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Moving can be stressful, but choosing the appropriate moving company can help ensure a seamless transition. There are numerous moving firms to select from if you are moving in or around the Chicago area.
PackingFragileItemsforaMove • Moving can be stressful, but choosing the appropriate moving company can help ensure a seamless transition. There arenumerousmovingfirmstoselectfromifyouare moving in or around the Chicago area. Here are some hintsforpackingfragileitemsforrelocationandselecting the bestChicagomovingcompany: • GatherSupplies • Before you start packing, gather all the necessary supplies.Here'swhatyou'llneed: • Boxesin varioussizes • Bubblewrap • Packingpaper • Packingtape • Labels • Marker • SortYourThings • Thefirststepinpackingfragileobjectsistocategorize them. This will make packing them easier and ensure that nothingisleftbehind.Someexamplesofcommon categoriesare: • Glassware • China
Electronics Artwork Mirrors WrapEachItem Once you've determined your categories, it's time to begin wrappingeachitem.Here'showit'sdone: GlasswareandChina: Beginbylayeringpackingpaperonthebottomofthebox. Placeeachpieceintheboxafterwrappingitinbubble wrap.Fillanyholeswith crumpledpackingpapertokeep goodsfrommovingaround.
Electronics: Iffeasible,wrapeachiteminbubblewrapandplaceitin its original box. If not, use a slightly larger-than-normal box andfillanygapswithpackingpaper. ArtworkandMirrors: Wrap the item in bubble wrap and cardboard, or use a picture box. Make sure to tightly tape the cardboard to prevent itfromshiftingduringtransit. PacktheBoxes Onceeachitemiswrapped,it'stimetopacktheboxes. Here'show: Usesmallboxesforheavyitemsandlargerboxesfor lighter items. Labeleachbox withits contentsandwhetherit'sfragileor not. Placeheavieritemsonthebottomoftheboxandlighter itemsontop. Fillanygapswithpackingpapertopreventitemsfrom movingaround.