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School Counselors and Principals So Happy Together by Barb ...

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School Counselors and Principals So Happy Together by Barb ...

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    1. School Counselors and Principals So Happy Together by Barb Micucci and Jennifer Dilks

    3. Agenda Assess Current Relationship Defining and Sharing the Vision Tools for Getting in Sync (ranking) Ingredients for a Successful Relationship Ideas for Collaboration Overcoming Barriers Next Steps

    4. Stand Up If . . . You�ve been a counselor for 5 years or less. You�ve been a counselor for 10 or more years. You�re an administrator. If you are an elementary counselor. If you are a middle school counselor. If you are familiar with the ASCA model. If you are the only counselor or administrator in your building. This is your first national conference.

    5. Describing the Relationship What four words would you use to describe your relationship with your principal or counselor?

    6. Describing the Ideal Counselors: Describe your ideal principal Principals: Describe your ideal counselor

    7. How Do You Make Your Ideal into Reality?

    8. Sharing the Vision Laying out the comprehensive school program. The Principal�s View

    9. ASCA Model

    10. Beliefs About School Counseling Program Comprehensive Visible Integrated Collaborative Resource for staff Support for parents

    12. Calendar Orientations New Student Activities Character Ed Kick-Off Parent Workshops Parent Conferences Small groups Sitting & Knitting Small Group Testing MS Transition Next year�s class lists

    13. Examining the Role Responsibilities LEA 504 Screenings Observations Special Education packets IST member Parent meetings Testing Accountability: sharing data

    14. Getting in Sync: Prioritizing

    15. Counselor � Principal Priority Ranking __ Individual counseling __ Small group counseling __ Classroom lessons __ Crisis counseling / responsive services __ LEA __ Discipline __ Standardized testing __ Instructional support team / SAP __ 504 Case manager __ Parent workshops __ Data manager __ Class coverage __ Scheduling __ Professional development __ Mentoring staff members __ Counselor screenings (achievement testing, brief IQ screenings)

    16. Strategies for Getting and Staying In Sync

    17. Regularly Scheduled Meetings Daily contact Regularly scheduled meetings Time to plan and prioritize

    19. Management Agreement

    20. Ingredients for a Successful Relationship Communication Schedule accessible (both) Logs Trust Confidentiality / Professionalism Honor your commitments Mutually Supportive Be present Utilize natural strengths

    21. Ideas for Collaboration What can you do together that supports the school program and the goal of academic achievement for every child? How can you use data to inform decision making and program planning?

    22. Ideas of Collaboration Parent Workshops Kindergarten Orientation New Student Orientation Principal � Counselor Book Club

    23. Ideas for Collaboration Assembly Programs Character Education Red Ribbon Grade level meetings Bus Safety Program

    24. Ideas for Collaboration Small Groups that grow out of school data or needs Girls Group Boys Group Anxiety Group (Don�t Worry, Be Happy) School Success

    25. Ideas for Collaboration Truancy Elimination Plans

    26. What are some barriers to forming an effective partnership?

    27. Barriers to Forming Partnerships Different personality / work styles Different visions or philosophies Lack of knowledge of the counselor�s role Previous experience Lack of resources in the school Lack of mutual respect Indecisiveness Physical location of work space Administrative responsibilities

    28. Overcoming Barriers Communicating about priorities Reframing duties and responsibilities to support counselor role Thinking outside of the box Professional development Understanding your respective roles Respectful suggestions

    29. Communicating Your Needs I really need your support on . . . If you want some input on that decision . . . Here�s something we�ve done in the past . . . How can I help you with that? I feel like the staff needs . . . A concern I have about that approach is. . . There is a lot going on right now. Where do you want me to focus my time?

    30. Next Steps On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current relationship? What is standing in your way? What are some steps you are willing to take to bridge the gap?

    31. Goal Setting What is one new collaborative initiative you and your principal/counselor might undertake to positively impact the school program?

    32. The Ideal Relationship? What a Principal wants: -Proactive -Visible/ Accessible to students/staff -Able to handle crisis response -Outstanding with parents -Advocate for kids -Able to see the big picture -Leader -Open to new ideas/change -Understands the role What a Counselor wants: -Strong leader/ Good vision -Willing to take a stand on issues -Committed to school achievement -Collaborative/ Team player -Open to dialogue -Approachable -Trustworthy -Flexible -Caring

    33. Our relationship was magical!

    34. Contact Information Barbara Micucci Upper Merion Area School District Caley Elementary School www.umasd.org bmicucci@umasd.org Jennifer Dilks Lower Moreland Township School District Murray Avenue School jdilks@lmtsd.org

    35. Directions to access my website Type in www.umasd.org Click on the word �Staff� in gold Click on letter M Find Micucci, Barbara and click on it On left side of counselor page look for title �School Counselor - Principal Partnerships�

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