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Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras

In order for consciousness to progress speedily and safely towards its birthright of spiritual awakening, the shadow must be brought into the light, seen, and liberated. The ego does not like this part of the journey and finds many cunning ways to avoid it.<br><br>https://www.planetdharma.com/enlightening-the-shadow-chakras/

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Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras

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  1. Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras www.planetdharma.com

  2. Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras Why Integrate the Shadow? In order for consciousness to progress speedily and safely towards its birthright of spiritual awakening, the shadow must be brought into the light, seen, and liberated. The ego does not like this part of the journey and finds many cunning ways to avoid it. But the cost of such avoidance is extremely high. We may still be able to cultivate beautiful states of mind, but our actions in the world will be permeated by neuroses rooted in that shadow material. Accomplished meditators can contact a good state and remain there, but integrated shadows are indispensable for healing ourselves, societies, and our planet. Choosing whether or not to undertake this challenge is no longer an option. The planet is in trouble, and all of us with it. Moreover, we are the ones causing the trouble. Liberating our collective shadows is the only thing that gives us the wholesome, integrated, and compassionate perspective we need to turn this perilous situation around and ensure a healthy planet for seven generations to come.

  3. Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras Lower Chakra Issues – Monsters in the House By default, these lower three chakras operate in the realm of the ego, conditioned by our lives in the contemporary developed world. As a result, our decisions, hopes, and fears are often coloured by the shadow material that’s locked away in these chakras. As previously described, this shadow material typically consists of desires we perceive to be impermissible, or taboo. They therefore get suppressed, remaining unrecognized and unresolved. In terms of progressing on the spiritual path, the shadow skews our direction. It tilts us off balance, causing the cart of our ego to veer off our optimal path. This is why our lives seem to never quite be as we want them.

  4. Meet the Teachers Catherine Pawasarat Doug Duncan Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat are Dharma and meditation teachers who founded Clear Sky Meditation Centre, BC, Canada. Achariya Doug Duncan received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 1978, and is a lineage holder in that teaching. Known for his direct, humourous and compassionate engagement with students, Doug embraces various traditions, contemporary psychology, and science, to mentor all beings to a more awakened state. Catherine Pawasarat has trained daily with Acariya Doug Duncan since 1998 in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living and the arts. With Doug she is co-founder of Clear Sky Retreat Center in the BC Rockies.

  5. https://www.planetdharma.com/enlightening-the-shadow-chakras/https://www.planetdharma.com/enlightening-the-shadow-chakras/ • Website: https://www.planetdharma.com/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlanetDharma • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/planetdharma/ • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcby2zjR5Kadhiu03lS4-OQ • Twitter: https://twitter.com/planetdharma

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