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Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals<br>http://pratibharefractory.com/<br>Pratibha Refractory Minerals is well established manufacturer of superior quality range of talc powder. We provide talc powder for ceramic, plastic, paint, paper, cosmetic use. Talc powder is also known as Soapstone powder. Talc is the combination of hydrous magnesium silicate and some chemical composition. We offer talc powder in numerous range of colours like white, gray, green, brown and also colourless. <br>
Manufacturer of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals http://pratibharefractory.com/ Pratibha Refractory Minerals is well established manufacturer of superior quality range of talc powder. We provide talc powder for ceramic, plastic, paint, paper, cosmetic use. Talc powder is also known as Soapstone powder. Talc is the combination of hydrous magnesium silicate and some chemical composition. We offer talc powder in numerous range of colours like white, gray, green, brown and also colourless. Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals http://pratibharefractory.com/ Pratibha Refractory Minerals adalah produsen mapan dari berbagai kualitas bubuk bedak unggul. Kami menyediakan bedak talek untuk keramik, plastik, cat, kertas, kosmetik. Bedak bubuk juga dikenal sebagai bubuk Soapstone. Talk adalah kombinasi dari magnesium silikat hidro dan beberapa komposisi kimia. Kami menawarkan bubuk bedak dalam berbagai warna seperti putih, abu-abu, hijau, coklat dan juga tidak berwarna.
Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals http://pratibharefractory.com/ We produce talc powder with our ultramodern technologies and all the process is done under the supervision of experts. After manufacturing, talc powder is tested on all the various parameters. Completion of testing, our products are ready to supply in the national and international markets. In fact our products is also highly demanded and appreciated by our customers. Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals http://pratibharefractory.com/ Kami memproduksi bedak talek dengan teknologi ultramodern kami dan semua proses dilakukan di bawah pengawasan ahli. Setelah pembuatan, bedak talek diuji pada semua berbagai parameter. Selesai pengujian, produk kami siap untuk memasok di pasar nasional dan internasional. Bahkan produk kami juga sangat diminati dan dihargai oleh pelanggan kami.
Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals http://pratibharefractory.com/ Supplier of talc powder in Bandung Indonesia Pratibha Refractory Minerals Pratibha Refractory Minerals Mobile- +91-9413034047 Land Line- +91-294-2413244 Www- http://pratibharefractory.com/ Email: info@pratibharefractory.com Address- 147, Road # 9, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India 313001 https://twitter.com/PratibhaRM https://www.tumblr.com/blog/pratibharefractoryminerals https://pratibharefractory.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/pratibharefractory/ https://plus.google.com/106994084535377929644 http://pratibharefractory.blogspot.com/ https://in.pinterest.com/pratibharefract/ https://pratibharefractory.wordpress.com/