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School Improvement and Restructuring under Differentiated Accountability

School Improvement and Restructuring under Differentiated Accountability. Lake County Cheryl L. Sattler, Ph.D Ethica, LLC. No Child Left Behind. Passed 2001, law 2002 “Due” for renewal 2007 Renewal (reauthorization) timing uncertain New regulations coming in November

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School Improvement and Restructuring under Differentiated Accountability

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  1. School Improvement and Restructuring under Differentiated Accountability Lake County Cheryl L. Sattler, Ph.D Ethica, LLC

  2. No Child Left Behind • Passed 2001, law 2002 • “Due” for renewal 2007 • Renewal (reauthorization) timing uncertain • New regulations coming in November • Lots of changes - “pilots”

  3. School In Need of Improvement Status • Under NCLB, only Title I schools are SINI REQUIREMENTS: • School receives Title I-A funds for 2 years • School fails to make AYP for EACH of those 2 years • If School receives Title I-A funds the next year, it is a school in need of improvement EXAMPLE: • 2004-2005 – Title I-A + No AYP • 2005-2006 – Title I-A + No AYP • 2006-2007 – Title I-A School in Need of Improvement, Year 1 (SINI-1)

  4. Under Differentiated Accountability… • All schools must make AYP • Only Title I schools are still SINI • Both Title I and non-Title I schools are graded • Accountability applies to all schools

  5. “Core” of NCLB = Title I • Testing • Grades 2-8, plus 1 high school grade • Reading, Math, Science • Florida adds Writing • Accountability (Adequate Yearly Progress) • School and District Improvement

  6. Schools in Need of Improvement • SINI 1 = 2 years of no AYP • SINI 2 = 3 years of no AYP Corrective Action • SINI 3 = 4 years of no AYP Planning for Restructuring • SINI 4 = 5 years of no AYP Restructuring • SINI 5 = 6 years of no AYP • SINI 6+

  7. When is SINI Status Calculated? • After FCAT • Status takes effect DAY 1 of NEXT school year • Example: Dolphin Elementary is a SINI-3 this school year (2006-07). If it fails to make AYP based on 2006-07 FCAT scores, it will become a SINI-4.

  8. “Holding Pattern” • If a SINI makes AYP for ONE year, it stays at the same level.

  9. Exiting SINI • If a SINI makes AYP for TWO consecutive years, it exits improvement status.

  10. Florida’s AYP Benchmarks

  11. Interpreting Benchmarks • Percentage of students “at or above grade level” across the whole school • Levels 3 and above • For this past FCAT, school needed to have 58% of students at level 3 or above for reading; 62% for math • All students • Each subgroup (Econ. Disadvantaged, SWD, LEP, etc.)

  12. Writing…The Exception • Not an “absolute” benchmark • 1% improvement from prior year

  13. Science • Not included in AYP

  14. 3 Ways to Make AYP • “Straight Math” - Meet all benchmarks for all subgroups • Safe Harbor • Reduce non-proficient by 10% • Growth Model • Percent of students “on track” within 3 years

  15. School Report Cards • Overall AYP Report • http://schoolgrades.fldoe.org • Detailed Report = Key to planning • Scores for each subgroup • Other indicators • Safe Harbor, if applicable • Growth Model, if applicable

  16. Example: Clermont Elementary • Made AYP in reading for “all students” • Missed AYP for Hispanic students by 7 points (51 vs. 58) • Most important statistic: 49% NOT proficient (100-51=49) • If increase proficiency by 4.9% in next year, will make safe harbor.

  17. SINI Status • Not included on School Report Card • http://www.fldoe.org/bsa/title1/pubs_data.asp

  18. New in 2008-2009: Differentiated Accountability • Combines Federal and State accountability • Distinguishes between schools with minor and major problems • Federal pilot project - 6 states • New guidelines (July 29) • Federal evaluation

  19. 9 Focus Areas • School Improvement Planning • Leadership • Educator Quality • Professional Development • Curriculum Alignment & Pacing • Continuous Improvement Model • Choice with Transportation • Supplemental Educational Services • Monitoring

  20. 5 New Categories

  21. How to Read This Chart

  22. Across the State

  23. Correct II Means… • School and District implement state-directed interventions

  24. School Improvement Planning • School provides extended day or after school programs • Parent compacts* • Systematic problem-solving process • District develops District Improvement, Assistance, and Intervention Plan • Reorganize/refocus District staff that support non-performance areas • District provides TA in analyzing student data, revising school budgets

  25. Leadership • School reviews/replaces members of leadership team with district assistance “as necessary” • District reviews/hires qualified principal with experience turning around similar school • Leadership team have success in similar setting • District provides “professional partner” • District uses state resources in leadership development

  26. Educator Quality Teachers highly qualified, certified • Paraprofessionals highly qualified • Student support services personnel highly qualified* • Student support services personnel have similar setting experience • School does not have a higher percentage of first-year or out-of-field teachers than model Title I schools* • No teachers “in need of improvement” • Fully staffed by day 1 • Reading and Math/Science coaches provided

  27. Educator Quality • Lead teachers for each “grouping” hired or assigned by school, district assistance/state oversight “as necessary” • Staff reviewed for proof of accelerated student achievement – replace/reassign • Performance appraisals based primarily on achievement (including principal) • Performance appraisals of leadership team include achievement goals for targeted subgroups • District trains on performance appraisal • District provides pay for performance • District participates in school performance appraisal process at the school (sample)

  28. Educator Quality • District prioritizes resources for staffing, implements differentiated pay, uses state educator recruitment resources • District ensures school compliance with staffing requirements, provides TA, ensures mid-year vacancies filled • District reassigns teachers as needed • District ensures HR is appropriately staffed • District may declare “emergency” to suspend collective bargaining agreements

  29. Professional Development • IPDPs target needs of subgroups missed • Mentoring/coaching by highly effective teacher • ILPDs include PD targeting subgroups missed • PD plan meets state protocol standards • Equitable access to technology & PD • District provides TA on each of the above • District PD plan meets state protocol standards

  30. Professional Development • School schedule designed to include: • Common planning time • Job-embedded PD • School organized into Professional Learning Communities • PLCs aligned with district-focused delivery model • Teachers of targeted subgroups organized into Lesson Study Groups • District ensures resources for above • District provides PD on assessing student progress

  31. Professional Development • Real-time access to achievement data with PD and support • District participates in IPDP meetings • Focused PD delivery model • Assignment of/training for content experts to serve as lead teachers • Assignment/training for PLC/LSC coaches

  32. Curriculum Alignment & Pacing • School implements state-approved evidence-based curriculum program • Implement pacing guides • Implement schoolwide reform model • 90 minute uninterrupted reading block (elem.) • Ensure secondary students properly placed in rigorous coursework (District monitors) • District supports and identifies best practices • District defines instructional model to be followed in all classrooms (reported to state)

  33. Continuous Improvement Model • Administer diagnostics and provides remediation, acceleration & enrichment • Develop, implement curriculum calendar • District provides progress monitoring tools & analyzes data to determine effectiveness of instruction, allocate resources based on need • School implements Response to Intervention • Real-time access to student achievement data • District prescribes formative and summative assessments

  34. Choice and SES • Offer both Choice and SES

  35. Monitoring • SAC monitors implementation of improvement plan • School team – monitors fidelity, defines roles • Comprehensive monitoring process – classroom, team, schoolwide • District monitors/evaluates improvement • District evaluates PD • District evaluates progress monitoring 3x/year (PMRN and core content)

  36. Restructuring • District reorganizes school staff • District increases oversight and monitoring • District replaces school staff relevant to failure of the school (as necessary)

  37. And… • District appoints an outside expert to advise the school on its progress toward making AYP based on its school improvement plan

  38. District implements one of 4* NCLB restructuring options: • District takes over school • Close and re-open as charter • Hire management company (i.e., Edison) • Other significant management change

  39. Prevent II Means… • District develops plans in collaboration with school, approves, monitors implementation • District develops District Improvement, Assistance, and Intervention Plan • District provides TA in analyzing student data, revising school budgets

  40. Prevent II Means… • District directs intervention • District provides assistance

  41. School Improvement Planning • District develops plan in collaboration w/school • District approves/monitors implementation • District Improvement, Assistance and Intervention Plan • District provides TA in analyzing data and revising budgets

  42. Leadership • School reviews/replaces members of leadership team “as necessary” • District reviews/hires qualified principal • District provides “professional partner” • District uses state resources in leadership development

  43. Educator Quality Teachers highly qualified, certified • Paraprofessionals highly qualified • Student support services personnel highly qualified* • Student support services personnel have similar setting experience • School does not have a higher percentage of first-year or out-of-field teachers than district average • Performance appraisals based primarily on achievement (including principal) • District trains on performance appraisal

  44. Educator Quality • District ensures performance appraisal implemented with fidelity • School reviews/replaces all relevant staff as necessary • District prioritizes resources for staffing, implements differentiated pay, uses state educator recruitment resources

  45. Educator Quality • District ensures school compliance with staffing requirements, provides TA, ensures mid-year vacancies filled • District reassigns teachers as needed • District ensures HR is appropriately staffed • District may declare “emergency” to suspend collective bargaining agreements

  46. Professional Development • IPDPs target needs of subgroups missed • Mentoring/coaching by highly effective teacher • ILPDs include PD targeting subgroups missed • PD plan meets state protocol standards • Equitable access to technology & PD • District provides TA on each of the above • District PD plan meets state protocol standards

  47. Professional Development • School schedule designed to include: • Common planning time • Job-embedded PD • School organized into Professional Learning Communities • District ensures resources for above • District provides PD on assessing student progress

  48. Curriculum Alignment & Pacing • Identify and use evidence-based curriculum • Align curriculum to state standards • Implement pacing guides • Ensure secondary students properly placed in rigorous coursework (District monitors) • District supports and identifies best practices

  49. Continuous Improvement Model • Administer diagnostics and provides remediation, acceleration & enrichment • Develop, implement curriculum calendar • District provides progress monitoring tools & analyzes data to determine effectiveness of instruction, allocate resources based on need • School implements Response to Intervention • Real-time access to student achievement data • District prescribes formative and summative assessments

  50. Continuous Improvement Model • District monitors, analyzes PMRN 3x year • District monitors, analyzes progress monitoring on tested core-content areas 2x year • District ensures schools with greatest needs get greatest resources

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