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EIAW: Towards a Business-friendly Data Warehouse Using Semantic Web Technologies ... Localized Business Concept Models in Taikang FOAK (Premium & Claim) ...
Slide 1:EIAW: Towards a Business-friendly Data Warehouse Using Semantic Web Technologies
IBM China Research Lab: Guo Tong Xie, Yang Yang, Sheng Ping Liu, Zhao Ming Qiu, Yue Pan Taikang Life Insurance Company: Xiong Zhi Zhou
Slide 2:Outline
Project Background Technical Approach Customer Validation Lesson Learnt
Founded in 1996 Top five in China life insurance industry Over 150,000 independent agents, 10000 employees 13 million customers, 10 million policies 32 branches and 197 sub-branches all over China nation-wide (32 branches and 197 sub-branches in most developed provinces and cities Life, Health, Pension, Accident Individual, Group, Bank assuranceSlide 3:Taikang Life
Slide 4:Taikang Life – The Road to Information On Demand
Centralized Business Operation Control IT View Time Business View Consolidate distributed data centers into one Master Data: Single Customer View CRM: centralized call center Business analytics, Real Time Reporting Adopt Industry best Practices Enable advanced business process re-engineering 2001 2003 2006 Business Operation Business Insight 2004 Build Information Integration Platform to integrate core systems Re-architect data mart and reporting systems, establish business analytics services Enable content services Adopt industry best practices through industry models Leverage advanced information management technologies Information Asset Information Service 2005 Replace financial Systems with SAP/DB2 Integrated Financial and business systems Information Integration Business Intelligence SAP/DB2 FOAK/IIW Enterprise Content Mgmt 2001 deploy CSC Life Asia on As/400, data center consolidation: 12 data center, each with its own applications. Reporting took 5 days to consolidate. After consolidation, HQ data center can produce report in 1 day. In 2002, 12 additional branch offices opened. They took advantage of centralize service. CRM deployment is rapid, due to II platform. SAP in 2005, integrate financial system with business operation information. Replacing the past practice of analyzing data only from production systems, to one that analyzes data from the financial system. 2001 deploy CSC Life Asia on As/400, data center consolidation: 12 data center, each with its own applications. Reporting took 5 days to consolidate. After consolidation, HQ data center can produce report in 1 day. In 2002, 12 additional branch offices opened. They took advantage of centralize service. CRM deployment is rapid, due to II platform. SAP in 2005, integrate financial system with business operation information. Replacing the past practice of analyzing data only from production systems, to one that analyzes data from the financial system.
Values to Taikang Life: Early access to game changing technologies and industry best practices First hand experience with emerging technologies and new business models Early adopter market advantage Access to world renowned researchers Values to IBM: Access to industry domain experts and working on real world problems Direct input to IBM requirement process New technology harvested in this FOAK will be made available to other IBM customers Shaping the Future – Taikang Life / IBM IOD FOAK (First of a Kind) Project IBM Almaden Research Center IBM China Research Lab IBM Tokyo Research LabSlide 6:Outline
Project Background Technical Approach Customer Validation Lesson Learnt
Slide 7:Typical Data Warehouse Application Deployment Process
Communicate Analysis Requirement to IT Staff Design Data Mart Model Design Cube Model Populate Data Mart Data Populate Cube Data Time Agent Product Agent work location Type of feedback Communication medium Number of terminated policies Month Agent Product Postal code Number of complaints from customers Quarter Agent Severity code Communication medium Number of newly acquired policies Month Agent Product Postal code Persistency ratio Month end Agent Product Postal code Total premium income Month Agent Product Postal code Dimension Measure Agent Performance Analysis
Slide 8:IBM Insurance Information Warehouse
2000+ business terms 200+ analysis templates
Slide 9:How to Accelerate?
Map Business Requirement to IT Data Design Data Mart Model Design Cube Model Populate Data Mart Data Populate Cube Model Develop Requirement by Using Business Metadata 1. Represent business metadata 2. Develop machine-understandable analysis requirements Automatic 3. Map business metadata to IT 4. Automate IT deployment
Slide 10:Enterprise Information Asset Workbench (EIAW)
Data Warehouse Data Mart Cube Views Metadata OLAP Server Enterprise Information Asset Workbench (EIAW) 1. Design Analysis Requirements 2. Load Enterprise Model 3. Map Analysis Requirements to IT Data 4. Automate IT Deployment Data Flow Activity Flow
Slide 11:EIAW Model Stack
Modeling Language OWL DL + Ontology Path + Rule Measure Model (Statistical Business Performance Indicators) Business Concept Model (Foundational Business Terminology and Business Logic) Dimension Model (Hierarchical Business Context for Measures) OWL DL + Ontology Path + Rule OWL DL
Slide 12:Business Concept Model – Business Terminology
Concept (owl:Class) Child Concept (rdfs:subClassOf) Attribute (owl:DatatypeProperty) Relationship (owl:ObjectProperty)
Slide 13:Business Concept Model – Business Logic
Restriction (owl:allValuesFrom)
Slide 14:Measure Model – DaysofSettlement
TotalDaysOfSettlement= IF (Claim.ofProduct.category=”INDIVIDUAL”) SUM (Claim.settlementTime.date - Claim.requestTime.date) Measure Measure Definition
Slide 15:Dimension Model – YearsOfService
Less than 1 year = CurrentYear() – Agent.agentServiceStartingDate.year < 1 2-3 years = (CurrentYear() - Agent.agentServiceStartingDate.year > 2) and (CurrentYear() - Agent.agentServiceStartingDate.year < 3) Dimension Dimension Definition
Slide 16:Mapping Model
Mapping Expression ASM Model Schema of data warehouse Insured.playedBy[Person].profRiskLevel:- F_PLCY_EVT.PLCY_PTCP_ID[D_CUST].CUST_PROF_ID[D_PROFESSI ON].RISK_LVL
Slide 17:Cube View Deployment
Example of Cube View Model Example of Customized Data Mart Schema Join Object The Cube View Cube model can be automatically generated according to customized data mart & ASM Dimension object Fact Object Example of ASM Dimension Name Measure Name
Slide 18:How EIAW Works – Use Taikang Life Claim Data
Business Concept Model Analytical Solution Model Cube View Deployment Semantic Mapping 1. Develop Analysis Requirement 2. Map Requirement to Data Warehouse 3. Automatic Deploy 4. Design Dashboard
Slide 19:Outline
Project Background Technical Approach Customer Validation Lesson Learnt
Slide 20:Validate EIAW with Customer Data/Feedbacks
Localized Business Concept Models in Taikang FOAK (Premium & Claim) Number of concepts, 76 Number of attributes, 67 Number of relationships, 48 Number of subject areas, 6 Localized Measure Models in Taikang FOAK (Premium & Claim) Number of measures, 176 Number of measures that Taikang cares, 112 Number of measures that Taikang has data to support, 115 Number of measures in Taikang existing applications, 49 Localized Measure Models in Taikang FOAK (IAS) Number of measures, 426 Number of measures in Taikang existing applications, 154 Invited Talks IBM Financial Services Solutions Symposium (FS3 2007), Dallas, 2007 IBM Asia Pacific Insurance Solution Conference, Singapore, 2007 Claim Analysis Financial Analysis
Slide 21:Outline
Project Background Technical Approach Customer Validation Lesson Learnt
Slide 22:What We Lean from Customer Engagements
Decide expressiveness of Ontology Glossary vs. Ontology Is Ontology for IT people or Business people? OWL vs. RDFS+Rule Make semantic engine manageable E.g. need a process to run a SQL in the server Use industry models as ontologies Healthcare, Financial Service, Telecom etc. Leverage mapping discovery technologies from DB community Instance-based vs. schema-based
Slide 23:Thanks