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Discover the flavors of best Dutch cuisine in our restaurant near me Amsterdam at Proeflokaal A. Van Wees. Enjoy traditional & modern dishes, liqueurs & etc.
BEST DUTCH RESTAURANT NEAR ME AMSTERDAM DiscovertheflavorsofbestDutchcuisineinourrestaurant near me Amsterdam at Proeflokaal A. Van Wees. Enjoy traditional&moderndishes,liqueurs&etc www.proeflokaalvanwees.nl/en
In 1973 the van Wees family opened “Proeflokaal A. Van Wees” at Herengracht 319 in Amsterdam. At that time it was still called “the Admiral”. Now, nearly half a century later, “Proeflokaal A. Van Wees” is the prime spot to get acquainted with Amsterdam’s widely known genever culture while enjoying traditional accompanying snacks or have a beer from the barrel. The past 44 years “Proeflokaal A. Van Wees” has moved with the times, while keeping original traditions in place. Our genever has always been distilledintheJordaan(oneofAmsterdam’soldestquarters)andstillis.Theoriginalpumpbeingusedhasnowfoundaprominent placeinourbar.Nicetoknow,thepremiseswherewefindourselves,werebuiltonanalley.Itsoriginalpavingstonestobeseenon thebarfloor! ABOUT US
TASTINGS OurassortmentofTasting RoomAmsterdam genevers consists of more than 17authentically distilledbrandsandweoffermorethan60 differentold-Dutchliqueurs,each withitsown uniquetasteandidentity.Duringtastingswe’lltell youaboutthehistory ofourAmsterdam distillates,thedistillingprocessandmost importantly, genevers and liqueurs can be tried out!Ourtastingsareidealforcelebratingbirthday parties, staff outings or gatherings with friends. In combination with our tastings we gladly organise other activities for you e.g. a walking tour through thecity,aboattrip inoneofthosebeautifulclassic boatsoraguidedtourinourdistillery“de Ooievaar”
FOOD Appropriatewithourdrinksweofferagood traditional kitchen. Our dishes are inspired by the Dutch kitchen and are consisting of fine produce we getfromwell-knownlocalretailers.Examplesareour Dutch cheese fondue, our famous Zeeland Mussels and our homemade beef stew. Our Dutch Restaurant isopenforlunchanddinnersevendaysaweek.
DRINKS Did you know that for our oldest genever the process of maturing takes some 20 years? We could go on for hours telling you about our genevers, butwehave more tooffer.Dutch Restaurant Amsterdamserves beer, wine and other spirits as well. Our location, in the heart of Amsterdam’s city centre is the ideal spot to come for a drink, for groups discovering the cityorforanoldfashioneddrinksparty.
RESERVATIONS Use the module at the bottom of the website to make a reservationforlunch,dinner,oratastinginourtasting room. However, we would like to emphasize that you are always welcome to walk in without a reservation. With alittlepatience,wewillalwayshaveaspot availableforyou.
CONTACT Website www.proeflokaalvanwees.nl/en PhoneNumber +31206254334 Location Herengracht319,106AV, Amsterdam