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Simon Page is an accredited study centre of Africa that offers CIM courses all across Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya.
CIM – The Best Course For Professional Marketers The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) is the biggest organization of the world for the aspirants who want to make their career in marketing field or dream to become professional marketers. CIM courses play a pivotal role in setting industry standards providing training and offering certified and practice based qualifications from introductory to advanced level. Needless to say, additional training does not any harm to your overall development on the contrary trainings like CIM is actually essential in securing a successful career in today’s marketing industry. In a continually evolving media landscape, the role of an up-to-date diploma course and hands-on experience is much more imperative to employers than a mere qualification. Let’s Find Out The Reasons That Compel Us To Achieve CIM Diploma: When it comes to pick and choose a certain course to study, almost everyone claims that they offer the best program for you, which is certainly not true. However, when it comes to CIM courses, you need to keep a few things in mind such as: CIM is the only qualification that is directly mapped to the UK Government framework for nationalized professional standards of marketing. As said above, CIM is the world’s largest organization that prepares professional marketers. It has a global reputation as a centre of superiority. All of the CIM courses are recognized worldwide.
Each of the CIM courses is based on detailed research and ongoing feedback give by employers. These feedbacks include what skills and knowledge they are looking to have in the marketers. The CIM courses include the practical needs of the employers and marketers as well as the industries they work in. An appropriate CIM diploma program provides you all the practical tools and techniques that can be used in the marketing job immediately. CIM courses play a key role in development and the representation of the marketing profession. How ‘Simon Page – College Of Marketing’ Fits Into The Picture: Simon Page is an accredited study centre of Africa that offers CIM courses all across Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. The CIM courses offered by this prestigious college of marketing range from core to expert qualifications in digital marketing and communications that help you achieve work-life balance.