1. Value of species datasets as baselines (non-marine Mollusca) Roy Anderson
3. Biodiversity conservation & mapping We are arguably in the eye of a storm which will disrupt ecosystems worldwide
Uncontrolled expansion of the human population
Uncontrolled development and use of resources
Pollution and ecosystem damage =
Population size X affluence X technological development
We cannot protect ecosystems (and ourselves) if we do not know their
Faunal composition
Dynamics – strengths/weaknesses
Knowledge is power
But it should be gathered in a cost-effective way
4. Involving Joe Public Mapping schemes in Britain have worked because
They captured the public imagination
There was a body of dedicated people driving and co-ordinating schemes
Regular updates were maintained (nowadays by the internet – NBN etc.)
Atlases were published
Without public involvement the whole idea of mapping large faunas is probably too expensive for the public purse
5. In Ireland? We now have the Data Centre to motivate and co-ordinate and a body of interested people to drive schemes with
Introductory courses for new recorders
Internet arrays of data which can be updated
Scheme organisers with the skills to uphold -
Validation of records
Presentation of results in the scientific literature
6. Mapping Irish non-marine Mollusca Within the last two years 80,000 records of 150 species have been collated and validated
Of these 10 have populations of international importance
7 are on the IUCN Red List
6 are protected under European legislation
A Red List for Ireland is proposed and will be published shortly
Within this:
2 regionally extinct (RE)
5 critically endangered (CR)
14 endangered (EN)
26 vulnerable (VU)
7. Reasons for decline Terrestrial species
Categories are 1 RE; 2 CR; 7 EN; 17 VU (total 27 out of ~100)
Habitat destruction 7
Edge of natural range 5
Eutrophication 3
Interplanting woods with conifers 3
Climate change 1
Other 8
8. Reasons for decline Freshwater species
Categories are 1 RE; 3 CR; 7 EN; 9 VU (total 20 out of ~50)
Eutrophication 6
Edge of natural range 5
Habitat destruction 5
Climate change 1
Other 3
9. Outcomes from mapping
10. Species mapping as indicators of eutrophication Advantages:
Covers a broad range of habitats
Historical records can be brought into play
Data highly specific and sensitive
Can detect overall decline in sensitive species
With this, decline in water quality, from both point source and diffuse pollution
Slow, labour intensive
Expertise not widely available
Not well funded – relies on volunteer recorders
11. Compare biological indices: BMWP/ASPT/ RIVPACS Advantages:
Fast, reproducible
Simple, expertise widely available
Good at detecting Point Source Pollution
Limited range of aquatic habitats covered
Seems to overestimate quality compared with chemical indices (NI stats)
Therefore less effective in detecting Diffuse Pollution
Probably lacks sensitivity due to use of higher taxonomic categories
12. Case study 1 – Myxas glutinosa, the glutinous snail Historically: widespread but with few records
Range: much diminished since the early twentieth century
Rare and disappearing across Europe
Habitats where it still exists are low in agricultural nutrients, N & P
Requirements: gently flowing water with high mineral content but low
N/P content
13. Case study 2 – Omphiscola glabra, the mud snail As per the previous example
The mud pond snail is disappearing across Europe because of drainage and enrichment of small, oligotrophic mires
In Ireland it is only found in the south-east
Recently re-discovered at one site in Co Waterford (Anderson 2009) but considered extinct in the molluscan Red List (2009)
14. Outcomes from mapping
15. Case study 1 – Aplexa hypnorum, the moss bladder snail A species of temporary still waters or of slowly moving waters, usually of small size
Adapted to periods of drying out but with poor competitive abilities
Declining due to drainage and infilling of habitats
16. Case study 2 – Hydrobia acuta neglecta, an amphi-saline spire snail A rare species of amphi-saline coastal lagoons declining because of habitat destruction
Post 2006: Co Down sites are now untenanted, so now very rare and declining
Requires periods of low salinity to remove a marine competitor (Peringia ulvae) plus periods of high salinity to remove low-salinity competitors (Potamopyrgus antipodarum and Ventrosia ventrosa)
17. Outcomes from mapping
18. Case study 1: Physella gyrina, bladder tadpole snail
19. Case study 2: Physella acuta, acute or pewter bladder snail
20. Case study 3: Dreissena polymorpha, zebra mussel
21. Case study 4: Bithynia leachii, Leach’s Bithynia
22. Do we just let it happen?