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How they learn Down Under. Or: The Australian Education system (and some Aussie slang…). Important facts. Minister for Education: Dan Tehan Budget: 111.8 Billion Official language in public schools: English 99% of all male and female have a literacy
How they learn Down Under Or: The Australian Education system (and some Aussie slang…)
Important facts • Minister for Education: Dan Tehan • Budget: 111.8 Billion • Official language in public schools: English • 99% of all male and female have a literacy • 21% of the population is enrolled and going to school • 180 to 230 days of school days per year • Four terms - each lasting between 9 and 11 weeks • After every term there is a two weeks holiday • School year runs from late January until mid-December • Summer vacation is from mid-December until late January and is the longest of the school breaks • Typical school day starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 3.30 PM • Australia’s public school systems ranks fourth in the world!
Different school types • Preschool • Starts at 3 to 4 years old • It isn’t mandatory • Kindergarten (kindy): • Starts at 5 years old • Before first grade • It counts as school and it is mandatory • Primary school: • Starts at 6 years old • Grade 1-6 • High school: • Starts at 12 years old • Grade 7-12 • Universities/Colleges: • After 12 grade • Adult school • Private school
Interview with Grace(12) and Charlotte(9) Burt by Boris Geshev - 1/3 • B: In which grade are you? • G: I am in grade 8. • C: I am in grade 5. • B: At what age do you start school? • G: We start school at kindergarten with 4 or 5 years old. • B: How many different school types do you have? • C: We have preschool, which is not mandatory, kindergarten or kindy, primary school, high school and colleges and universities. • B: At what time does your school day star and end? • G: We start at 8:30 am and end at 3 PM.
Interview with Grace(12) and Charlotte(9) Burt by Boris Geshev - 2/3 • B: What subjects do you have? • G: We both have Maths, English, Science, Geography, Religion, PSE (Sports), Music, Arts and we both learned extra Japanese. I also have History. • C: I have instead History, HASS, which is History and Social Studies. • B: How do you get to school? • C: We got to school by car, because we lived on a hill and it was a long distance to walk. • B: How many kids are you in one class? • G: We were normally 20-30 kids in a class.
Interview with Grace(12) and Charlotte(9) Burt by Boris Geshev - 3/3 • B: What kind of extracurricular activities did you do? • G: We didn’t have any at school, so we had to go outside of school. We went after school care, because our parents worked both. I did tennis, net ball and swimming. • C: I did also tennis and swimming, but I also did AFL (Australian Football League). • B: What age do you graduate at in Australia? • C: In primary school you graduate at 11-12 years old and in high school it’s the same as in Germany. You graduate at 18. • B: How many weeks of holidays do you have per year? • G: So we have 4 terms each lasting 11 weeks and then a two week break. Our summer break is 7 weeks. So we have 220 days of school and 105 days of break without the weekends.
Sources • Wikipedia • Personal interview • https://nationalsafetysigns.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/RD299-Kangaroo-Warning-sign.png • https://userscontent2.emaze.com/images/111e513b-50ca-4124-a785-9e28da008301/0efc5e71ab12ffb66b85949e6e9c0cb4.jpg • https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/teacher-school-australia-flag-children-260nw-364013600.jpg • https://www.gotoaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/4df6f92b43afe296bcb7e48c1648999c.jpg • http://www.studyaustralia.eu/image/425/600/fit/Australia/Citipointe-Christian-College-jazz-band.jpg • https://edge.alluremedia.com.au/uploads/businessinsider/2016/09/Brisbane-Grammar-School-2.jpg
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