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Quenns probate lawyer

Mr. Spivack offers Free Consultations for first time clients. To schedule an appointment at my Forest Hills office, call 718.544.1000 or contact online.Richard Cary Spivack is conveniently located in Forest Hills on Queens Blvd. near Union Turnpike. He is close to the Queens Criminal Courthouse and the Union Turnpike/Kew Gardens subway station. His practice serves clients throughout Brooklyn, Queens & Long Island.

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Quenns probate lawyer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhyIsEstate Planning Important? www.queens-probatelawyer.com

  2. Introduction Estateplanningisimportantforanyindividualwhowishestosafeguardtheirproperty andseetheirlegacytransferredeffectively.Thefollowingaresomeofthemost importantreasonswhyestateplanningisimportant:

  3. 1.ProtectsYourLoved Ones Withoutaproperestateplan,yourfamily mayfacelegalcomplications,financial hardship,andemotionaldistress.Awell- structuredplanensuresyourlovedones receivetheirinheritancewithout unnecessarydelaysordisputes.

  4. 2.AvoidsProbate Complications Probatecanbealengthyandcostly processinNewYork.Anestateplanning attorneycanhelpminimizeprobate- relatedissuesbystructuringyourestate inawaythatallowsforsmoothasset distribution.

  5. 3.MinimizesEstate Taxes NewYorkimposesestatetaxesonlargeestates.Without properplanning,yourheirscouldenduppayinga significantportionoftheirinheritanceintaxes.Askilled estateplanningattorneyinNewYorkcandeveloptax- savingstrategiestopreservemoreofyourwealth.

  6. 4.EnsuresYourWishesAre Honored Estateplanningallowsyoutospecifyexactlyhowyou wantyourassetsdistributed.Italsoletsyouassign guardianshipforminorsandmakehealthcare decisionsinadvancethroughdirectiveslikealivingwill orpowerofattorney.

  7. GetinTouch (718)544-1000 contact@queens-probatelawyer.comwww.queens-probatelawyer.com 118-21QueensBoulevard,Suite504ForestHills, NY11375


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