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Cerebrrin | World Best Brain Nootropic Cerebrrin is the standard nootropic, we might consider the father of intelligent drug. It was first synthesized in 1964 by the team that led Cornelius Giurgea of the Belgian pharmaceutical company UCB (Union Chimique Belge), founded in 1928 and specializes in drugs for the nervous system, among others. The history of the company provided on its website (http://www.viewersfacts.com/cerebrrin/) importance of the launch of piracetam. Thus, it was the first substance of the "nootropic" calls, and its success and the number of studies prompted the appearance of this pharmacological group. A touch of chemistry Chemically, piracetam is a cyclic amino acid derivative and neurotransmitter GABA, and is similar to the structure of pyroglutamate amino acid. Its chemical name is 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide. Despite his relationship with GABA it has no neuronal activity related to him or inhibitory effects (GABA is an amino acid inhibitor, and drugs such as benzodiazepines, to potentiate their action, soothed and sedan). As for the neuronal mechanism of action, it is a fascinating subject, as you know the drogófilos friends interested in the functioning of Psychoactive in the brain, but is still poorly understood. We just say something and refer to the excellent works on neuropharmacology cited in references1. It is thought that piracetam can exert modulation of ion channels or ion transporters, producing a non-specific neuronal excitability, which would explain his not direct (or agonistic or inhibitory) synapses action and low toxicity. Piracetam improves the functioning of acetylcholine by its effects on muscarinic cholinergic receptors, involved in memory-related processes. You can have some effect on NMDA glutamate receptors, also related to learning and memorization. It oxygenators their effects on the brain may be due to metabolism improving ATP through increased activity of the enzyme adenylate kinase, which in turn catalyzes the production of ATP from ADP. Also it appears to increase the synthesis of Cytochrome b5, important for several mitochondrial cell reactions. The concept of nootropic In 1972, from piracetam, Giurgea laid the foundations for what should be a inteligente2 drug, becoming the smart drug par excellence benchmark for which would emerge later. A phrase sums up his interest in smart drugs, "Man will not passively wait millions of years for evolution to provide a better brain." A eulogy of pharmacological manipulation certainly within the scope of self-improvement, as legitimate as obtain evasion, pleasure, relaxation, self-knowledge or access to other levels of consciousness through psychoactive. Giurgea also coined the concept and the term "nootropic" 3. For the inventor of the term, a drug must have the following properties belong to this group: 1. Improvement of learning and memory, especially neuronal metabolism is altered by a lack of oxygen,
electric shock or age-related problems. 2. Facilitating the flow of information between the cerebral hemispheres. 3. Improving the overall resistance of the brain to physical and chemical damage. 4. Be free from any psychological or physiological effect, ie not present any kind of unwanted property. First we will cite the beneficial effects of piracetam so general4, and then summarize some of the most relevant studies. Although it was originally used for motion sickness, interest grew, and in the following years a lot of research were published, some about their ability to facilitate learning and preventing cognitive problems. Although current knowledge about neurotransmitters and neuromodulators is not very accurate, what seems certain is that it acts positively on acetylcholine. Consumers say their brains awake and remain alert without excessively stimulated. Improved cognitive processes under hypoxia (low oxygen available) by reducing metabolic stress under these conditions. This can be beneficial for athletes tall (alpinists, for example), because it improves its performance, and for heavy smokers, where the abuse of snuff reduces the amount of oxygen in blood, and therefore available for body tissues. It is used to treat alcoholism, vertigo, dementia, dyslexia and many other problems, and improves memory and learning in healthy people. One of the most striking applications-and already quoted Giurgea- is the reference to improving communication between brain hemispheres, which is associated with creativity and can be the basis of the application of piracetam in the treatment of dyslexia ( laterality problems regarding the dominant cerebral hemisphere). As for its action on acetylcholine, a study suggests it may increase the number of cholinergic receptors in the brain, so we could attribute a regenerative action on the nervous system. Use has been studied in Alzheimer's disease, since this terrible disease is partly due to reduced cholinergic activity caused by cell death and degeneration. It has sometimes been said that can improve cognition in people with problems, but not increase healthy inviduos. However, below we summarize studies seem to show otherwise. In recent years, after three decades of use in many countries, annual sales of only the original brand UCB moves figures in the hundreds of millions of euros per year, increasing year after year. After all accumulated experience, are investigated other possible benefits: stimulation mechanism glucose potentiation of a second messenger (cyclic AMP), increased levels of phospholipids, increased protein synthesis and increased cholinergic and dopaminergic stimulation. Studies There is much research on its effectiveness. Here some. Anyone wishing further information can go to the page PubMed5 research and search the term "piracetam". 1. Study on the ingestion of piracetam and implementation of training programs MEMORY6 in a randomized double-blind study in healthy people with some memory impairment associated with age. It was conducted with 162 patients with such problems. making piracetam and cognitive therapy: two
treatments were used in combination. the subjects were divided into three groups of 54 each, and were administered the treatment for three months. One group received 2,400 mg daily piracetam, another group 4800 and the third a placebo (only received cognitive therapy). 45 patients completed the study in each group. The two combined therapy was more effective treatments in patients with worse starting performance and the best results were achieved in the group taking 4,800 mg daily. 2. investigated its effect on post-concusional syndrome (concussion is a blow suffered in the skull that shows no outward manifestations of trauma injuries internas- -although possible, whereas bruising itself presents traumatic injury) . In a double blind study of twelve months duration with sixty patients with post-concusional7 the effect of piracetam with a placebo was compared. The experimental group took 4,800 milligrams daily of piracetam. After eight weeks of treatment, piracetam reduced the occurrence and severity of these symptoms: dizziness, headache, fatigue, decreased alertness, sweating. According to the authors, piracetam seems a drug with potential applications to treat post-concusional syndrome. 3. It is believed that piracetam enhances the flow of information between the cerebral hemispheres, helping in solving problems. In a study this effect was investigated in ratas8, specifically on learning mediated by information transmitted between hemispheres. interventions were performed in their brains, piracetam were administered and found to transfer visual engramas between hemispheres it was higher when taken piracetam before testing. It is concluded that piracetam improves communication mechanisms between hemispheres. This communication is what hypothetically would encourage creativity blows flashes as they notice some of its users. It is also what has led to its use in the treatment of dyslexia. For example, a double-blind study9 thirty-six weeks with 225 dyslexic children, aged between seven and twelve years with reading skills well below their intellectual capacity. We excluded those with physical problems (neurological, visual, auditory, etc.), emotional or educational. The group receiving the drug piracetam well tolerated without significant side effects, and showed significant improvements in the ability and reading comprehension. The effects were fully evident at twelve weeks of starting the study, and maintained until completion. A Article10 reviewed the research that was administered piracetam to prove its benefits in cases of dyslexia. The conclusion is that no significant adverse effects and appears to improve memory and learning. Double-blind studies suggest that dyslexic children to improve reading ability of these children. As added to the possible improvement of communication interhemisferios we mentioned, electrophysiological studies suggest the idea that piracetam can specifically activate the left hemisphere. 4. Some studies have focused on the criticism that is usually done nootropic substances is possible these drugs that improve cognition in people with certain problems, but not of healthy individuals. In a study11 eighteen elderly individuals without physical problems or diseases and medium-high IQs were used. They were given piracetam for two periods of four weeks and were subjected to several perceptual and motor tasks. Most of those who took piracetam performed better than those who took placebo. 5. A very interesting effect is that taking piracetam can increase the number of cholinergic receptors in the brain. There studies12 with old mice, which -after discovering that exhibited a sharp drop in the activity of acetylcholine receptors, with many desensitized and inactivos- piracetam was administered
for two weeks, with the consequent increase (30-40%) in the density of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the frontal cortex, up to match the conditions of young mice. 6. have also conducted tests on the effectiveness of piracetam in cases of mental decline associated with dementia or Alzheimer's. There have been relatively positive results and other dubious, and the conclusion is that more studies are needed to evaluate its effectiveness 13. Potentiation of the effect of psychoactive drugs Turning now to cannabis and drogófilos generally piracetam appears to increase the effects of psychoactive substances, probably by increasing blood flow to the brain, or perhaps a more specific mechanism related to the enhancement of certain neuronal processes (action on ion channels and ion transporters that we cited at the beginning). As expected, no studies are available, although it would be interesting to carry out some, preferably as touching the matter debated whether cannabis use impairs some cognitive faculty. Based on my own experience and that tell other people in certain forums Internet14, piracetam may potentiate the effects of many drugs-including cannabis, stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines, and psychedelics Strengths-, which can give a shock in the form of travel more powerful than expected. In the case of MDMA, the usual dose will be felt more, and a somewhat smaller amount is needed to feel the usual effects. Some people claim to recover the sensations of their first shots, the magic is lost with the use of this drug. Interactions and adverse effects The action of piracetam and its derivatives increases with simultaneous taking deanol, centrophenoxine, choline and dihidroergotoxina, combinations used to treat disorders related to intellectual deficiency, alcoholism and cerebrovascular insufficiency disorders. No serious side effects, although insomnia, headache, agitation, nausea and other minor problems may occur. As for the recommended dose, we will not give specific amounts to avoid being accused of recommending drugs that must be prescribed by doctors. We will just say that is divided into three daily doses and the first few days usually ingested a dose of greater attack, which is then reduced to maintain normal amounts. references 1. For information on neuropharmacology recommend: Bradford, HF. Fundamentals of Neurochemistry. Editorial Labor, SA. Barcelona, 1998 and Stahl, Stephen. Psychopharmacology essential. Ariel Neuroscience. Internet website have http://www.viewersfacts.com/cerebrrin/ 2. My idea is to update information on smart drugs with other work within a few years, when American pharmacologists fulfill the promise to put at our disposal pill fast and safe lighting effects. Then there will be material to write a new book. 3. Giurgea, C.E. "The 'Nootropic' Approach to the Pharmacology of the Integrative Activity of the Brain." Conditional Reflex 1973, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 108? 15.
4. Ward Dean, John Morgenthaler and Steven Fowkes are the pioneers of smart drugs and authors of the book Smart Drugs Smart Drugs I and II. Although less active in recent years, they have enough material on the Web on your web http://www.viewersfacts.com/cerebrrin/ 6. Liliane Israel, Michel Melac, Daniel Gérard Milinkevich and Dubos, "Drug Therapy and Memory Training Programs: A Double-Blind Randomized Trial of General Practice Patients With Age-Associated Memory Impairment". Psychogeriatr Int. Fall 1994; 6 (2): 155-70. 7. H. Hakkarainen, L. Hakamies, "Piracetam in the Treatment of Post-Concussional Syndrome. A Double-Blind Study". Eur Neurol. 1978; 17 (1): 50-5. 8. Burešová O, Bures J., "Piracetam-induced facilitation of interhemispheric transfer of visual information in rats". Psychopharmacologia. 1976; 46 (1): 93-102. 9. Wilsher CR et alia, "Piracetam and dyslexia: effects on reading tests." J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1987 Aug; 7 (4): 230-7.10. C. R. Wilsher, "The nootropic concept and dyslexia." Annals of Dyslexia; 1986, Vol. 36, p. 118-137. 11. Mindus et alia, "Piracetam-induced improvement of Mental performance: a controlled study on normally aging individuals". Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1976 Aug; 54 (2): 150-60. 12. Pilch et alia, "muscarinic cholinergic receptor elevates Piracetam density in the frontal cortex of aged but not of young mice". Psychopharmacology (Berl) 1988; 94 (1): 74-8. Stoll et alia, "Age-related deficits of the central muscarinic cholinergic receptor function in the mouse: partial restoration by chronic piracetam treatment". Neurobiol Aging 1992 Jan-Feb; 13 (1): 39-44. 13. Flicker L, Grimley Evans J., "Piracetam for dementia or cognitive impairment" (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, 2007, Issue 4. Oxford: Update Software Ltd. http://www.viewersfacts.com/cerebrrin/