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The Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA) has made it mandatory for every organization to have an audit trail feature in their accounting software from 1st April 2023.<br><br>As a result, the companies using accounting software are required to have audit trails facility to stay compliant with the provisions listed in the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.<br><br>Technically this rule is applicable for Accounting Systems, however it is recommended that all Financial Systems (Like Fixed Assets Management system, Point of Sales, Payroll etc.) which post data to Accounting system shall also have Audit trail
Nature of Audit Trail Requirements Effec?ve from 1st April 2023: Is your HR So?ware Ready? What is Audit Trail? An Audit Trail or an ‘Audit Log’ is a linear record or set of records which provides a log of the sequence of proceedings that have affected the system at any ?me. It is required to log and keep the evidence of every opera?on, procedure or event that takes place in the system to ensure complete transparency to anyone undertaking the audit. An audit trail can also be explained as a sequen?al set of records that provides a history of a transac?on by which the accoun?ng or other financial details can be traced to their source. Audit trails are used to verify and track many kinds of transac?ons, such as accoun?ng, payroll, taxes, trades etc. Audit trails can document their reports in either paper or electronic records.
Also Read: Union Budget 2023 Highlights: New Tax Slabs for Salaried Taxpayer Maintaining an Audit Trail Audit trails usually begin with a source document, which is the ini?al origin point of the financial transac?on. It can be something as simple as an invoice, a receipt, or a purchase order. If you are maintaining a manual audit trail via a ledger, you need to a?ach copies of the documents along with it as proof of the transac?on or ac?vity. Hence, modern organiza?ons are using dedicated so?ware to make things easier by tracking every change automa?cally and recording them. The recorded informa?on log will remain secure and can be easily retrieved whenever required. An ideal solu?on to tackling common audit trail challenges is to use a cloud accoun?ng system, which provides secure data storage. Such so?ware makes it easier to generate reports for audit trails. For example, let us consider the case of an invoice, that requires details such as items, prices, etc. With the dedicated so?ware, you can save the informa?on in the database, and prefill the invoice you create later with this informa?on. In case you are not using a dedicated system, so?ware equipped with an audit trail module can easily store logs of any transac?ons and capture any changes made to them since they were created, along with the user’s iden?ty, date, and ?me. Statutory Provisions changed The Companies Rules, 2014 The MCA no?fica?on dated 24 th March 2021 s?pulated a new proviso in Rules 3(1) of The Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, which states that. “Provided that for the financial year commencing on or a?er the 1st day of April 2021, every company which uses accoun?ng so?ware for maintaining its books of account shall use only such accoun?ng so?ware which has a feature of recording an: ● Audit trail of each and every transac?on
● Crea?ng an edit log of each change made in books of account along with the date when such changes were made; and ● Ensuring that the audit trail cannot be disabled.” Further changes were made by the MCA no?fica?on dated 1 st April 2021, which subs?tuted the date ‘1st day of April 2021’ with ‘1st day of April 2022’. Another change was made recently by the MCA no?fica?on dated 31 st March 2023, which subs?tuted the date ‘1st day of April 2022’ with ‘1st day of April 2023’. With this no?fica?on, the MCA has made it mandatory from 1st April 2023 for any organiza?on undertaking business in India to add the audit trail module in their accoun?ng so?ware. The audit trail facility should also be a part of your payroll system. While there is no specific requirement from the authori?es to audit payroll details specifically, not having an audit trail for your employee payroll could result in a nega?ve remark in the scru?ny. It maybe even be considered an excep?on, if the audit trail feature was not opera?ng during the repor?ng year, leading to a nega?ve remark. Changes in Auditor Report The Companies (Audit and Auditors) Amendment Rules, 2021, effec?ve from 1 st April 2021 and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Second Amendment Rules, 2021, effec?ve from 01st April 2021, have the following clause inserted in Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 on which the auditor of the company will give their views and comments while genera?ng the audit report: “Whether the company, in respect of financial years commencing on or a?er the 1st April 2023 has used such accoun?ng so?ware for maintaining its books of account which has a feature of recording audit trail (edit log) facility and the same has been operated throughout the year for all transac?ons recorded in the so?ware and the audit trail feature has not been tampered with and the audit trail has been preserved by the company as per the statutory requirements for record reten?on.” Read More: h?ps://www.pockethrms.com/blog/audit-trail-requirements-mca-india-2023/