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Topics. Proposal Management ApproachProposal processProposal Writing TipsContentReader's needsBasic rules. 2. Proposal Management Approach. Proposal processIncludes:Documented processTraining for all team membersSchedule to implement processCreate a process that defines the responsibilities of the teamFollow the structure to ensure the successful completion of a proposal.
1. Proposal Management Basics& Tips on Proposal WritingFor the: STC Tech Comm Career Day By: Kristen L. Sweet
March 15, 2003
3. Proposal Management Approach Proposal process
Documented process
Training for all team members
Schedule to implement process
Create a process that defines the responsibilities of the team
Follow the structure to ensure the successful completion of a proposal
4. Proposal Process Team Members
Within proposal development, the roles and titles of the team will vary
There may be a large team or a proposal team of one
Proposal Manager: obtains all resources to produce the proposal
Volume Leader: leads the development of a proposal volume for a multi-volume proposal – reports to the manager
Proposal Coordinator: supports manager with the development process
Production Leader: leads the publication process (Printing/Copying/Binding/Packaging)
Proposal Writer/Illustrator: works with the manager/volume leader to provide text and graphics illustrating the solution
Proposal Editor: edits all drafts of the proposal
Pricing Staff: provides the cost information for the solution proposed
5. “Any proposal manager (or outside consultant, for that matter) who claims to know how to run a serious proposal effort without chaos should be quietly and briskly dismissed from reality. Chaos is the very nature of the proposal beast, and the manager who accepts this fact is ready to face another one: While the chaos of proposal work cannot be eliminated, it must be controlled. Otherwise, it will eat the managers, the proposal team, and the proposal itself alive.”
Pugh, 1993, p. 82 Proposal Process
6. Proposal Process
7. Proposal Process
8. Proposal organization will vary according to the size of the proposal team
Budget restrictions will dictate the development process
Complexity of the proposal requirements will determine proposal resources including:
Bid/No Bid decisions on other proposal efforts
Teaming agreements with other companies, contractors, and vendors needed produce the proposal
Technology needed to develop the solution
Proposal Process
9. Managing resources isn’t just a pre-RFP concern
Utilizing proposal staff only when needed will reduce costs and minimize distractions to remaining team members
However, the proposal team may find itself growing as the deadline approaches
Deficiencies in fulfilling the requirements
Vendor/Company limitations
Proposal Process
10. To minimize the deficiencies the proposal team may need to:
Provide training for all staff
Proposal seminars
Software training (MS Office, Adobe FrameMaker, Photoshop, Visio, etc)
Develop standards to prevent having to recreate the process for each new opportunity the company pursues
Plan writing assignments
Outline the requirements
Prevents rewrites later in the process process
Outline the format and production requirements
Utilize contractors and vendors for proposal development
Implement technology allowing for efficient and effective proposal development
Proposal Process
11. “There are many ways to write proposals as there are companies, but many of these ways are crude, ineffective, expensive, and bound to repeat many previous mistakes…
We cannot stress enough that organized proposals are probably twice as likely to succeed as those ‘fly by the seat of the pants’ exercises…”
Whalen, 1996, p 1-3 Proposal Process
12. Define the process in writing
Basic guidelines to tailor for each proposal
Detailed checklist
Documenting the process eliminates re-inventing the wheel each time
Establishes quality
Provides the frame work for a “lessons learned” session following the completion of a proposal
Proposal Process
13. Provide the guidelines to the team
Proposal Instruction Book
Preparation schedule
Detailed instructions/responsibilities
Planned strategies/win themes
Summary of proposal approach
Writing/graphic guidelines
Style/format guidelines (may vary according to RFP)
Summary outline with a requirements matrix
Organization/roles of staff
Specific company work flow/communication standards and procedures
Proposal Process
14. “….managing a proposal is one of the toughest, most challenging jobs you will ever encounter. It involves dealing with a wide variety of people with conflicting interests and organizing and directing the efforts of an ad hoc collection of people with diverse talents and expertise into a cohesive, motivated team under the most adverse circumstances in an intensive activity and under great pressure to achieve a goal against which the odds of success are not favorable. Can you think of a more daunting endeavor anywhere else in the world?
Helgeson, 1994, p.206 Proposal Process
15. The proposal instruction guide should include the following tasks:
Capture plan: customer, strategy, and lessons learned analysis
Customer interface plan: contacting contracting officer/customer prior to the RFP released, during the development, and after delivery
Facility material plan: knowledge of the customer’s facility, furniture, computer equipment, etc.
Staff plan: organization of the team
Communication plan: knowledge of the team players, development process, meetings, schedules, etc
Document process plan: storyboards, mock-ups, text, and graphics to illustrate the solution
Proposal Process
16. The proposal instruction guide should include the following tasks, continued:
Quality assurance plan: reviewing/editing proposal drafts to ensure quality
Production plan: preparing the material, style, and format of the text and graphics for delivery
Security plan: ensuring the material is contained on company networks, not accessible to the public
Assembly/Delivery plan: packaging final proposal for delivery to customer, making arrangements for delivery (Fed Ex, email, UPS, USPS, etc
Proposal Process
17. “An enormous amount of time is wasted in aimless, rambling meetings replete with musings and irrelevant chatter of unfocused dilettantes intent on wasting everyone’s time while they run their mouths. I would wager that the man hours wasted every single day in the conference rooms of America would be equivalent to the number of man hours required to build the Taj Mahal.”
Helgeson, 1994, p. 192 Proposal Process
18. The meeting is an elaborate part of the proposal process
Proposal strategy
Bid/No Bid decision
Kick off meeting
Discussing cost estimates/strategy
Reviewing various stages of the development
Pink Team
Red Team
Blue Team
Gold Team Proposal Process
19. Good proposal management includes developing meetings that are effective and useful to the team players
Involve necessary team members
Create/distribute the agenda prior to meeting
One leader per meeting
Start and end on time
Stay focused on meeting agenda/topics
Strive for consensus
Use visuals to illustrate agenda/topics
Summarize agenda/topics at the end of the meeting
Follow-up with a summary email
Include any “To Do’s” and responsibility of the “To Do” Proposal Process
20. Proposal Writing Tips Proposal content is divided into two categories:
Solicited: proposals with specific requirements
Unsolicited: proposals with little or no guidance on how it should be developed
Proposals that do not address the requirements are non-complaint
Even if the proposal addresses all the requirements, if it is not organized properly it can still be categorized as non-compliant because the reader is lost in the content
21. Planning a proposal involves:
Developing an outline based on the customer requirements
Requirements matrix to illustrate the proposal outline cross-referenced to the RFP
Requirements matrix allows the outline to be developed further
Incorporates ideas into a storyboard format
Layout/presentation Proposal Writing Tips
22. “A proposal must deliver critical ideas quickly and easily. Your writing must be clear if you want others to understand your project and become excited by it. It will be hard to accomplish this if you have not clarified your thoughts in advance.”
Geever and McNeil, 1993, p. 17 Proposal Writing Tips
23. After finishing the requirements matrix - refine the outline
Brainstorm on proposal subject
Establish ideas into logical categories
Reorganize outline
Organize according to the draft proposal
Group ideas together (display a hierarchy)
Make sure the outline is clear
Expand on ideas
Make sure each subdivided point has at least 2 subordinate points Proposal Writing Tips
24. The storyboard is a writing worksheet that helps the authors organize their stories into main discussion points or topics. The storyboard enables the planning of each topic around the thesis-theme-visual elements of a short persuasive essay (i.e. the natural passage of technical discourse). The purpose is to help the authors discover their stories, help them to be more pointed and purposive (i.e. encourage a problem-versus-solution slant in their arguments), and let the proposal team review the material before its written out in a hard-to-follow and hard-to-change draft.
Tracey, 1993, p. 54
Proposal Writing Tips
25. Storyboards:
Provide general proposal information
Title/Volume number
Section author
Font/Size/Page requirements
Identify proposal requirements
RFP section number
Requirements matrix section number
Identify proposal theme
Provide section summary
Illustrate graphics Proposal Writing Tips
26. Benefits of Storyboards
Improves quality of proposal by identifying RFP requirements early in the proposal process
Integrates text and graphics required to meet the requirements of the RFP
Provides the ability for the team members to comment and address each proposal section
Identifies how each section meshes into one complete proposal Proposal Writing Tips
27. Benefits of Storyboards, continued
Allows proposal team to identify and correct any content/graphics problems early on in the proposal process
Less writer-ego issues
Revising outline will take less time
Fewer revisions because outlines were initially agreed upon during storyboard reviews prior to writing
Proposal Writing Tips
28. Proposal Writing Tips “Developing a clear, comprehensive picture of what the client is seeking is the single most important part of your whole proposal preparation process - if you get the requirement wrong, you’ll get the solution wrong.”
McCann, 1995, p.53
29. Proposal Writing Tips Reader Obstacles:
Impatience: understanding the organization of the proposal content
If information can not be found easily, the reader won’t spend the time looking for it
Time conflicts: balance between evaluating a proposal and conducting other work commitments
Interruptions: due to time conflicts, the reader will not be able to read through the entire proposal in one sitting
Lack of knowledge: readers may not have knowledge of the topic; thus losing interest in the proposal
Shared decision-making: writers also have a challenge of meeting the needs to readers who have varying levels of influence on winning and losing proposals
30. Proposal Writing Tips Reader Needs:
What do you know about the reader?
What is the reader looking for?
What role do they play in the organization?
What kind of influence do they have?
Will one person conduct the evaluation or will it be a group of people?
Research the types of proposals other companies, colleagues have prepared
Provide a better understanding of what you are up against with writing this proposal
31. Proposal Writing Tips Reader Needs, continued:
Identify the audience
Who is the decision maker?
Provide their own assessment or work in conjunction with others to assess the proposal
Who is the advisor?
Provide input to the Decision Maker
32. Proposal Writing Tips Reader Needs, continued:
Identify audience knowledge/skill level
Proposal writing often entails translating technical information into a non-technical format
Reader Categories:
Managers: decision makers
Experts/Specialists: highly technical
Operators: will use the product/solution
Generalists: catch-all group - know the least about the topic
Strategy meeting
Discuss all customer issues/concerns
Develop ways to solve these issues/concerns
33. Proposal Writing Tips Basic rules for writing the proposal:
Rule 1: Write with an effective style
Concise without sacrificing clarity
Avoid cliché’s, trite or wordy phrases
Use active voice to provide clear understanding of what you are proposing
Keep customer perspective by using you/your
Avoid distracting text changes
Vary length of paragraphs to allow for comprehension and readability
34. Proposal Writing Tips Basic rules for writing the proposal, cont.:
Rule 2: Grammar usage
Verb/subject agreement
Identify pronouns
Ensure sentence modifiers are clear
Avoid dangling/misplaced modifiers
Proper use of commas
Avoid command errors in word usage
35. Proposal Writing Tips Basic rules for writing the proposal, cont.:
Rule 3: Write with clarity, conciseness, and accuracy
Ensure sentences are developed in a clear format
Avoid sentences being interpreted in other ways
Avoid ambiguity
Forces the reader to select the meaning
Don’t assume the reader has knowledge of the topic
Writing in a manner that would allow the reader to be able to comprehend the information without asking for clarification
Verify the content for accuracy
36. Proposal Writing Tips Basic rules for writing the proposal, cont.:
Rule 4: Use paragraphs as the framework of your writing
Paragraphs represent the building blocks of the document
Typical length is 6 to 10 lines
Split the information between multiple paragraphs if it goes over the 10 line limitation
Shorter paragraphs adds white space increasing the readability of the document
37. Proposal Writing Tips Basic rules for writing the proposal, cont.:
Rule 4: Use paragraphs as the framework of your writing
Use a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph
Clearly illustrates what you are about to discuss
Develop a main idea
Provides concrete supporting details to the topic sentence
Develop transitional elements
Provides the flow from one paragraph to another
Develop closing sentence
Provides concluding sentence about the topic before moving on to the next section
38. Proposal Writing Tips “Simply regurgitating the RFP buys you absolutely nothing; it will earn the evaluator’s disgust with your ineptness, or worse yet, his everlasting hatred for your insult to his intelligence.”
Helgeson, 1994, p.99
39. Proposal Writing Tips “If a proposal is to make a good first impression, the reader’s first 10 seconds of exposure are crucial. The reader’s first concerns are:
How long will this one take to evaluate?
Is it long and wordy or short and concise?
Is it well organized?
Who submitted the proposal?
Content counts more than form, but first impressions are also created by a proposal’s outward appearance, especially by evidence that it is well organized and easy to read.”
Jacobs, Menker, and Shinaman, 1990, p. 124
40. Proposal Writing Tips Proposal Writing Rule 1
Follow your writing plan
Storyboards provide a starting point
Make sure your proposal strategy complies with the RFP
Integrate text and graphics to illustrate your theme
Proposal Writing Rule 2
Provide the basic proposal details
Keep it basic
Who, What, When, Where, How, Why
41. Proposal Writing Rule 3
Ensure your proposal details have purpose
Avoid “data dumping”
Respond to the contents of the RFP
Provide background information to help the reader better understand the content of the proposal
Provide details to illustrate that you understand what the RFP is looking for
Gain the reader’s credibility by illustrating that you know the details of the RFP
Don’t assume the reader knows what you are talking about Proposal Writing Tips
42. Proposal Writing Rule 4
Use boilerplate information, but use it carefully
Technical specifications, company information, advertising and other marketing material
Make sure that it fits the requirements of the RFP
Poorly tailored boilerplate wastes space, reflects an unprofessional approach, shows little concern for your reader’s needs Proposal Writing Tips
43. Proposal Writing Rule 5
Select the right verb tense
Present tense: something that exists now
Future tense: for something that will exist or occur in the future
Present tense is the best because it reflects availability
Avoid passive voice
Readers tend to get lost
Does not reflect a professional understanding of the requirements Proposal Writing Tips
44. Proposal Writing Rule 6
Substantiate your proposal claims
Unsupported claims within your proposal does not provide credibility
Don’t expect your reader to believe it just because it is written
Back it up with facts
If you cite past experience, make sure that experience clearly illustrates the overall theme of the proposal and fits within the RFP requirements Proposal Writing Tips
45. Proposal Writing Rule 7
Sell benefits, not features
“You ought to be writing the proposal to sell stuff. Products, services, projects, ideas. Whatever you’ve got. The proposal is a marketing tool; it helps you make money by convincing people to contract with you for the kinds of things you can provide. The proposal positions your product or service as a solution to a business problem.”
Sant, 1992, p. 9 Proposal Writing Tips
46. Proposal Writing Rule 8
Be logical in your persuasive argument
Good arguments form the basis for effective proposal writing
Persuasion tries to convince the reader to adopt to a certain point of view or pursue a certain line of action
Argue why your product or service should be purchased by the customer
Proposal Writing Tips
47. Proposal Writing Rule 9
Attack proposal weakness head on
It is normal to want to avoid placing anything in the proposal that suggests a weakness in your product or service or your ability to meet customer needs
To mitigate a weakness explain it early on
Illustrates you have done everything you can to eliminate the weakness
It is better to have the reader know your side of the story
Adds to your credibility Proposal Writing Tips
48. Proposal Writing Rule 10
Write lawfully and ethically
Comply with legal and ethical standards
Content that is illegal or unethical may cause you to lose the contract, be subject to lawsuit and/or other charges
Avoid using unauthorized proprietary information
Verify all information is correct
If using materials from another company, make sure written authorization has been provided in advance Proposal Writing Tips
49. Final note on Proposal Writing Tips:
Proposal writing must overcome the reader’s roadblocks
Time constraints
Lack of knowledge
Shared-decision responsibilities
Meet with your customer as much as possible during the development
Incorporate those ideas, comments into the content of your proposal Summary
50. Final note on Proposal Management:
Proposal Development is a process
Clearly defined
Use time wisely
Develop schedules, tasks, proposal plans
Monitor schedules, progress - maintaining the balance of the team
Avoid changing the schedule, plan upon team agreement