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Killinger Pest Solutionsu2019 proven and thorough methods for exterminator and employ the latest technologies to remove pests safely and completely. Our pesticides have been extensively tested to prevent harm to people, pets and the environment. Green products are also available. Part of our service includes assessing your property and surrounding areas to provide recommendations for changes that will prevent pests from returning.
K I L L I N G E RP E S T S O L U T I O N S SERVICE PestControlroanoke TermiteControl VA RoanokeVA Whenserviceiscomplete, theKillingertechnicianwill provideyouwithareportexplainingthetreatment, any follow-upplans, andstepsyoucantakeforfuture prevention. Thismayincludesuggestionssuchascaulking anyentrypointsforpestsorremovingdebris (likewood, leavesorareaswithstandingwater) fromaroundthe property.Ourserviceisbackedbyanexceptionalquality assuranceprogram, ateamofexperts, anddocumentation toguaranteeourpestcontrolservicemeetsourhigh- qualitystandards — andyours. Termitesfeastonstructuralwood, butwillalsoeatpaper, books, insulationandanyothermaterialcontainingwood pulp. Workingwithaprofessionalexterminator experiencedintermitecontrolwillprovidepeaceofmind, especiallysinceyoucan’talwaystellifyourhousehas termites. ExterminatorRoanoke VA KillingerPestSolutions’ provenandthoroughmethods for exterminatorandemploythelatesttechnologiesto removepestssafelyandcompletely. Ourpesticideshave beenextensivelytestedtopreventharmtopeople, petsand theenvironment. Greenproductsarealsoavailable. Partof ourserviceincludesassessingyourpropertyand surroundingareastoproviderecommendationsforchanges thatwillpreventpestsfromreturning. ContactInfo Address: 5777CrescentBlvd. SuiteB Roanoke, VA24018 Phone: 540-929-8169 Email: kpestsolutions@gmail.com H T T P : / / K I L L I N G E R P E S T S O L U T I O N S . C O M /