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Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. If you smoke and live in a home with high radon levels, you increase your risk of developing lung cancer. Having your home tested is the only effective way to determine whether you and your family are at risk of high radon exposure.
N A S H V I L L E ,T E N N E S S E E Radon and Cancer Radon1.com
What isradon? Radonisacolorless,odorless,radioactivegas. It forms naturally from the decay (breaking down) of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which are found in different amountsinsoilandrockthroughouttheworld. Radongasinthesoilandrockcanmoveinto the air and into underground water and surfacewater.
Athomeandinotherbuildings Radongasgivenoffbysoilorrockcanenter buildingsthroughcracksinfloorsorwalls; construction joints; or gaps in foundations aroundpipes,wires,orpumps.Radonlevels areusuallyhighestinthebasementorcrawl space.Thislevelisclosesttothesoilorrock that is the source of the radon. Therefore, people who spend much of their time in basementroomsathomeoratworkhavea greaterriskforbeingexposed.
At certainjobs In the workplace, people working underground,suchassometypesofminers, areamongthemostlikelytobeexposedto highlevelsofradon.Highdeathratesfrom lungproblemsamongminersinsomeparts of the world were first noted hundreds of years ago, long before people knew what radonwas.Studiesofradon-exposedminers during the 1950s and 1960s confirmed the link between radon exposure and lung cancer.
Some studies have suggested that radon exposuremaybelinkedtoothertypesof canceraswell,suchaschildhoodleukemia. But the evidence for such links has been mixed and not nearly as strong as it is for lungcancer.Becauseradonanditsprogeny are absorbed mainly by inhaling, and because the radiation they give off travels only a short distance, it is unlikely that radonwouldaffectothertissuesinthebody.
Studiesdoneinthelab Some studies have suggested that radon exposuremaybelinkedtoothertypesof canceraswell,suchaschildhoodleukemia. But the evidence for such links has been mixed and not nearly as strong as it is for lungcancer.Becauseradonanditsprogeny are absorbed mainly by inhaling, and because the radiation they give off travels only a short distance, it is unlikely that radonwouldaffectothertissuesinthebody.
Protect Yourself andYour Family fromRadon Radonisthesecondleadingcauseoflungcanceraftercigarettesmoking. Ifyousmokeandliveinahomewithhighradonlevels,youincrease yourriskofdevelopinglungcancer.Havingyourhometestedistheonly effectivewaytodeterminewhetheryouandyourfamilyareatriskof high radonexposure. Radonisaradioactivegasthatformsnaturallywhenuranium,thorium, orradium,whichareradioactivemetalsbreakdowninrocks,soiland groundwater.Peoplecanbeexposedtoradonprimarilyfrombreathing radoninairthatcomesthroughcracksandgapsinbuildingsandhomes. Becauseradoncomesnaturallyfromtheearth,peoplearealwaysexposed toit.
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