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Structured Queries for Legal Search

syn(guide strategy approval) #syn(family #1(G rated)) #syn(movie film) ... movie. film. Experiments and findings. Boolean constraints improve recall and precision ...

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Structured Queries for Legal Search

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    1. Structured Queries for Legal Search TREC 2007 Legal Track Yangbo Zhu, Le Zhao, Jamie Callan, Jaime Carbonell Language Technologies Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University 11/06/2007

    2. Agenda Introduction Main task – ad hoc search Routing task – relevance feedback

    3. What is legal search Goal: retrieve all documents for production requests. Production request: describes a set of documents that the plaintiff forces the defendant to produce. Recall-oriented: high risk (value) of missing (finding) important documents.

    4. Data set 7 million business records from tobacco companies and research institutes. Metadata: title, author, organizations, etc. OCR text: contain errors 50 topics generated from four hypothetical complaints created by lawyers

    5. Main task – Ad hoc search Indri query formulation Without boolean constraint #combine(ranking function) With boolean constraints #filreq( #band(boolean constraint) #combine(ranking function) )

    6. Boolean constraint Translate the Final Query

    7. Ranking functions Bag of words (guide strategy approval family G rated movie film) Respect phrase operators (guide strategy approval family #1(G rated) movie film) Group synonyms together (#syn(guide strategy approval) #syn(family #1(G rated)) #syn(movie film))

    8. Experiments and findings Boolean constraints improve recall and precision Structured queries outperform bag-of-words ones

    9. Per topic performance (Difference to the median of 29 manual runs) est_RB

    10. Routing task of Legal track 2007 Structured queries are known to be hard to construct. Not, with supervision Questions Weighted query help? Metadata&Annotations help? A definitive answer from Supervised Structured Query Construction

    11. Structured query #weight( w1 t1 w2 t2 … wn tn)

    12. Supervised Structured Query Construction Relevance feedback => supervised learning Train linear SVM with keyword, keyword.field feature SVM classifier fi : training weights for terms, choose to be tfidf/LM scores Retrieval: #weight( w1 t1 w2 t2 … ) fi : tfidf/LM scores for terms Advantages Given enough training, know for sure whether one type of feature helps

    13. Example Query <RequestNumber>13</RequestNumber> <RequestText>All documents to or from employees of a tobacco company or tobacco organization referring to the marketing, placement, or sale of chocolate candies in the form of cigarettes.</RequestText> <FinalQuery>(cand! OR chocolate) w/10 cigarette!</FinalQuery>

    14. Annotations Feedback query:

    15. Performance

    16. Routing Conclusions A principled way of constructing structured queries Annotations Query term weights Answers from a supervised learning algorithm Weights helps, annotations less.

    17. Thank you! Questions?

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