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ArcPad 8.0 - Advanced Customization

ArcPad 8.0 - Advanced Customization. Jian Lange (ESRI), Elvin Slavik (Maptel), Marika Vertzonis (Maptel), Craig Greenwald (GeoMobile). ArcPad Releases Status (since UC 2008). ArcPad 8 April 2009 Major release including new features and business model change ArcPad Studio is now included

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ArcPad 8.0 - Advanced Customization

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  1. ArcPad 8.0 - Advanced Customization Jian Lange (ESRI), Elvin Slavik (Maptel), Marika Vertzonis (Maptel), Craig Greenwald (GeoMobile)

  2. ArcPad Releases Status (since UC 2008) • ArcPad 8 • April 2009 • Major release including new features and business model change • ArcPad Studio is now included • ArcPad 8 Service Pack 1 • July 2009 • Bug fix release • ArcPad 8.1 • April 2010 • Major release including new features

  3. Agenda • ArcPad 8 customization improvements • Customizing built-in toolbars • Inside ArcPad AXF – The “Lightweight Geodatabase” • Creating custom forms for related tables • Communicating between ArcPad and .NET applications • Using .NET Windows Forms for data entry in ArcPad • Working with ArcPad and ArcGIS Server • Using Geoprocessing tools • What’s ahead?

  4. ArcPad 8 customization improvements

  5. ArcPad 8 customization improvements • New fully configurable toolbars • All built-in toolbars can now be modified and re-configured • Seamless integration of existing AXF customization with new ArcGIS Server synchronization capabilities • Enhanced Geoprocessing tools

  6. Customizing built-in toolbars

  7. Customizing built-in toolbars • Built in toolbars replaced with default toolbars • Default toolbars configuration in My ArcPad\ArcPad.apx • Keyboard operable • Higher resolution .ICO format icons • 16x16 and 32x32 pixels • More colours, including alpha blending • Standard icons can be replaced • Pre ArcPad 8 icons in ‘Icons’ folder • Tip: Delete ArcPad.apx to restore default toolbar configuration Single Tool Or Menu Toolbar Selector Toolbar menu

  8. Customizing built-in toolbars • Demonstration

  9. Inside ArcPad AXF – The “LighTweightGeodatabase”

  10. 1 to many relationships Each feature can support multiple sets of attributes in separate tables Geodatabase attribute rules supported in data rather than forms Easier to create forms Don’t need to use scripts to manage relationships Geodatabase subtypes Inside ArcPad AXF – The “Lightweight Geodatabase” 10 UC 2007 Tech Sessions

  11. Inside ArcPad AXF – The “Lightweight Geodatabase” • Built on top of Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition • A fully fledged mobile SQL database supported on bothWindows and Windows Mobile platforms (same file format) • .AXF files are SQL Server Compact databases • Simplistic analogy is ‘shapefiles’ in a database • Created using : • ArcPad Data Manager (ArcMap) • ArcPad Geoprocessing Tools (ArcToolbox)

  12. Inside ArcPad AXF – The “Lightweight Geodatabase”

  13. Inside ArcPad AXF – The “Lightweight Geodatabase” The AXF Schema

  14. Inside ArcPad AXF – The “Lightweight Geodatabase” • In feature tables columns named with ‘AXF_’ prefix are ArcPad managed • AXF_OBJECTID is the feature’s unique identifier – automatically assigned • Must update AXF_STATUS features modified or deleted using direct SQL (eg related tables and .NET samples) • Update AXF_STATUS, AXF_TIMESTAMP for new or modified features • Add entry to AXF_DELETED_ROWS for deleted features • When developing code, check status in Studio • Use SQL transactions on bulk operations to maintain integrity in case of failure AXF_STATUS – ‘Bit mapped’ value C = Created (1) M = Modified (2) D = Deleted (128) G = Geometry Modified (256) R = Related Modified (65536) P = Processed / checked-in (16777216) E = Error (2147483648) Green = Processed Red = Error Orange = Unprocessed / modified / created

  15. Creating custom forms for related tables

  16. Creating custom forms for related tables • The problem: • ArcPad handles related tables but currently only allows customization the data entry form for the parent tables. • There is a common requirement to create customer data forms for related tables in a feature class Example from “Poles” feature class in Riverside sample data

  17. Creating custom forms for related tables • The solution: • Using scripting and leveraging from the SQL Server Compact based AXF format related table data entry can be customised • New sample included with ArcPad 8 SP1 demonstrates customised related table data entry for forms for “Sewerlines” feature class in Riverside sample data INSERT NEW SCREEN SHOTS

  18. Creating custom forms for related tables • Review of Solution • Demonstration • Accompanying explanatory notes • Technique and implementation code • Use SQL to extract related data for a feature into memory • A custom form to add or edit related rows • How to populate custom comboboxes with values from a coded value domain • Use SQL to store new and changed related rows • Managing AXF feature control flags required for check and synchronization

  19. Communicating between ArcPad and .NET applications

  20. Communicating between ArcPad and .NET applications • The problem: • In creating interoperability between .NET applications and ArcPad there may be the requirement to :- • Send data from ArcPad to a running .NET application • Eg Results from pen clicks • Control ArcPad from a .NET application • Eg Send commands such as refresh map or zoom to a location

  21. Communicating between ArcPad and .NET applications • The solution: • New sample included with ArcPad 8 SP1 demonstrates techniques for basic interoperation between ArcPad and a .NET application • Visual Studio 2008 projects for both Windows and Windows Mobile INSERT NEW SCREEN SHOTS

  22. Communicating between ArcPad and .NET applications • Review of Solution • Demonstration • Accompanying explanatory notes • Technique and implementation code • ArcPad applet that demonstrates: • How to start a .NET application from script code • How to find a running .NET application • How to send pen click event data to the .NET application • .NET application demonstrating how to control ArcPad

  23. Using .NET Windows Forms for data entry in ArcPad

  24. Using .NET Windows Forms for data entry in ArcPad • The problem: • .NET Windows Forms offer a rich set of components allowing the development of sophisticated data entry form • How can .NET Windows Forms be used to create data entry forms for features in ArcPad?

  25. Using .NET Windows Forms for data entry in ArcPad • The solution: • New sample included with ArcPad 8 SP1 demonstrates techniques use of a .NET Windows Form used as a data entry form for the “Parcels” feature class • Visual Studio 2008 projects for both Windows and Windows Mobile INSERT NEW SCREEN SHOTS

  26. Using .NET Windows Forms for data entry in ArcPad • Review of Solution • Demonstration • Accompanying explanatory notes • Technique and implementation code • Intercepting the ArcPad data entry form and invoking a .NET application • Loading feature data in .NET from AXF using SQL Server Compact • Populating .NET controls with feature data and values from codes value domains • Storing features changes back to AXF • Managing AXF feature control flags required for check and synchronization

  27. Working with ArcPad and ArcGIS Server

  28. Working with ArcPad and ArcGIS Server • In most cases your custom forms require no modification to be compatible with ArcGIS Server synchronization • Synchronization with ArcGIS Server is performed in background process (ArcPadSync.exe) • If you create advanced custom forms such (eg. related tables and .NET samples), you must ensure feature status flags are managed

  29. Using Geoprocessing tools

  30. Using Geoprocessing tools • Why use Geoprocessing tools? • Streamline complex workflow steps • Combine commonly repeated operations into a single model • ArcPad 8 now allows steps and options selected for a check out using the ArcPad Data manager to be ‘replayed’ using Geoprocessing tools

  31. Using Geoprocessing tools

  32. What’s ahead?

  33. What’s Ahead? • Major upgrade to ArcPad Studio to improve the customization and developer experience • New ArcPad Studio based on Microsoft’s Visual Studio • Enhanced editing capabilities • Modern user interface familiar to Visual Studio developers • Note: Does not require Microsoft Visual Studio • Improved integration of tools into the Studio environment • New tools for diagnosis and maintenance


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