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Change Management The Cornerstone for Effective CRM Deployment. When you say C hange, they say:. “This is a waste of time.” “Why change if it was working just fine before?” “If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” “They never tell us what’s going on!” “How soon will this happen?”
Change ManagementThe Cornerstone for Effective CRM Deployment
When you say Change, they say: “This is a waste of time.” “Why change if it was working just fine before?” “If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” “They never tell us what’s going on!” “How soon will this happen?” “How will this impact me?” “Will I receive new training?” “What’s in it for me.” “I doubt they are really serious about this.” Natural reaction to change: Resist Awareness of need to change: critical ingredient and must comefirst
‘Service-change’ and CRM projects are all about culture, ownership, control and resistance, direction, management, vision, communications, structure, process and people… people… people. Resource: A Practical Guide to CRM Background, Business Case & Case Studies Our Ref e2e/reviews/BR131101 Prepared by Richard Parkinson Barclay Rae e2e Customer Services Ltd
1. Why change management is crucial to the success of your CRM project.2. How to successfully use change management while focusing on the behaviors and attitudes to create champions of change.3. Identification of the key components of change management 4. Components of an effective change plan: time lines, resources required, communication processes, documentation, and acceptance criteria.
Before Embarking on Change • Align the change with the company’s strategy • Understand what you’re likely to achieve • Ensure executives committed to achieving change • Verify there are sufficient resources • Assess need for external help, find outside resources “Change management is crucial to the success of any change effort.”
Key Components for Success • Formalizing the process • Defining the change program • Establishing a formal management structure • Communicating to the appropriate stakeholders • Involving people frequently to create champions of change “Don’t build it in a box alone”
Project Team • Executive Sponsors • Management Team • Project Manager / Project Assistant • Change Manager • USERS!! • Outside clients • Key stakeholders • Partners / vendors • Database administrators • IT!! (Technicians, engineers, system administrators, etc.) • Help Desk and Call Center • Users • Auditing / quality control manager “Not in handout”
Business Dimension of Change Elements of the business dimension of Change: • Business need or opportunity is identified • Project is defined (scope and objectives) • Proper management team is put in place • Risks, costs and business impacts are addressed
Business Dimension of Change Elements of the business dimension of change: • Business solution is designed (new processes, systems, and organizational structure) • New processes and systems are developed • Solution is implemented into the organization
PeopleDimension of Change Effective management of the people dimension of change requires managing five key phases: • Awareness of the need for change • Desire to make the change happen • Knowledge about how to change • Ability to implement new skills and behaviors • Reinforcement to retain the change once it has been made “ADKAR” Research shows that problems with this dimension of change is the most commonly cited reason for project failures. In a study with 248 companies, effective change management with employees was listed as one of the top-three overall success factors for the project. Helping managers be effective sponsors of change was considered the most critical success factor overall.
Now it's your turn • Apply it to a personal situation that you are personally close to. • 1. Identify a change you are having difficulty making in another person (friend, family member or work associate), that is not working regardless of your continued efforts. • 2. Briefly describe the personal change you are trying to implement: • 3. Answer and assign a score for the following questions. • Awareness. List the reasons you believe the change is necessary. Review these reasons and rate the degree to which the person you are trying to change is aware of the reasons or need to change (0% - 100%). • Desire. List the factors or consequences (good and bad) for this person that create a desire to change. Consider these motivating factors, including the person’s conviction in these factors and the associated consequences. Rate his/her desire to change (0% - 100%). • Knowledge. List the skills and knowledge needed to support the change, including if the person has a clear picture of what the change looks like. Rate this person’s knowledge or level of training in these areas (0% - 100%). • Ability. Considering the skills and knowledge identified in the previous question, evaluate the person’s ability to perform these skills or act on this knowledge. To what percent do you rate this person’s ability to implement the new skills, knowledge and behaviors to support the change (0% - 100%)? • Reinforcement. List the reinforcements that will help to retain the change. Are incentives in place to reinforce the change and make it stick? To what percent do you rate the reinforcements as helping support the change (0% - 100%)?
Complete the table to the best of your ability, rating each area on a scale of 0% to 100% Take a moment to review your scores. Highlight those areas that scored a 50% or below, and identify which was the first area to score less than 50%.
You must address the area you scored 50% or less first. Awarenesswill be core to the success of the project effort. Desire to change at the employee level must be addressed as resistance will be a natural reaction to change. As the change moves into implementation, you will need to develop knowledge about the change and ensure their ability to implement new skills and behaviors. Once the change is in place, you will need to reinforce the change to avoid moving backwards to old behaviors.
Process Dimension of Change Process elements for change: • Define methodology • Identification of activities • Back-out process documented • Prioritization of change tasks • Agreed upon Service Levels Offer Collaboration Space Email distribution lists Weekly status reports Weekly team meetings Teleconferencing
Process Dimension of Change Process elements for change: • Develop project plan • Identify documentation requirements • List training needs • Produce implementation plan • Communications plan • Action items list • Issues list • New requirements • Project review documents
Technology Dimension of Change Technology project elements of change: • Appropriate software and or hardware is identified. • Technical and functional requirements gathered. • Installation, develop, design, test, and pilot • Production installation • JAD sessions • Post-it note exercise • Involve the users!
Technology Dimension of Change Technology elements of change: • Final testing including user testing • Notification, audit trails, measurements • Solution is implemented into the organization • Workshops • Design reviews
Identify detailed reqs. Change Management Model- Technology Document policies for support function Recognize or identify change Post Implementation Review Gather knowledge Initiate request Identify training needs Identify risk, cost, benefits Schedule and perform training Go Live! Prioritize requests Populate knowledge base Schedule Testing Design prototype Pilot Review Kick Off Celebration! Production release Gain approval “Include Help Desk and Call Center!”
Create Champions of Change • Help people feel comfortable with their being asked to do something differently. • Tend to think first about what they have to give up • Feel isolated even when others are going through similar changes • Different resilience levels, none of us can absorb unlimited change • Concerned that they don’t have enough resources • If not addressed all of these can lead to resistance.
Communication – Involve Others • 1.Build a comprehensive communications plan targeting affected units and stakeholders • 2. Leverage preferred communications methods and vehicles • 3. Focus initial rounds on creating awareness and building support • 4. Provide periodic updates in subsequent rounds to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged. • 5. Task senior executives to play an active role: • * Sponsorship – in global communications and funding • * Participation – in key project activities • * Engaging – other key stakeholders • 6. Involve other leaders through working sessions • 7. Leverage other communication events and training sessions to involve entire staff • 8. Create a “stakeholder engagement” plan for active involvement • 9. Collect stakeholder concerns during all interactions • 10. Build buy-in to the business case • 11. Leverage “quick wins” and test and learn activities • 12. Build comprehensive reporting
Utilize Advanced Project Management Methods • Actively monitor project activities • Track concerns and issues along the way and determine appropriate action • Leverage existing organizational processes for conducting formal “readiness assessments” • Ensure the CRM Program leverages existing organization norms for: • Cross-organizational involvement • Active use of steering committees • Adopt a partnership approach with CRM vendors and or consultants to facilitate results • Leverage best practices for Program Management tailored to unique CRM requirements • Create a “roadmap” or overall approach to achieve the CRM vision • Adopt a “phased” implementation approach • Focus on “quick wins” along the way • Enhance organizational readiness by rolling out across all areas over the long term
Foundation for Success • Involve people up-front and gain their support • Identify the team and stakeholders • Utilize standard procedures • Change control • Documentation • Communication paths • Deploy technology following a formal process Keep it simple Small phases
“If you're not riding the wave of change...you'll find yourself beneath it."
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www.crm-toolkit.com/www.crm-toolkit.com/SamplePlans.htmlwww.projectconnections.com/knowhow/template_list/newformat/samples/CommunicationsPlan.docwww.iodinc.com/tools.php3www.pfdf.org/leaderbooks/l2l/spring2000/bridges.htmlwww.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/leadrshp/le5spark.htmwww.crmproject.com/document.asp?d_id=2198www.projectconnections.comwww.crm-toolkit.comwww.crm-toolkit.com/www.crm-toolkit.com/SamplePlans.htmlwww.projectconnections.com/knowhow/template_list/newformat/samples/CommunicationsPlan.docwww.iodinc.com/tools.php3www.pfdf.org/leaderbooks/l2l/spring2000/bridges.htmlwww.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/leadrshp/le5spark.htmwww.crmproject.com/document.asp?d_id=2198www.projectconnections.comwww.crm-toolkit.com “Not in handout”