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Project management: The inter-organisational dimension

www.anzsog.edu.au2. What is a project?. US Project Management Institute, 2001: A project is

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Project management: The inter-organisational dimension

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    1. 1 Project management: The inter-organisational dimension Professor John Alford Australia and New Zealand School of Government

    2. www.anzsog.edu.au 2

    3. www.anzsog.edu.au 3 Inter-organisational nature of many projects in the public sector COAG: Indigenous Whole of Govt Initiative. Cth: Formulating the shape of the GST. NZ: ‘Circuit-breaker’ projects. Vic: Integrated Family Violence project. NSW: Strategic Projects Div’n, Premier’s Dept.

    4. www.anzsog.edu.au 4 Defining trust

    5. www.anzsog.edu.au 5 Importance of trust to inter-organisational co-operation Trust is an alternative/supplement to incentives/sanctions as a control mechanism. Trust reduces transaction costs: Uncertainty Information-asymmetry Interdependency.

    6. www.anzsog.edu.au 6 The trust spiral

    7. www.anzsog.edu.au 7 Enhancing trust in partnerships No reneging Gift-giving information consultation access to senior management cutting some slack. Autonomy of reps: room for mistakes Takes time: consistent representation consistent messages.

    8. www.anzsog.edu.au 8 Public sector obstacles to collaboration

    9. www.anzsog.edu.au 9 Aspects of project management which mitigate trust

    10. www.anzsog.edu.au 10 Need for compatibility between parties re: Purposes Interests in the authorising environment Core values/beliefs.

    11. www.anzsog.edu.au 11 Another approach: dovetailing differences

    12. www.anzsog.edu.au 12 Other partial solutions Proactively managing the authorising environment Repeated relationships A project management culture.

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