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These cylinders are engraved with pre-approved designs and then used in the printing process. Given the mechanical nature of print processes and compatibility issues with the surface, the engraved cylinders in India have to ensure the quality control of print.
HowEngravedCylindersinIndiaEnsurePrintQualityControl? The printing process in every business remains a crucial tool for marketing as well as the brand establishment.Forthatreason,theprintingindustry is gainingmuch fame and more businessesare associating with them for their printing needs. Whether it is marketing or packaging, print, and colors play a major role. Undeniably, people distinguish brands with their unique prints and color combinations. Keeping that in mind, the printing industry is adapting new and latest technologies to avoidanychaosandconfusion. Withthe growingtechnology,ithas becomemore than importantforprintingcompaniestoaccessthe latest advancements. One such advancement is engraved cylinders. These cylinders are engraved with pre-approved designs and then used in the printing process. Given the mechanical nature of print processes andcompatibilityissues with the surface,theengraved cylindersinIndiahave to ensure the qualitycontrolofprint. With the help of quality control, there are no prints produced which is not adhere to client requirements or disqualify the quality standards. It takes control, selection, and quality assessment to produce the desiredprintonanengravedcylinder.Inthisblogpost,wewillunderstandhowtoensurequality control ofaprint. Digital The best way to ensure the quality of print is to check it from initial level. To ensure the best possible results and customer satisfaction, it is important to stay connected with the client throughout the process. For most print runs, the first step is to get approval for design in documented steps and check whether the artwork is correctly prepared for print. These print designs are digitally prepared as per the printing standardstoensurethelayout,text,andalignmentiscorrect. BeforeCylinderEngraving Whether it is pre-print planning or color correction, it is important to take care of everything before engraving the print on cylinders to avoid any misunderstanding For that reason, a short run press proof has been prepared by using all the materials that will be included in the final product. As the role of engravedrotogravurecylindersinIndiais quite crucialin theprintingindustry, cylindermanufacturers makesurethatthesecylinders areengravedwithutmostperfection. PostProductionProof As a final proof to ensure the quality of the print, the client can do the digital press check just before the run.In the press check,theclient confirmsthatthedesignand colorsare as close as possibletothe latest proof they have checked and it is good to engrave on cylinders. In this stage, the client gets the finalchancetocatchanerrortheyhavepreviouslymadeandsuggestanymodificationtheyfind needful.
FinalApprovalofAllDeliverables Oncetheclientis satisfied withdesign,itisoptimizedforprintingprocess.The qualified gravure cylinder suppliers will use the digital files to produce printable data. Before the design gets printed on engraved cylindersinIndia,the clientwill receive another setofdocuments forfinal approvalof alldeliverables. The quality of engraved rotogravure cylinders can’tbeneglectedinthe printindustry.That’swhy Primetech Gravure ensure that overall production process is going smoothly and perform both direct andindirectquality control checktoproduceaperfect final product.