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Go beyond traditional invites! Explore 4 creative ways to announce your graduation and make it unforgettable.
WELCOME TO PRIME PARTY 0 PARTY THEMES BOUQUETS YARD SIGNS CARDBOARD CUTOUTS OUR BLOG HOLIDAY GIFTS 4 Unique Ways To Announce Your Gradua?on MAY 16, 2022 Calling all soon-to-be graduates! Your ?me in high school or college is quickly ending, meaning you're entering the next exci?ng stage of your life. Sure, things might seem overwhelming, but now is the best ?me to enjoy this moment. You've accomplished something truly amazing, and it's worth rewarding yourself. If you're hoping to spread the word about your fantas?c news, or you're a parent looking for some advice, check out these four unique ways to announce your gradua?on. Tell the Whole Neighborhood What's the easiest way to alert everyone in your community that you're gradua?ng? Deck your front lawn out with celebratory signs and decora?ons! Parents, this is an excellent surprise to gi? your child, and se?ng it up takes li?le to no e?ort. Gather some front yard announcement signs and arrange a display that overabundantly expresses your admira?on for your kid's accomplishments. Get crea?ve and ?nd a theme that relates to their interests. Send Out Themed Cards Most people announce gradua?ons by sending out cards to friends and family. In our opinion, that method is a tad overplayed. If your cards double as invita?ons to a celebra?on, why not pick a unique theme and design your cards to match your selected theme? You might be wondering, "what theme goes well with gradua?on?" In truth, any theme! Just ?nd the one that ?ts your or your child's interests and personality. It can be anything from a costume party to an art-themed event. If you’ve always been a fan of celebrated ar?st Bob Ross, Prime Party has you covered with excellent paint-themed party supplies for a truly unique announcement and party that nobody will forget! Make Some Swag If cards aren't your thing, consider prin?ng some swag that proudly announces your accomplishments. Hand out custom shirts to your friends and family, and post those pictures online to share the good news. You can even create custom pins to give to guests who a?end your gradua?on party. Even a custom mug is the perfect gi? for a loved one. This method is extremely crea?ve, and it o?ers your friends and family a life-long memento to honor your academic success. Chat Include Your Peers
Chances are you made many friends along the journey to your gradua?on. Don't leave them behind! Try making a group announcement that celebrates ALL of your accomplishments, personally and as a team. Announcing with your peers o?ers more visibility, and it's a loving way to celebrate with the ones you care for the most. Use these four unique ways to announce your gradua?on to ensure a memorable experience. Ul?mately, this is your achievement to celebrate, so ?nd the way that best ?ts you! Ann Stonely Leave a comment Name Email Message Please note, comments must be approved before they are published POST COMMENT Sign Up for Our Newsle?er Stay in the loop and join our exclusive Prime Party newsle?er to receive the latest updates, exclusive o?ers, and VIP access to all the party secrets. email@example.com SUBSCRIBE Company Info Wholesale Contact About Us Account Log In info@primeparty.com Privacy Policy Wholesale Applica?on | Sign Up 833-497-2789 Shipping & Refund Policy Quick Order Form 16778 146th St SE, Suite 140 Monroe Washington Terms of Service Corporate Celebra?ons 98272 United States Safe Shopping Email Us Sweepstakes O?cial Rules Follow on United States (USD $) Powered by Shopify © 2024, Prime Party