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The newest member in Wake Up Publishing - "Wake Up: The Awakened Man" is now Amazon Bestseller.<br>
LatestAnthologyBook"WakeUp:TheAwakenedMan"hits #1spotonAmazon The newest member in Wake Up Publishing - "Wake Up: The Awakened Man" is nowAmazon Bestseller. "WakeUp:TheAwakenedMan"isnotjustanotheranthologybook,itisacollectionofstoriesfrommale authors, specifically conceived and designed to give the reader, a wide range of unique perspectives from a man's point ofview. Thisbookisapracticalworkbookabouthowmenfromaroundtheworldhave intheirownuniqueway overcome intergenerational dysfunction and trauma, the victim mentality, selfishness, stagnation, fear of the unknown, and much more to achieve transformation, practicing self-mastery, purpose, and prosperitytoone'sself,family,andgreatercommunity. One of the reader, Kevin Seney says - "I have read many of the WAKE UP series books, going back as far as 2008, and loved reading this one even more. There is something powerful about the raw, true-life stories shared by this group of "Awakened Men" who co-authored this book. Such diverse background coming together as one makes a beautiful symphony of lifelong wisdom. You will truly LOVE thisbook." Another Amazon customer mentioned - "There is so much in this world that hardens us. In contrast, books like this exist to bring out the best in us and help us remember the good in humanity and the potentialthatweeachhave,evenifourpathsdiffer.Thenicethingsabouttheseseriesarethatyoucan getasolididea-ormore-withashortsitdown.Forpeoplelikemewhoreallyliketogetsomethingout ofabookfast,Ilikethesekindofbooks.Ilovethattheyarereallifestories.Insteadofreadingabook
createdbythesamemindinentirety,thisoneshiftsfrompersonalitytopersonality,whichismoreofan adventure." Eachauthor,attheendofhisstory,hasapersonalbiographywithcontactinformation.Peoplecan reachouttoanyauthoroftheirchoiceforfurtherconnectionandpersonalcoaching. "Wake Up: The Awakened Man" book can be a remarkable gift for someone whoneeds motivation, inspiration and hope in hislife. The book is available at Amazon.com– https://www.amazon.com/Wake-Up-Awakened-Steven-Schmitt/dp/0999497855/ About Wake UpAuthors Authors appearing in “Wake Up: The Awakened Man” includes: Derek L Hendricks – Entrepreneur, Online Sales & MarketingExpert Harinder Singh Sabharwal – Kung Fu master, Speaker, Author, and High Performance Coach Scott Anthony – Coach, Motivator, Business Owner,Entrepreneur Patrick Porter – Entrepreneur, Inventor of theBrainTap Technology Daniel Kurlapski– Kevin Seney – CEO, Entrepreneur, Consultant Kelly Fisher – Certified Hypnotherapist , LifeCoach Mark Collings – Consultant, Coach, New RealityDeveloper Mike Chambers – Business owner, Entrepreneur, Speaker and Coach Pjerin Alija – Founder &Managing Director, Executive Coach Yasmin Nguyen – Professional Speaker, Business Lifestyle Coach, Entrepreneur, Phonetagrapher Eric Guttmann – Active Duty Naval Officer, Best-selling Author,Coach Erik Ennabe – Small Business Owner, Entrepreneur Kyle C. Entenman – Counselor - local drug and alcohol rehabilitation center Shawn Owen – Entrepreneur, ChangeCatalyst Matthew Hutchins – Blockchain Technologist,Entrepreneur
Dr. Karl Krantz –Chiropractor Jimmy Gleason – Tennis Coach, Speaker, Bestselling Author Igor Galibov – Entrepreneur, Life ForceCreator About Wake Upand Steven E Schmitt: Wake Up, a well known name in Publishing World, is a traditional California based publishing house that handlesalltheintricaciesinvolvedinpublishingitsauthors'books since1994. Steven E is Founder and CEO of Wake Up Publishing. He is dedicated to teaching people to find their purposeinlife.Schmittisthecreatorofoneofthefastest-growingbook series intheworld,withover 30 books in print. It is called Wake Up…Live theLife You Love. His last 30 books have been bestsellers. The wake up books sold over 2 Million Books worldwide. Wake Up along with Steven E allows writers to leave behind the complex and time-consuming business issues like eBook conversion, establishing wholesaleaccounts,insurance, shipping,taxes,etcandgivethemthefreedomtofocus ontheirpassion: writing andcreating. StevenEistheinnovatorofcreatingbookswithmultipleauthorsorAnthologybooks. Nowadays,it’sa trend that you can be a co/author with famous authors like Wayne dyer, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield - author of Chicken Soup forthe Soul. For more information, email Steven – selawofpositivity@gmail.comor call 562-884-0062. Steven's Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/stevene.s Wake Up Publishing's Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/wakeupmovementseries