeding, itching, urinary frequency, urinary retention, dysuria
Tx: heal spontaneously, sitz bath, stool softeners, pain meds, surgery
77. Anal fistula Abnormal opening b/w anal canal and perianal skin
Causes: abscess, IBD, TB
S/S: pruritis, discharge
Tx: sitz bath, surgery, temporary colostomy, pain meds
78. Pilonidal cyst Painful and swollen
May form abscess
Surgery may be needed to fix
79. PT EDUCATION Handwashing
Proper food handling
Food poisoning
Stress management
When to call doctor
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