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CapitalStars Financial Research Pvt.,Ltd., 1 SEBI Registration Number:INA000001647 MCXDailyReport 07 Sep2018 NewsHighlights GoldrisesforseconddayonUSDweaknessandrisingdemandfromIndia. Gold extended gains on Friday as the dollar fell against the yen after a report suggested that U.S. President Donald Trump would next take up trade issues with Japan, while investors feared a new round of Sino-U.S. tariffs could come at any moment. The dollar declinedfurtheragainsttheyenfollowingaCNBCtelevisionreportonThursdaythatTrump told a Wall Street Journal columnist he might take on trade issues with Japan. Another big worry for investors was the end of a public consultation period over trade, after which Trump could impose tariffs on $200 billion more in Chinese imports. commerce ministry warned that the country would retaliate against any new tariff measures. markets will be closely watching a U.S. employment report due later in the day for cues on the pace of interestratehikesbytheFed. Demandinthecurrenthighseasonwillprovidesomesupporttopremiums LMEcopperfailedtoextenditsgainsatthe$5,988/mtlevelwhenittestedresistanceat $6,000/mtabove.Itwillattempttostandfirmabove$5,900/mttoday.Theyuanappreciated andbolsteredtheSHFE1811contracttoclose210yuan/mthigherat47,810yuan/mt. However,concernsofChina’stoughstanceontradedisputeswiththeUScontinuetoweigh oninvestorsandthemarket.Highspotpremiumsareunlikelytosustainwiththeopeningof the import window. Demand in the current high season will provide some support to premiums,whichareexpectedat60-110yuan/mttoday. The US dollar weakened, longs entered the market cautiously onconcerns over potential US tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinesegoods. LMEnickelfailedtobreakpressureatthefive-daymovingaverage,andclosedat $12,470/mtovernight.InventoryacrossLMEwarehousesshrank324mtto236,706mt.The SHFE1811contractalsotradedweaklywithresistanceaboveat103,500yuan/mt.Although theUSdollarweakened,longsenteredthemarketcautiouslyonconcernsoverpotentialUS tariffson$200billionworthofChinesegoods.Today,LMEnickelisexpectedtotradearound $12,500/mtwiththeSHFEcontractat102,000-103,500yuan/mt.Spotpricesarelikelyseen at 102,500-108,500yuan/mt. Oil prices fall on emerging market woes, looming tariffdeadline. Oil prices were stable on Friday, as the market balanced a fall in U.S. crude inventories to the lowest levels since 2015, with Sino-American trade tensions and economic weakness fromemergingmarkets.U.S.commercialcrudeoilinventoriesfellby4.3millionbarrelsto 401.49millionbarrelsC-STK-T-EIAintheweektoAug.31,thelowestsinceFebruary2015, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data showed on Thursday. that, analysts said prices were curbed by a rise in refined product stocks and a relatively weak U.S. peak fuel consumption season this summer. Asian shares slipped to a 14-month trough on Friday as investors feared a new round of Sino-U.S. tariffs, while currencies from Indonesia to India also remained under pressure. the supply side, U.S. crude oilproduction C-OUT-T-EIAlast
week remained at a record 11 million barrels per day (bpd), a level it has largely been at sinceJuly.
CapitalStars Financial Research Pvt.,Ltd., SEBI Registration Number:INA000001647 MCXDailyReport 07 Sep2018 PreciousMetals CS GOLD (OCT) OVERVIEW: TREND : BULLISH RESIST 2:30950 RESIST 1:30750 SUP1:30250 SUP 2:30150 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 CS SILVER (DEC) OVERVIEW: TREND : BEARISH RESIST 2:37500 RESIST 1:37200 SUP 1:36700 SUP 2: 36500 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 BaseMetals CS COPPER (NOV) OVERVIEW: TREND : SIDEWAYS RESIST2:425.00 RESIST1:420.00 SUP 1:415.00 SUP 2: 411.00 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 CS NICKEL (SEP) OVERVIEW: TREND : BEARISH RESIST 2:918.00 RESIST 1:910.00 SUP 1:880.00 SUP 2: 875.00 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 CS ZINC (SEP) OVERVIEW: TREND : BEARISH RESIST2:180.00 RESIST 1:177.00 SUP 1:173.00 SUP 2: 171.00 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 CS LEAD (SEP) OVERVIEW: TREND : SIDEWAYS RESIST 2:153.00 RESIST 1:151.00 SUP 1:148.00 SUP 2: 146.00 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 CS ALUMINIUM (SEP) OVERVIEW: TREND :BEARISH RESIST 2:153.00 RESIST 1:151.00 SUP 1:146.00 SUP 2:144.50 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM+917440449744 Energies CS CRUDE OIL (SEP)OVERVIEW: TREND :BULLISH RESIST 2:4990 RESIST 1:4930 SUP 1:4850 SUP 2: 4810 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744 CS NATURAL GAS (SEP)OVERVIEW: TREND :SIDEWAYS RESIST 2:206.00 RESIST 1:204.50 SUP 1:200.00 SUP 2: 198.00 WWW.CAPITALSTARS.COM +917440449744
CapitalStars Financial Research Pvt.,Ltd., 3 SEBI Registration Number:INA000001647 MCXDailyReport 07 Sep2018 Pick for theDAY • MCX CRUDE SEP on Thursday as seen in the Daily chart opened at 4948 levels and made day Low of 4828 levels. During this period CRUDE came up to 4972 levels and finally closed at 4884 levels. Now, there are chancesof down movement technically & fundamentally. • OilpricesfallonThursdayasemergingmarketwoesweighedon sentiment. • Oilpricesfallonemergingmarketwoes,loomingtariffdeadline. DAILY RECOMMENDATION: SELL MCX CRUDE SEP BELOW 4890 LEVELS FOR TARGET OF 4850/4820 WITH SL 4950 OF LEVELS.
CapitalStars Financial Research Pvt.,Ltd., 4 SEBI Registration Number:INA000001647 MCXDailyReport 07 Sep2018 Disclaimer The information and views in this report & all the service we provide are believed to be reliable, but we do not accept any responsibility for errors of fact or opinion. Investors have the right to choose the product/s that suits them the most. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right investment perspective. The information contained herein is based on analysisanduponsourcesthatweconsiderreliable.Thismaterialisforpersonalinformation and based upon it & takes no responsibility. The information given herein should be treated as only factor, while making investment decision. The report does not provide individually tailor-made investment advice. My research recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a financialadviser. CapitalStarsshallnotberesponsibleforanytransactionconductedbasedontheinformation given in this report, which is in violation of rules and regulations of regulators. The price projections shown are not necessarily indicative of future price performance. The information herein, together with all estimates and forecasts, can change without notice. It isunderstood that anyone who is browsing through the site has done so at his free will and does not read any views expressed as a recommendation for which either the site or its owners or anyone can be held responsible for. Investment & Trading in Securities Markets are always subjected to marketrisk. Capitalstars Financial Research Private Ltd., Reserves allRights. CONTACTUS BRANCHOFFICE Capitalstars Financial Research PrivateLimited Forex Trading Tips Stock MarketTips Share TipsExpert PLOTNO.32,MECHANICNAGAREXTENSION,IDASCHEMENO.54,VIJAYNAGARINDORE REGISTEREDOFFICE PLOT NO.12, SCHEME NO.78 PART-II, VIJAY NAGAR,INDORE Email :-backoffice@capiltalstars.in