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CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. CapitalStars Investment Adviser: SEBI Registration Number: INA000001647 DAILY EQUITY REPORT 25TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Investment & trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. Daily Equity Report INDIANFACE INDIAN MARKET CLOSE PREVIOUS ! 36305.02 INDIANEQUITYBENCHMARK:- At the close of market hours, the Sensex closed down 536.58 points or 1.46% at 10967.40 36305.02, while the Nifty was down 175.70 points or 1.58% at ASIAN MARKET 10967.40. The market breadth is negative as 543 shares CLOSE PREVIOUS advanced, against a decline of 2,092 shares, while 161 shares NIKKEI 23869.93 were unchanged. TCS and Coal India were the top gainers, 27499.39 while HDFC, M&M, Eicher Motors and Indiabulls Housing lost 2323.45 the most. GLOBALFACE SECTORIAL INDICES CLOSE CHANGE (%) ! 11191.15 -1.72 AsianMarket- Asianmarketsfinishedmixedasofthemost recentclosingprices.TheShanghaiCompositegained2.50% andtheNikkei225rose0.82%.TheHangSenglost1.62%. -1.91 -2.41 ! U.S.Market-USshaleoiltostealmarketshareuntil2020:Opec. -1.85 ! 24925.20 -2.62 Europeanmarkets- Europeanmarketsarelowertodaywith shares in Germany off the most. The DAX is down 0.29% whileFrance'sCAC40isoff0.18%andLondon'sFTSE100is lowerby0.13%. CLOSE CHANGE (%) 4.99 2.31 2.08 TECH M 1.43 TOP LOSERS CLOSE CHANGE (%) IBULHSGFIN 985 -7.26 -6.94 M&M 898 -6.45 -6.27 Investment & trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. Daily Equity Report NIFTYSPOT MARKET MOVERS UPSIDE TREND STRATEGY SCRIPT CLOSE (%) 4.51 BEARISH TCS 2198.70 17199 2.20 P R1 R2 11253 RESISTANCE R1-11110 R2-11250 R3 11480 10572 10799 10883 11026 11110 2.10 SUPPORT S1-10800 S2-10570 1.56 INFY CLOSE (%) -8.43 2517.75 PEL 254 -8.05 MOTHERSUMI -8.01 RURAL ELEC -7.57 TREND BULLISH S3 S2 S1 24695 P R1 R2 R3 23606 24414 25222 25503 NET (CR.) SUPPORT S1-24690 S2-24410 RESISTANCE BANK NIFTY 14681.80 DII 6336.08 NSE TOTALS ADVANCE 9 BANK NIFTY 0 Investment & trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. Daily Equity Report MARKET TALKS ! BHELinkspactwithBabcockPower! YesBankreceivesBaa3ratingfrom Moody’sandAA+ratingfromICRA India’sfourthlargestprivatesectorbankYesBankhas receivedtheaffirmationofBaa3foreigncurrencyissuer ratingfromMoody’sandareaffirmationofAA+rating fromICRA,withastableoutlook.However,thebank’s stockwastradingflatasitscoutsforareplacementfor CEORanaKapoor,whosetenureasmanagingdirector and chief executive officer was cut short by the RBI. Kapoor has led the bank since its establishment in 2004, and his exit has come as a rude shock to investors. Environmental BharatHeavyElectricalsLimited(BHEL)hasenteredintoa Technology CollaborationAgreement(TCA)withBabcock PowerEnvironmentalInc,thecompanysaidinapressnote to the exchanges on Monday."An agreement has been signedforSelectiveCatalyticReduction(SCR)Systemsfor De-NOx,"thestatementsaid ! MothersonSumitanks~9%intradeasUS, Chinacontinuetotradeblows Shares of auto ancillary-maker Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd(MSSL)tanked~9%intradayonMondayastheworld’s largest and second-largest economies intensified their ongoingtradewar.TheUShasimposedafreshsetof10% tariffson$200bnworthofChinesegoodssuchasnetwork routers, food seasonings, baseball gloves, industrial machineryparts,etc,witheffectfromMonday, September 24.. ! IndiabullsHousingFinancetanksover 10%duetocontagionimpact Stocksofmosthousingfinanceandnon-bankingfinance companiescameunderheavypressureforthesecondconsecutive dayonMondayanddeclinedintherangeof10-15%.Indiabulls HousingFinancetanked12.13%fromitspreviousclose.The overallmarketsentimenthasdampenedwithotherhousing financecompaniesandnon-housingNBFCstoowitnessingselloffs. Investment & trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. DISCLAIMER The information and views in this report & all the service we provide are believed to be reliable, but we do not accept any responsibility for errors of fact or opinion. Investors have the right to choose the product/s that suits them the most. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right investment perspective. The information contained herein is based on analysis and up on sources that we consider reliable. This material is for personal information and based upon it & takes no responsibility. The information given herein should be treated as only factor, while making investment decision. The report does not provide individually tailor-made investment advice. My research recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a financial adviser. Capitalstars shall not be responsible for any transaction conducted based on the information given in this report, which is in violation of rules and regulations of regulators. The price projections shown are not necessarily indicative of future price performance. The information herein, together with all estimates and forecasts, can change without notice. It is understood that anyone who is browsing through the site has done so at his free will and does not read any views expressed as a recommendation for which either the site or its owners or anyone can be held responsible for. Investment & Trading in Securities Markets are always subjected to market risk. Capitalstars Financial Research Private Ltd., Reserves all Rights. INVESTMENT AND TRADING IN SECURITIES MARKET IS ALWAYS SUBJECTED TO MARKET RISK. Investment & trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. CapitalStars Financial Research Private Limited is an advisory company incepted with a vision of providing fair and accurate trading and investment calls in share and commodity market. we specialize in thorough fundamental and technical research analysis in equity and commodity market to provide best equity and commodity tips to traders and investors. we provide intraday as well as delivery stock tips in NSE and BSE and commodity tips in MCX and NCDEX. Get our more services: Intraday stock tips Financial advisory company Share market company * Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. * CapitalStars Investment Adviser: SEBI Registration Number: INA000001647
CAPITALSTARSFINANCIALRESEARCHPVT.LTD. BRANCH OFFICE Capitalstars Financial Research Private Limited PLOT NO.32, MECHANIC NAGAR EXTENSION,IDA SCHEME NO.54,VIJAYNAGAR INDORE REGISTERED OFFICE PLOT NO.12, SCHEME NO.78 PART-2, VIJAY NAGAR, INDORE Email:-backoffice@capiltalstars.in Report Is Checked by Investment Advisor: Investment & trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.