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Paganism And Its Influence In Modern Times

The Greatest Deception Against Christians is a book that researches the truth around the real Jesus and his teachings. It suggests that what modern man believes to be Jesus and what he was about, is more in line with pagan thinking and beliefs.

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Paganism And Its Influence In Modern Times

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  1. Paganism And Its Influence In Modern Times Everybody has heard of paganism, and even if the topic is not discussed every day, people from all over the world show interest in it – some maybe more than others. It is also interesting to look at pagan origins PAGANISM DEFINED What is paganism? It is a belief system that discerns itself from mainstream religious and spiritual movements such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity and others. Paganism goes back to ancient polytheistic (believing in more than just one power or god; recognizing several deities for help) religions and belief systems, and is still found today in several movements that have practices which are based on ancient paganism. It is also supported in practices such as giving offerings to ancestors and deities, such as leaving food and drinks for them, or delivering dances and poetry performances and the like. One of the best examples of modern paganism is found in Wicca, a pagan movement started in England in the mid-1900s, which claims that its roots can be found in pre-Christian beliefs and rituals. BELIEFS What do pagans believe? In essence they believe that, above all, nature is sacred, more so than Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other belief systems. They believe that all natural processes and cycles, including birth and death, represent all of the most important spiritual meanings of what it is to be human, since nature is found in everything around us, i.e. the trees, mountains, animals, certain earthly objects, as well as the sun and the moon; nature and objects are more important than a god they cannot see and fathom. In the Old English followers were called heathens, which these days is often replaced with ‘pagan’. In addition to Wicca, there are also movements such as Druidry with an impressive following. All of the pagan movements negate God and, instead, pray to their own gods and deities. MODERN PAGANISM Even though modern paganism is a concept whose roots may well go back thousands of years, it is a movement or series of movements with its roots in more recent times, especially the 1500s and 1600s during the Renaissance and Reformation when Druidry and other customs led to a revival in paganism and, afterwards, in the mid-1900s. Scholars of the Bible mention, for example, Noah’s great-grandson Nimrod during whose time the Tower of Babel was constructed, which led to widespread grief and animosity towards the God of Israel, which showed that Nimrod rebelled against God. He also, after his father’s death, married his own mother, Semiramis (Ishtar), also referred to as the Queen of Heaven. Rebellious behavior indeed. Both Nimrod and his mother were worshipped as gods during those times. THE RENAISSANCE AND THE REFORMATION Think, too, of how during the Renaissance movement, people started to see the world not through the Church’s eyes, or through religious eyes, but rather from a human perspective. Greco-Roman magic was revived, and idolatry more and more practiced as works of art and statues started to take on greater prominence and as more and more cultural, scientific and intellectual influences drove people away from religion. Because of the advancements during the Renaissance, and literature that was more readily available, religion became less important. Also, the Reformation caused a divide between the Catholic and Protestant movements, with some steering clear and concentrating their belief system around what they felt represented for them a system closer to a natural, maybe more peaceful, association with life. MODERN CELEBRATIONS It is worthwhile to consider how in modern times Christians still follow celebrations and festivals with their roots in paganism. Christmas, for example, has often been mentioned for its pagan roots with certain ungodly and superstitious beliefs contained therein. Old cultures, for example, used the Christmas tree denoting their allegiance, as it were, to old pagan beliefs. The old Greeks used the pine tree and the Romans the fir tree, the tree being a distinct pagan symbol. SYMBOLS There are many other symbols which can be connected with their pagan roots, such as the celebration of Easter with a strong belief in fertility, typical of what nature offers. Catholics still carry and kiss statues/idols and honor them, in the church, and elsewhere. There are more examples. Paganism goes back many centuries, and even many of modern Christianity’s rituals are to be traced back to early times, and the importance of natural symbols for man. About Us The Greatest Deception Against Christians is a book that researches the truth around the real Jesus and his teachings. It suggests that what modern man believes to be Jesus and what he was about, is more in line with pagan thinking and beliefs. It also points out various discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible that Christians read today. Today’s Christians, in contradiction to the teachings of the real Jesus, lean more towards paganism and are, therefore, not following the real Jesus and what he stood for; instead, modern man is moving away from God and what he intended for us. So many misconceptions are touched upon in this book, and the reader is given opportunities to look deeper into what could be called a deception of the true meaning of the Bible and the hopes of the real Jesus for mankind.

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