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The role of Data Scientists has much importance in a company such that they are given prime importance in business decision making by top management.<br><br>Every business organization uses data’s as main source of business intelligence.<br>The role of Data Scientist is to source, maintain and manipulate these Big Data with various computing tools to visualize those data’s into meaning full manner for making business decisions.<br>Data scientists are highly paid and its now it is one of the most demanding jobs in IT industries and other businesses.<br>Mastering Data Science will enable a candidate to work in any part of this globe in top rated companies as Data Scientists, Business Analyst and as Developers.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 1 • Introduction: • Learning Objectives – Data scientist certification in India module one starts with the basics of Business Analytics, R basic, R programming, R’s role in solving analytical problems, R’s popularity in tech giants like- Facebook, Google, Finance etc. • Topics – Business Analytics, R, R language and programming, Ecosystem, Uses of R, Data types in R, subsetting methods, R comparison with other software’s, R installation, operations in R, useful packages, IDER, GUI, using functions like- length(), str(), ncol() etc, summarize data.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 2 • Data Manipulation and Data Import Techniques in R • Learning Objectives – In this module, we will discuss about dirty data set, data cleaning, which results in data set, and ready for analysis, exploring functions, versatility of R, robustness of R. This module helps you to understand various importing techniques in R • Topics – Data Cleaning, Data Inspection, Troubleshooting the problems, Function uses, grepl(), sub(), grep(), Data coerce, apply() functions uses, Import data from spreadsheets into R, Importing text files into R, import data, installation of packages. RDBMS from R, using ODBC, SQL queries, Web Scraping.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 3 • Exploratory Data AnalysisLearning Objectives – Data scientist certification in Bangalore module 3 includes information about exploratory data analysis, EDA- for observing what data tell us beyond the formal hypothesis. Typical EDA process. • Topics – Exploratory Data Analysis, Implementing EDA on datasets, Box plots, cor() in R, EDA functions, list(), summarize(), Multiple packages in R, various plots, Segment plot, HC plot in R.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 4 • Data Visualization in R • Leaning Objectives – In this module you will learn about- visualization in USP of R, creating simple visualization in R, complex visualization in R. • Topics – Data Visualization, Graphical representations, Functions in R, Plotting graphs like box plot, table plot and histogram, Improvising plots, GUIs, Deducer, R Commander and Spatial Analysis.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 5 • Data Mining: Clustering Techniques, Decision Trees and Random Forest • Learning Objectives – In this module we will discuss about various Machine Learning algorithms, Machine Learning types- Unsupervised Learning and Supervised Learning, Difference between Unsupervised Learning and Supervised Learning. We will also learn about K-means Clustering and implementing them, Concepts of Decision trees and Random forest, Algorithm creation of forests and trees, LMS. • Topics – Data Mining, Machine Learning algorithms, Unsupervised and Supervised Machine, K-means clustering, Decision Trees, Random forest Algorithm creation, Entropy, features and working of Random forest.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 6 • Linear and Logistic Regression • Learning Objectives – Data science training in Bangalore, module 6, we will introduce- Regression Techniques, Linear and logistic regression basics, implementation in R. • Topics – Simple and Multiple Linear Regressions, Simple and Multiple Logistic Regression, Log Linear Model.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 7 • Anova and Predictive Analysis • Learning Objectives – In this module we will discuss about the Analysis of Variance, Anova Technique, Predictive Analysis. • Topics – Anova Technique, Sample testing, One and Two way Anova, Predictive Analysis.
Data Science Certification Training Prwatech.in • Module 8 • Project Work: • You will be given a problem statement and in this module our qualified professionals will help you on that statement. • Perform Exploratory Data Analysis • Establish hypothesis of data.• Handle outliers• Troubleshooting missing data.• Validation datasets.• Logistic Regression• Confusion Matrix• Final model