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How Retailers Can Ensure a Successful International eCommerce Experience

Explore 4 ways how retailers can deliver successful international<br>eCommerce experiences.

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How Retailers Can Ensure a Successful International eCommerce Experience

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  1. HowRetailersCanMakeSureThat InternationaleCommerceIsaSuccess • Goingbyrecentstatistics, it'sclearthat thefuture isbrightfor retail and eCommerce.In2021, U.S.consumersspent$870.78billiononline,upfrom • $762.68billionin2020.Further,digital spendinginthe Q4 holiday season increased by9.2%yearoveryear,bringingthetotal jumpineCommerce spending to a respectable 14.2%. The global picture is equally optimistic. By 2025, global retail eCommerce sales are expected to reach almost $7.4 trillion, up from $4.9 trillion in 2021. • Furthermore,by2022,cross-borderorinternationalpurchaseswillcontribute to 20% of global eCommerce sales. For eCommerce retailers to take advantage ofthesepositivetrends, theymustdeliver amazingeCommercecustomer experiences(CX) to their internationalcustomers. • WhatisaRetailCustomer Experience? • Retail CX refers to the experience customers have as they interact with your brand across every touchpoint and channel. Every time they engage with your company–throughyourwebsite,eCommercestore,orcustomer service department–theyare on abrandjourney. The quality of this journey will determine the quality of their CX. • Inturn,theirCXcanimpact • Customersatisfactionandloyalty • Customer retention and Customer Lifetime Value(CLV) • Positive reviews,recommendations, and "word of mouth." • Sales,repeat sales, revenues, and profits • Ultimately, CX will determine whether customers keep coming back to you – or switchtoyourcompetitors.For allthesereasons, it'scrucialto design a compelling retail CX strategy that empowers you to deliver exceptional CX – whetherthese customersarelocal or international.

  2. 4WaysRetailers Can DeliverSuccessful International eCommerce Experiences • Make them feel safe on your website • Manybuyershesitatetomakeinternationalpurchases because the websites are not tailored to understand them or meet their needs. They may not feel comfortable or safe, or their shopping experiences may be confusing instead of easy and enjoyable. • Consider CX as a primary factor in designing your international website. Create oneversionfor localcustomers and aseparate version (orversions)for international customers. Localize international websites with local languages, products, and other featuresthatare specificto each location. • So,ifyourregularwebsite ishttps://www.mytoystore.com, youcouldhave localized websitescalled: • https://www.mytoystore.in • https://www.mytoystore.uk • https://www.mytoystore.au • https://www.mytoystore.ca

  3. And so on. Also, make sure that each version of your website is "secure" with HTTPS instead of HTTP. This will signify that you take their security and privacy seriouslyand havecontrols in place toprotectpersonal and financial data. StreamlineInternational Shipping Shippingcosts anddelaysare amongthekeydeterminants ofCXfor internationalcustomers. Highcosts anddelayeddeliveries impacttheirCX, which increases shopping cart abandonment, and drives customers away from your business.Toavoid sucheventualities, clearlystateallshipping-related information– includingpricesanddeliverytimelines – witheveryorder.If therearedelaysoradditionalcharges,keeptheminformed.Betransparent and honest, so customers know whattoexpect. If possible, offer free international shipping to attract more customers, reduce abandonments, and create memorable experiences. Get bids and advice from shipping companiesthatoperatein the countriesyouwantto operate in and can help you get your products to customers as quickly and cheaply as possible. Consider factors like product type, dimensions, and weight when considering bidsand shipping partners. Also, consider if you can make bulk shipments to a fulfillment center in that country (or countries) to reduce your costs and speed up deliveries. Assign the correct international/country-level codes to products, so they don't get stuck in customs. The right codes will also help you calculate relevant duties and import taxesinadvance, socustomerswon'texperience surprisechargesthatcan adversely impact their overallexperience with yourbrand. OfferMultiplePaymentOptions ToimproveeCommerceexperiences, it'svitaltomaketheshoppingand shipping process smooth, easy to understand, and hassle-free. The same goes for payments. Don'tputtheburden onfiguringoutpaymentoptions, processes,tariffs,taxes,etc., on internationalcustomers.

  4. Find out which methods aremost popular in yourtargetcountries: • Cashondelivery • Debitcards • Creditcards • Net banking • Digitalpayments • PayPal orotherpaymentproviders • Letcustomers choosetheirpreferred payment methodandcurrencyfora smoothpaymentexperiencethatcanboostyourinternationaleCommerce sales. • 4. Focus on Localization and Personalization • Whensellinginternationally,alwaystakeintoaccountlocalcultural considerations.Forinstance, thesameproductmaybeknownbydifferent namesin differentcountries.Hereare some examples: • Moreover,labelyourproductscorrectly ineverycountry,sointernational customers can easily find what they need. It's also important to localize website content. When the site feels "local," it will encourage familiarity and create a sense of comfortthat will improveexperiences and boostyour sales. • Also,wheneverpossible: • Display allmeasurementsin thecorrectlocalizedlanguageandformat • Createcontentthat'scontextual and "human" • Provide popular andpreferredcustomer serviceoption • Runsalesandpromotionalcampaignsgearedtowardslocalfestivalsand holidays

  5. Once your international customer base grows, collect data to create various customer personas that can guide your personalization strategies. For instance, analyze a customer's demographics or shopping history to serve personalized offers,discounts, orsales notificationsvia emailor otherforms ofmarketing. InaNutshell: Astheworldbecomes smallerandincreasinglydigitized,youhave many opportunitiestotakeyoureCommerce businessinternational.However, international success depends on your ability to deliver effective international eCommerce experiences. Leverage the strategies discussed here – and go forth and conquer! Read more: The Many Benefits Of Well-Crafted Product Descriptions For eCommerce

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