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A literature review in a dissertation is a critical examination and synthesis of existing research and scholarly works related to the topic of the dissertation. It serves several important purposes within the context of a dissertation
Whatisaliteraturereviewina dissertation? • Inshoít,adisseítationliteíatuíeíeviewgivesacíiticalappíaisalofthesouíces(liteíatuíe) you have acquiíed and íead about youí topic and then identifies a "gap" in that liteíatuíe thatyouístudywillaim to fill. • ľheíeaíemany misconceptionsíegaídingwhatadisseítationliteíatuíeíeview compíises, as it vaíies. While a disseítation liteíatuíe íeview might be a stíaightfoíwaíd summaíy of íelevant souíces in ceítain situations, it usually demands you to cíitically engage with the mateíial to expíess youí favouíable oí negative ideas about it. What is youí take on a ceítain souíce? Is this inteípíetation significantly diffeíent fíom otheí points of view in the liteíatuíe? ľhis is the level of cíitical thinking that is expected of you inaliteíatuíeíeview. • Checkouí PhDdisseítationexamplestoleaínabouthowweíeviewoíeditanaíticlefoí a PhDdisseítation-full. • A liteíatuíe íeviewin a disseítation is a cíitical examination and synthesis of existing íeseaích and scholaíly woíks íelated to the topic of the disseítation. It seíves seveíal impoítant puíposeswithinthe context of a disseítation: • ContextualizingtheReseaíchPíoblem: • ľhe liteíatuíe íeview píovides a backgíound and context foí the íeseaích píoblemoí questionaddíessedinthedisseítation.Ithelpstheíeadeí undeístand the histoíical development and cuííent state of knowledge in the field. • IdentifyingGaps inKnowledge: • Byíeviewingexistingliteíatuíe,theíeseaícheícan identifygaps, contíoveísies, oí uníesolved issues in the cuííent body of knowledge. ľhis helps in establishing the need foí the íeseaích design and demonstíating itssignificance. • EstablishingľheoíeticalÏíamewoík: • ľhe liteíatuíe íeview aids in establishing the theoíetical fíamewoík foí the study. It identifies and discusses íelevant theoíies, concepts, and models thatinfoímtheíeseaíchandshapetheconceptualfíamewoíkofthe disseítation. • MethodologicalGuidance:
It helps in undeístanding the methodologies employed in píevious studies íelated to the íeseaích topic. ľhis can guide the íeseaícheí in selecting an appíopíiateíeseaíchdesignandmethodsfoítheiístudy. • DemonstíatingScholaílyEngagement: • Aliteíatuíeíeviewdemonstíatestheíeseaícheí'sfamiliaíitywith the existingbodyofknowledgeandtheiíabilitytoengage cíiticallywith scholaíly woíks. It shows that a thoíough undeístanding of the subject matteíinfoímsthe íeseaích. • AvoidingDuplication: • Byíeviewingexistingliteíatuíe,theíeseaícheíandtheíeseaích methodology can ensuíe that theií woík contíibutes something new to the fieldandavoidsduplicatingstudiesthathavealíeadybeenconducted. • Buildinga ConceptualÏíamewoík: • ľheliteíatuíeíeviewhelpsin buildingaconceptualfíamewoíkby oíganizing and synthesizing key concepts, vaíiables, and íelationships that aíeíelevant tothe íeseaích. • SuppoítingtheReseaíchQuestionsoíHypotheses: • ľhe liteíatuíeíeviewpíovidesevidenceandsuppoítfoítheíeseaích questions oí hypotheses posed in the disseítation. It helps establish the logicalconnectionbetweenthe existingknowledgeand theíeseaích objectives. • Awell-executedliteíatuíeíeviewinvolvessystematicallyseaíching,evaluating,and synthesizingíelevantacademicsouícessuch asbooks,jouínalaíticles,andotheí scholaíly publications. It is not meíely a summaíy of existing liteíatuíe but a cíitical analysisthatcontíibutesto the oveíallundeístandingof the íeseaíchtopic. • Check out ouí blog to leaín moíe about the diffeíent management theoíies used foí PhD disseítationíeseaích. • In conclusion, the liteíatuíe íeview seíves as a foundational element in the disseítation, offeíing a compíehensive exploíation of existing scholaíship. ľhíough a cíitical analysis of píioí íeseaích, it establishes the context, identifies gaps in knowledge, and shapes the theoíetical and conceptual fíamewoík foí the study. By navigating methodologies and showcasingscholaílyengagement,theliteíatuíe íeview guidestheíeseaích design, ensuíing a meaningful contíibution to the field. It seíves as a íoadmap, steeíing the investigationawayfíomduplication andtowaídsnovelinsights.Ultimately,PhD Assistancepíovides the synthesis of knowledge that not only suppoíts the íeseaích questionsbutalsoeníichestheoveíall academic discouíseonthechosentopic.