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  1. The Strong Atomic Force including the N/S Pole anti-electromagnetic Repulsion Big Bang FuelDiscovered And Demonstrated Energy in SpaceApril 22, 2009 to start show click on slide show top line above then click view show [if needed] then to advance slide - use mouse click, enter, or next arrow. click up or back arrow to reverse.

  2. This Presentation Combines: The ageless strong atomic force Supernovae Earth’s very slow velocity Quasars CMB anomaly – referred as - Axis of Evil into one format, most easily explained, by the Big Bang exploding in energy-filled space.

  3. How did our Universe begin?

  4. Feynman says – “ start with first principles”

  5. So we start with – The ageless Strong Atomic Force, and a new understanding about how the atom works - all day long

  6. Kamiokande study finds protons [in the hearts of atoms] virtually - ageless The Super-Kamiokande 50,000 ton water Cherenkov detector

  7. Electron Clouds View of electron cloud with scanning tunneling microscope

  8. electron cloud around the atom Blue lines of VERY strong attraction + Unnamed force prevents attraction Protons positive charge

  9. Blue lines ofVERY strong attraction + But some force prevents contact

  10. Strike a Match ! And … P ATTRACTION light/photons exit at 186,282 miles per second without acceleration

  11. Nucleus P N P N + + + P N P N

  12. P N P N + + + P N P N Protons repel Protons

  13. electron cloud Strong forcecorrals the protons P N P N + + + P N P N

  14. That strong force like the N/S poles of a magnetcorrals the protons with a million times the power of the atom’s hold on its electrons

  15. That strong force like the N/S poles of a magnetdrives the electrons, out to the edge of the electromagnetic force field

  16. -S N+ P N P N + + + P N P N -S N+ -S N+

  17. -S N+ Electrons, with weak hold at edge of field, are easily manipulated P N P N + + + P N P N -S N+ -S N+

  18. EASY MANIPULATION Strike a Match ! And… P ATTRACTION Light/photons exit at the speed of light without acceleration

  19. blank page

  20. How much power is required to run a atom continuously? Energy = mc2 Midwest Relativity

  21. Protons vs. Protonsnever quit repelling each other!

  22. Strong Atomic Forces with N/S Pole effectnever quit corralling protons!

  23. Electrons keep circling to embrace the protons they never quit their advances !

  24. Strong Atomic Forces - pushing electrons away,so the atom never collapses !

  25. Forces active in Atom are like Magnets : attracting - repelling always working.

  26. -S N+ P N P N + + + P N P N Whatpower is required, just to operate all these functions ? -S N+ -S N+

  27. Short circuitinterruption of supply - spark

  28. Short circuit interruption of power • Short in your 110 line – small spark • Tree downs power line – large arc flashes • Interrupt the atom’s supply - see next slide

  29. mc2 For just a very few atoms

  30. What is the source tapped by a 14 billion year old atom ?

  31. a 14 billion year old battery ?

  32. No evidence of Batteries !Needs an external source

  33. Technical support • How to transmit power into an atom without wires – see next slide

  34. Conductix-Wampflerwireless transmission of powerala TESLAhttp://www.conductix.com/public/index.cfm

  35. A large circuit is needed to supply one atom with mc2ENERGY. If our visible Universe was like a drop of water We would need a nondegradingenergy source a sextillion times our galaxy or larger.

  36. In order to supply all the atoms in our Universe with mc2ENERGY. If our visible Universe was like a drop of water We would need a nondegradingenergy source a sextillion times our galaxy or larger. CMB

  37. In order to supply all the atoms in our Universe with ENERGY. If our visible Universe was the size of a drop of water We would need a nondegradingenergy source a sextillion times our galaxy or larger. CMB

  38. In order to supply all the atoms in our Universe with ENERGY. If our visible Universe was like a drop of water We would need a ocean of energy filled space larger than the size of our Universe. CMB

  39. To supply mc2

  40. to all atoms

  41. Without degradation

  42. A Universe of energy filled space powering atoms

  43. should have enough power to fuel the Big Bang Explosion

  44. Technical support • For a Big Bang Conversion of energy into matter – see next slide

  45. E=mc 2 and the Reverse High Energy Beam Matter created from energy at Stanford Linear Accelerator. Reported 9/1/97 High Energy Laser

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