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Dental implants can bring back your healthy, beautiful smile after experiencing problems caused by tooth loss. Here is a complete guide for why you should go for dental implants for long-term tooth loss.
What are Dental Implants? WHAT ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS? Adentalimplantisatiny, butextremely strong, titaniumalloyscrewwhichisused whilesurgicallyreplacingdamagedor missingnaturalteeth. Theyaresyntheticrootsthatreplace naturalteeth.
DENTAL IMPLANTS Dental Implants Dentalimplantsaredrilledintothejawbone, so thatthescrewcanfirmlyconnecttheartificial teethorany otherdentalprosthesistothejaw. Implantsbondtonaturalboneandbecomethe sub-structurefornon-removableteeth.
DID YOU KNOW? Dental implants are among the most successful restoration procedures in dentistry. Studies have shown a five-year success rate of approximately 95% for lower jaw implants and 90% for upper jaw implants. Did you know?
Themajorityofdentalimplantsaremade ofcommerciallypuretitanium. ColdworkhardenedCP4 (maximum impuritylimitsofN .05percent, C .10 percent, H .015percent, Fe .50percent, andO .40percent) isthemostcommonly usedtitaniumforimplants. Composition of Dental Implants Composition of dental implants
Dental Implant Procedure Remove Drill Place Thedamagedtoothwill beremoved, andthejaw willbepreparedfor implantsurgery Pilotholesareplaced withprecisiondrillsat highlyregulatedspeed Theimplantscrewis placedandcanbe self- tapping
Here are reasons to consider dental implant for replacement of missing teeth. Your smile can indeed affect your impression and quality of life, and a smile with a missing tooth is definitely hard to express Dental implants are the best choice for replacement of missing teeth.
Natural, Beautiful Appearance Natural, Beautiful Appearance Smile rehabilitation: Dental implants can bring back your healthy, beautiful smile after experiencing problems caused by tooth loss. Dental implants will enhance your appearance by improving your smile. Dental implant looks and feels like a natural tooth
Oral Health Assoonasatoothislost, the balanceinyourentiredental structureisdisturbed. Thecreatedgapallowsforthe remainingteethtomove. Dentalimplantspreventthe neighboringteethfromshiftingto preservetheaestheticsofyour smileevenafterthelossofseveral teeth. Oral Health
Comfort Comfort Removablepartialappliancestendto moveandrubonthesurrounding teeth, whichwearsouttheenamel andultimatelyloosenstheteethin thesocket. Theseremovableappliancescan weakensurroundingboneand ligaments, ultimatelycausingtooth mobilityandeventoothloss. Dentalimplantsdonotdamage surroundingteeth.
Bone Health Bone Health When a dental implant is in place, the bone reacts by fusing around the surface of the implant. The concept is called the internal bone remodeling stimulus. The implant actually stimulates the bone. Dental implants tend to maintain bone levels.
Benefits Implants will improve articulation Properarticulationcannotbeachieved easilyifyouhavemissingteeth. Withdentalimplants, yourteethwillbe perfectlyinitsplace. Thusitwillhelpinproperspeech. Success Studiesindicateasuccessraterangingfrom 98to99% overaperiodof10to15yearsof follow-up.
Convenience BENEFITS Dentalimplantsareapermanentnon- removablesolution. Adentalimplantsupportedprosthesis doesnotneedtobestoredinajarat night. Peace of Mind Removabledenturescanloosenand falloutwhenleastexpected. Dentalimplantsupportedprostheses won’tfalloutorloosen. Benefits
A good candidate will ideally have Healthy gums because they will serve as the structure supporting the implants. Healthy bone structure in the jaw to support the Who is an Ideal Candidate for Dental Implants? placement of implants. Heavy smokers, those who habitually grind their teeth, have uncontrolled diabetes, severe immune deficiencies, connective tissue diseases, or are going through radiation treatment may also not be the best candidates for getting dental implants. Who is an Ideal Candidate for Dental Implants?
Dental Implants Pricing The cost of dental implants depends on different factors which include Thelocationofthe Thenumberof missingteeth implantsneeded Additionalprocedure Customizationto toprepareyourjaw yourneeds forimplants.
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