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Piles treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicine is very effective in reducing piles and its symptoms what you are facing on. For more info: https://www.shrichyawanayurved.com/collections/ayurvedic-medicine-for-piles<br>

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Piles treatment in Ayurveda

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  2. INTRODUCTION AyurvedicmedicineforEffectivePiles Treatment.TheprinciplesofAyurvedaand its application in treating piles. We will exploretheunderlyingcausesofpilesand howAyurvedicremediescanproviderelief. Getreadytodiscovernaturalandholistic solutionsforpiles! Piles treatment in ayurveda

  3. Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen bloodvesselsintherectumandanus.Theycan causediscomfort,pain,andbleeding.Themain causesincludestrainingduringbowel movements,chronicconstipation,andsittingfor prolongedperiods.Ayurvedaconsiderspilesas aresultofanimbalanceintheVataandPitta doshas. Let's explore Ayurvedic remedies to addressthiscondition. UNDERSTANDINGPILES Piles treatment in ayurveda

  4. AYURVEDICTREATMENTFORPILES Ayurvedaoffersacomprehensiveapproachtotreatpiles. PileHari Onetableteverydayinthemorningandevening,postbreakfastand snacksrespectively. KabjHari Mix1-2gmofthischurnwithhalfcupof water,consumeeverydaybefore goingtobed. NikunjAmritDhar Take4-5dropsonacottonballandapplyontheaffectedareatwicea day. LiverCareSyrup Consume1-2teaspoonfulofLiverCareSyrup,thriceadayoras suggestedbyyourphysician. Piles treatment in ayurveda

  5. CONCLUSION Inconclusion,Ayurvedaoffersanaturalandholisticapproachtotreat piles. By addressing the root causes and imbalances in the body, Ayurvedicremediescanprovidelong-lastingrelieffrompiles. IncorporatingAyurvedicprinciplesintoyourlifestylecannotonlyalleviate piles but also promote overall well-being. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurvedaandembarkonajourneytowardsapiles-freelife! Piles treatment in ayurveda

  6. ContactUs info@shrichyawanayurved.com +919516264444 www.shrichyawanayurved.com

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