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How to take your business to the next level

<br>Rajeev Lakhanpal is an Indian Businessman. He entered the business when he was just 19 years old and was responsible for bringing many International brands to India back in 90s. After successfully trying his hands in Shipping, supplies, and ware housing. He joined an IT company as a partner and became responsible for turning a loss making 40 crores company to a profit making 200 Crores company in just 5 years.<br>He has now took a huge leap into the virtual world with varied interests right from developing niche complex softwares to e commerce to Education to crypto currency to Gaming to Media

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How to take your business to the next level

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  1. RajeevLakhanpal TipsfromExpertsonHowtoGrowYourBusiness

  2. 6 Expert Tips To TakeYour Business To The NextLevel

  3. Your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a great place to turn, as it offers free consulting, along with training that is often free or low cost. SBDCs work with a variety of small business owners and will see opportunity where you see obstacles.

  4. Reach customers in more ways thanone Ifyou are a retailerwith no online presence,considersetting upa web storeas another way tocapture sales. Once you have captured enough customer emails, consider an emailcampaign to keep your message infrontof yourcustorbase. And don’tforgetaboutsocial media. If you are a retailer with no online presence, consider setting up a web store as another way to capture sales. Once you have captured enough customer emails, consider an email campaign to keep your message in front of your customer base. And don’t forget about socialmedia.

  5. Find employees eager for asecond chance Often, we hear that businesses want to go to the next level, but can’t for lack of workforce. Explore opportunities such as “justice involved” individuals,whooftenhavereceivedsometrainingand/orcertification while they wereincarcerated.

  6. Use a 60/20/20 approach totime management Instead of spending 100% of your time knocking out tasks via the “Whack-a-Mole” method, I suggest a strategic approach to time management.First,use60%ofyourtimetoproactivelyfocusontasks thattrulyaddvaluetoyourbusinessorcannotbedonebyothers.The other40%ofyourtimeshouldbedividedintotwocategories:20%on planning and 20% onstrategizing.

  7. Dig deep into yournumbers As an established business, you should be using accounting software. Once you understand the basics, what else can you measure?Understandyourinventoryturnsanddiveintoyourcash flow. Now is the time to start to measure your business and use metricstotakeyourbusinesstothenextlevel.

  8. Build and leveragestrong cybersecurity Businessesneedtoprepareandstrengthentheircyberinfrastructure, not simply to be ready for the next threat, but, more important, to position their companies to take advantage of the opportunities providedbyastronginformationsecurityposture.

  9. MAKE STRATEGICACQUISITIONS As a business, you grow by controlling cost and maximizing profits. As you acquire small businesses that are ancillary services, you not only control the cost of your primary business, but you gain the clients and customers of those ancillary businesses—not to mention the introduction into new areas of business or industries not originally served by you, through a partner they already have grown totrust.

  10. Email Talk tous rajeevlakhanpalofficial@gmail.com New Delhi,India

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