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In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks with the CEO, President, and Bilingual Telemarketing Trainer of Costa Ricau2019s Call Center, Richard Blank.<br>
Downloadedfrom: justpaste.it/thoughfulentrepreneur TheThoughtfulEntrepreneurbyJoshElledge. Episode1312withacallcenterexpertRichardBlank Inthisepisodeofthe ThoughtfulEntrepreneur,yourhostJoshElledge speakswiththeCEO,President,andBilingualTelemarketingTrainerof CostaRica’sCallCenter,RichardBlank. THETHOUGHTFULENTREPRENEURPODCAST On thisDAILYfounder-storiespodcast,yourhost, Josh Elledgeencouragesentrepreneurs to sharenotonlytheirexpertisebut theirstoriesandtheirhearts.
You’re gonna love this show. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, we cover a wide range of topics (within 15-20 minutes).Wecovertopics likescalingchallenges,leadership, funding,marketing, and sales.
We'll alsolet our guestsshare on thesubjectsthey'rewell-knownfor. You’re going to hear real stories,fromrealpeople.
In thisepisode of theThoughtfulEntrepreneur,your host Josh Elledgespeakswiththe CEO, President, and BilingualTelemarketingTrainerofCostaRica’s Call Center,Richard Blank.
UpMyInfluencequickly andeasilycreates B2Bsaleswith ourguaranteedprovenprocesses – AllwithZEROpaidads. We facilitate 2-3 high-level introductions each week for Agencies, Consultants, Coaches, and otherB2BServiceproviders.
We leverageauthority,generosity, and platform to fillyoursalesschedulewithclientsthat are otherwiseimmunetotraditionalleadgenerationmarketingtactics. We make introductions for you to high-level customers, decision-makers, investors, busy clients,andinfluencers. We havea network ofmore than 100 podcasts that allow us to get you connected.
B2BSalesappointmentsetting Pro bono, Coaching, or Full Service offerings USMilitaryVeteranOwned
We believethat everyperson hasaunique message which can positively impacttheworld. EvenYOU!Asadailyshow,we'reactivelyseekingguests.
Costa Rica’s Call Center is a bilingual call center with high caliber college educated employees.Richardexplainsthatecotourism,cost of living, and culture are majoradvantages tolivinginCostaRicacomparedtocountriessuchasTheUnitedStates.
CostaRica’s CallCenter was created when Richard worked atafriend’scall center in Costa RicateachingEnglish.
The work was something he gravitated to and decided he wanted to start his own call center businessventure.
Richard explains they workto fulfill the needs of theclient and agent by providingsupport, training,andadequatehiring. Richard explainsthat he helps make hisemployeesfeel more confidentintheirlanguageskills andbroadentheirvocabularytoaidthemintheirwork duties.
CostaRica’s Call Centersets itself apart from other competitors as they are bilingual with an incredibleskillsetthat alsoupholdsthe reservedvaluesofCosta Rica.
Richardexplainsamisconceptionaboutworkingwith Costa Rica’sCallCenterisgettinga cheaper price becausethat isthe price commonly usedby other call centersin different countriessuchasIndia. Another misconception is the being able to partner with the company and not blurring ideals between the two such as using profanities when they do not do so as things work differently betweendifferent areas.
Key Points from the Episode: What Costa Rica’s Call Center is AdvantagesofCostaRica
How Costa Rica’s Call Center was created Theimportanceoflinguistics How Costa Rica’s Call Center differs from its competitors MisconceptionsofusingCostaRica’s CallCenter Hi! I'm Josh Elledge, founder of UpMyInfluence. Thanks for wanting to learn a bit more about whoweareandaboutourpurpose! IBELIEVEEVERYONEHASAMESSAGETHATCAN POSITIVELYIMPACTTHEWORLD
I helpthoughtfulbusiness leaders to completely book outtheirsales calendarwithhigh-level, premium customers and partners, by leveraging their authority and harnessing the power of relationships. If you have authority inyourindustry, STOPcompeting withamateursin the'redocean' of spammyleadgeneration.Leadwithgenerosityinstead. I foundedmylast company SavingsAngel.com - which I scaled to 7-figures inannualsales with zero paidads. I trulybelieve like Robert Stephens,founder ofGeekSquad who said,
"Advertising isthetax you pay for beingunremarkable." I chose,instead, to leadingenerosity throughmorethan2,500mediaappearances. Armed with remarkablesuccess in PR, I served pro-bonoin my localstartup community - mostly withmilitary-owned, women-owned, and minority-owned smallbusinesses - helping to co-create the same success I had for many years. This led to unintentionally launching UpMyInfluencein2014asamediaconsultingandPRagency. After a few short years, we discovered that our approach to gaining PR for clients was far more valuable in gaining them sales and growing consistent and predictable revenue.
When our first B2B sales client scored six figures in sales in 90 days without paid ads, we realizedwehadsomethingextremelypowerful inourhands. We've sincehelped hundreds of clientsbuild consistent and predictable B2B sales by leveragingtheirauthority,generosity,andplatform.
We leverageauthority,generosity, and platform to fillyoursalesschedulewithclientsthat are otherwiseimmunetotraditionalleadgenerationmarketingtactics. OURCORE VALUES &VALUE NARRATIVES
No good treasure hunt starts without a map. And no good business should start without one either! At UpMyInfluence, everything we do is guided by 5 core values designed to keep us on course no matter where we roam. We hope our “map” will not just resonate with you–but promptyouto thinkaboutwhat’s guidingyour brandandbusiness aswell. Richard’s vision quest journey is filled with twists and turns. At 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speakingstyle backed by tactful and appropriaterhetoric, Richardshared hisknowledge and trainedover 10000bilingual telemarketers overtwo decades.
Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.RichardBlankistheChiefExecutiveOfficerfor CostaRica’sCallCentersince2008.
Mr. Richard Blank holdsa bachelors degreein Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony.In addition, entered intothe 2023 Hall ofFame forBusiness alongside other famous alumni. Paying it forward to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a worldlanguageattheuniversitylevel.
Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highestquality of outbound and inboundtelemarketing solutions and bilingualcustomer service to small and medium sized internationalcompanies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500companies. https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ Thoughtful Entrepreneur, Josh Elledge,RichardBlank, Costa Rica'sCallCenter,Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur,B2B, Business, Podcast,Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer, #ThoughtfulEntrepreneur#JoshElledge#RichardBlank#CostaRica#CallCenter#Outsourcing #Telemarketing#BPO#Sales#Entrepreneur#B2B#Business#Podcast#Gamification#CEO #learnpodcasting #podcastepisode #podcastguest #podcasting #podcastinterview #podcastplaylist#podcasts#podcastskills#podcastshow