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The Greatest Deception Against Christians is a book that researches the truth around the real Jesus and his teachings. It suggests that what modern man believes to be Jesus and what he was about, is more in line with pagan thinking and beliefs. It also points out various discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible that Christians read today.
About Gog And Magog – A Short Introduction Students of the Old Testament, also millions that have read the Bible or listened to the priest reading from it even if they are not serious scholars, have heard of Gog and Magog. GOG AND MAGOG – ENEMIES OF GOD’S PEOPLE First mentioned in the book of Ezekiel, Gog and Magog are seen as ‘enemies of God’s people’ – supposed to arrive at the end of days. However, a new, groundbreaking book by the scholar Chris Noble (“The Greatest Deception Against Cristians”) sheds different light on what Christians have believed for many years. One such claim in this book is that, indeed, Gog and Magog are not to yet arrive, as they have been among us for many centuries already. The land of Magog is the region where today we find Russia; Magog stretches into parts of Europe, and also as far as present-day Mongolia. This region, the land of Magog (and Gog, the enemy of God’s people), is what Ezekiel (38:2, Revised Standard Version) speaks about when he says, “Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog , the chief prince of Meschech and Tubal, and prophesy against him”. CONVERSION Surrounding regions later became known as Khazaria, whose people were the Khazars. These people were heathens, thus not Godfearing. However, for political reasons they converted to Judaism (in the 8th century), which is an indication of how God’s people were infiltrated, and against whom Ezekeil warned many centuries ago when he warned about Gog of the land of Magog. Having become Jews meant for the Khazars that they were safe from attacks from Christians and Muslims (and Jews, of course) and lower social status, as Christians and Muslims respected the writings and influence of the Jews, as opposed to the original barbarian background that the Khazars came from. It was easy for these people to now be assimilated into their new environment, and no longer be associated with Gog and the land of Magog. And this is one of the points “The Greatest Deception Against Christians” makes: some of those tribes and heathen people that Ezekiel warned against, became Jews, therefore not the “enemy”. However, old habits die hard, and the leader of the Khazars allowed his people to still worship their idols and keep many of their heathen traditions. So, they may have been Jews in name, but not in their behavior. PALESTINE In more recent times the problems in Palestine have been, and are still, well recorded. The original Israelites who lived in Biblical Palestine were dispersed and lived in many parts of Europe and the Middle East (and elsewhere) for many centuries. These people (Israelites) came back to their original land, i.e. Palestine; many remained Jews, while others converted to Islam or Christianity. They lived peacefully. After World War II, however, things changed as the Jewish state of Israel caused discontent over several issues. Note: the leaders who sat down to discuss the creation of the State of Israel and its borders, were most likely descendants of Gog of the land of Magog (refer Ezekiel and his prophecies) even though now they posed as Christians. The new order systematically mustered Jews from all over to support this new state, and European Jews, especially, were sent to Palestine (Remember: they were/are the descendants of Khazar, in other words Gog and Magog. Refer, once more, Ezekiel.). This could be seen as the start of the main invasion. It is interesting to note how many Jews were incorporated into the State of Israel. Some examples refer: From Persia (today’s Iran) 75,968, from the land of Cush (Egypt) 30,100, from Turkey 60, 257 and so on. Also remember that today the above-mentioned groups (and others) still live there, and they are now also comprised of many descendants since 1948. The State of Israel and the Palestinian territory do not share good neighborly relations as well all know. And it is interesting to note that even though the Jews are often called “the tribe of God” they were infiltrated by the people of the land of Magog centuries ago. About Us The Greatest Deception Against Christians is a book that researches the truth around the real Jesus and his teachings. It suggests that what modern man believes to be Jesus and what he was about, is more in line with pagan thinking and beliefs. It also points out various discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible that Christians read today. Today’s Christians, in contradiction to the teachings of the real Jesus, lean more towards paganism and are, therefore, not following the real Jesus and what he stood for; instead, modern man is moving away from God and what he intended for us. So many misconceptions are touched upon in this book, and the reader is given opportunities to look deeper into what could be called a deception of the true meaning of the Bible and the hopes of the real Jesus for mankind. To find out more about the author and this book, please visit Our website.