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An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication

An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication Claudine Métral COST C21 Towntology Workshop Geneva - November 6-7, 2006 Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Purpose Contribute to a better communication between the various actors involved in an urban planning process

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An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication

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  1. An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication Claudine Métral COST C21 Towntology Workshop Geneva - November 6-7, 2006

  2. Ontology-based System for Urban Planning • PurposeContribute to a better communication between the various actors involved in an urban planning process • Why?Due to the complexity of the urban planning processExample of Geneva: Master plans (PDC=plan directeur cantonal) Local plans (PDQ=plans directeurs de quartier, PLQ=plans localisés de quartier) Communal or thematic master plans Federal or cantonal laws Public consultations and opposition procedures GIS (SITG) Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 2

  3. Urban Planning Objects and Actors Various actors Various objects urbanists spatial data from GIS 3D city models politicians texts maps, plans, pictures inhabitants Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 3

  4. Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Three goals • Semantic IntegrationOf the objects (data and documents) related to an urban planning project-> creation of an urban knowledge base • InterfaceTo visualize the content of the knowledge base • AdaptationOf the interface to user profiles and centers of interest-> access to the urban knowledge according to different viewpoints Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 4

  5. Ontology-based System for Urban Planning • Semantic Integration • Interface • Adaptation to user profiles Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 5

  6. Semantic Integration • An urban planning project Uses urban data and documents (spatial data from GIS, 3D city models, texts, maps, plans, pictures)Is represented in our system by an ontology with concepts and instances related to the data and documents so as to present an integrated view of the project Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 6

  7. Semantic Integration concepts data semanticannotation integrated view 3DCM documents instances • understand the project • find information knowledge base urbanobjects (semi-)automatic extraction of concepts or annotations formalization with OWL-DL Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 7

  8. 3D City Models • Many modelsWith different levels of detail (LOD) • Many application areasUrban planningDisaster managementTraining or environmental simulations TelecommunicationsNavigation systems • Future standard: CityGMLCityGML = unified 3D city model = common information model for the representation of 3D urban objectsDefined in UML -> 47 classes and many attributes Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 8

  9. CityGML • Geometric and topological modelVarious objects: relief, sites/buildings, transportation, vegetation, water, city furniture • Multipurpose modelVarious application fields as 3D city models • Multiscale modelFive levels of detail:LOD 0 to LOD 4 • External references possibleAs links to external ressources: databases, etc. • More information on the CityGML web site Dr Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 9

  10. Example: Building Model in CityGML from[Kolbe 2005] Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 10

  11. Abstract View of CityGML City Object City Model Generic City Object Transportation Object Relief Feature Vegetation Object Land Use Water Object City Object Group City Furniture Site Relief Component Abstract Building Transportation Complex Water Body Plant Cover Room TIN Relief Solitary Vegetation Object Water Boundary Surface Track Building Part Mass Point Relief Boundary Surface BuildingInstallation Building Road Traffic Area BuildingFurniture Breakline Relief Railway Auxiliary Traffic Area Water Surface Opening Square Water Ground Surface Ceiling Surface Raster Relief Door Interior Wall Surface Water Closure Surface Window Floor Surface isA link Roof Surface partOf link Closure Surface Wall Surface Ground Surface Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 11

  12. Ontology for Urban Planning Process • CityGML is not sufficient for urban planning City GML Geometric concepts Other types of concepts such as right_of_way (droit de passage) or soft_mobility (mobilité douce) Other types of relations such asis_used_by UrbanPlanningProcess • Creation of an Ontology of Urban Planning Process = OUPP • Semantic links between CityGML and OUPP Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 12

  13.   Example of Concept Alignments CityGML OUPP PLQ City Model City Object vegetation VegetationObject compensationtree protected tree SolitaryVegetationObject Plant Cover tree to cut down Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 13

  14. Part of OUPPrelated to soft mobility City Model PLQ City Object vegetation Vegetation Object protected tree Solitary Vegetation Object tree to cut down compensation tree Plant Cover Example of Integration: Concepts is a uses mobility(mobilité) is used for participates in thoroughfare(voies de communication) soft mobility(mobilité douce) transportation user(usager) transport(moyens de transport) not motorized transport(moyens de transport non motorisés) green way(voie verte) pedestrian(piéton) cyclist(cycliste) pedestrian path(chemin piétonnier) walking(marche à pied) cycle path(piste cyclable) bicycle(bicyclette) Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 14

  15. Example of Integration: Documents • Instance of conceptPromenade_des_Parcs= instance of concept green_way • Various documents related to this instance • Various sources for these documentsMaster plans (PDC, PDQ) SITG (graph of the soft mobility = geometric entities with attributes) • Integration of these documents with OUPP Dr Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 15

  16. instance concept Example of Integration mobility(mobilité) transportation user(usager) thoroughfare(voies de communication) soft mobility(mobilité douce) transport(moyens de transport) not motorized transport(moyens de transport non motorisés) pedestrian(piéton) green way(voie verte) cyclist(cycliste) pedestrian path(chemin piétonnier) walking(marche à pied) cycle path(piste cyclable) bicycle(bicyclette) Promenadedes Parcs Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 16

  17. Ontology-based System for Urban Planning • Semantic Integration • Interface • Adaptation to user profiles Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 17

  18. Interface • To visualize the content of the knowledge base-> visual objects to define from the objects of the knowledge baseObjects of various kinds: documents, 3D objects but also abstract concepts-> define representations for non geometric objectsLinks between these urban planning objects -> assemble the interface elements and generate navigation links in the interface= a spatial hypermedia document Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 18

  19. Interface visualrepresentations interfacespecification refers to refers to content of the knowledge base layoutmanagers interface generation e.g. [El Atifi & Falquet 2005] The specification connects OUPP concepts to visual representation objects Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 19

  20. Ontology-based System for Urban Planning • Semantic Integration • Interface • Adaptation to user profiles Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 20

  21. Adaptation to user profiles • Various profilesVarious actors (urbanists, politicians, inhabitants, associations, etc.) with differences in terms of knowledge background and vocabularyFor example: green_way (urbanist) versus pedestrian_path (inhabitant)Different centers of interest for inhabitants A and B-> different user profiles-> represented by user ontologies aligned with OUPP and CityGML Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 21

  22. Adaptation to user profiles OUPPCityGML concepts inhabitant A inhabitant B urbanist X instances user specific ontologies Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 22

  23. Example of Adapted Interface • Promenade_des_ParcsUrbanist XInterested by concepts right_of_ways or dangerous_intersections (that can be defined by a crossing between a main_road and a green_way)Inhabitant AInterested by the remarkable_objects (trees, buildings) along the Promenade_des_ParcsInhabitant BInterested by the time_of_travelling to go through the Promenade_des_Parcs Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 23

  24. Adaptation to user profiles • Adapted interfaceVisualization of what is useful or relevant to the userExploratory interface to understand an urban planning project in a personalized way • Ontology-based approachAdaptation to the user profile not only of the content of the knowledge base but also of the interface-> Different viewpoints and representations of the same concept are possible Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 24

  25. Example of Adapted Visualization • Promenade_des_ParcsUrbanist XA map with symbols correlated to the concepts right_of_way or dangerous_intersectionInhabitant AA 3D scene with remarkable_objectsInhabitant BA 3D scene with time_of_travelling in superimposition Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 25

  26. Example of Adapted Visualization • Promenade_des_Parcs concepts inhabitant A inhabitant B 23 min. urbanist X instances user specific interface composition(object representation, vocabulary, etc.) Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 26

  27. 23 min. Conclusion • Definition of an ontology-based system to improve the communication of urban planning projects OUPPCityGML inhabitant A inhabitant B urbanist X urbanobjects user specific interfaces user specific ontologies Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 27

  28. Future Work • OUPPTo enhance and validate • Specification language of the interfacesAdapt the actual general-purpose specification language to the urban planning context • Interface DesignFind and test (3D) representations of the urban conceptsContinue our research on the relationship between image and text -> integration of text in 3D scenes or integration of 3D scenes in text? Claudine Métral – An Ontology-based System for Urban Planning Communication 28

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