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The Vespucci 2020 Vision for Digital Earth: Social and Institutional Issues

The Vespucci 2020 Vision for Digital Earth: Social and Institutional Issues. What is Paradise?. “ Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura ché la diritta via era smarrita. Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte

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The Vespucci 2020 Vision for Digital Earth: Social and Institutional Issues

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  1. The Vespucci 2020 Vision for Digital Earth: Social and Institutional Issues

  2. What is Paradise? “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura ché la diritta via era smarrita. Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte che nel pensier rinova la paura! Tant'è amara che poco è più morte; ma per trattar del ben ch'i' vi trovai, dirò de l'altre cose ch'i' v'ho scorte.”

  3. Virtual Globe = (def) digital collection of data and services contextualized within a global (spatial?) view of a world Virtual Collaborative Globe = virtual globe that allows collaborative participation

  4. Today´s virtual globes Virtual Globes OpenStreetMap Wikimapia

  5. Today´s Virtual Globe limitations No current state of the earth (time is missing and data comes from diverse sources) No exploration inside the building Data is not generally accessible No indication of data provenance No interaction between people (including sharing of data) No indication of trust and quality

  6. GIScience provides crucial links between nature and society Nature: Physical equations Describe processes Society: Decisions on how to Use Earth´s resources

  7. The 2020 Vision for Digital Earth: Social and Institutional Issues Maximize open access and participative infrastructures Produce information to address digital divides Enable multiple connected globes/infrastructures Deliver data, services and models tailored to communities of practice. Emphasize societal benefit areas (e.g., ecosystems, health) Be based on environmental-friendly technologies Use Digital Earth as a laboratory for multi-disciplinary science

  8. Open access and participative infrastructures Practice: Need to overcome institutional barriers Ideal: spatial data available as open access and shared between communities

  9. Open access and participative infrastructures What did we learn from our fathers? A penny saved is a penny earned

  10. Open access and participative infrastructures LANDSAT data archive (USGS) The Anti-Uncle Scrooge Principle A pixel unused is a penny wasted

  11. Open access and participative infrastructures The cost of data distribution in the Web is zero Uncle Scrooge and the Web: value comes from use!

  12. What is a public good? Non-rival ...[goods] which all enjoy in common in the sense that each individual's consumption of such a good leads to no subtractions from any other individual's consumption of that good... (Samuelson) Non-excludable it is impossible to exclude any individuals from consuming the good

  13. Almost all spatial data are public goods

  14. Open access and participative infrastructures ASTER-DEM 30 x 30 m STRM 90 x 90 m

  15. “Scientists have models for estimating the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere when a given plot of land is razed. This information can now be extracted fairly accurately from satellite images. Access to information will be critical. A few satellites can cover the entire globe, but there needs to be a system in place to ensure their images are readily available to everyone who needs them. Brazil has set an important precedent by making its Earth-observation data available, and the rest of the world should follow suit.”

  16. Open access and participative infrastructures: some predictions for 2020 Citizens and global forces are drivers of change Global satellite data in 5 meter+ willbe open Geodemographicsanalysiswidelyavailable Officialspatial data willbemostly open

  17. Information to address digital divides Ideal: communities know what affects them, promote positive changes and react to negative prospects Practice: communities have limited knowledge about their territory and its potential futures

  18. Information to address digital divides The goal of development is the promotion and expansion of valuable capabilities. Capability is the freedom to achieve valuable beings and doings. (Amartya Sen)

  19. Impacts of global environmental change By 2020 in Africa, agriculture yields could be cut by up to 50% sources: IPCC and WMO

  20. Information to address digital divides How to promoteand expand valuable capabilities in Digital Earth? Practice: Open source and open access promote capacity building Caveat: OS and OA are not substitutes for sound research

  21. Enable multiple connected globes The Earth is a system of systems

  22. Enable multiple connected globes Institutional portals (e.g., GEOportal) Contribution-based portals (e.g., Google)

  23. 11,000 landstations (3000 automated) 900 radiosondes, 3000 aircraft 6000 ships, 1300 buoys 5 polar, 6 geostationary satellites Weather and climate source: WMO

  24. Emphasize societal benefit areas (e.g., ecosystems, health)

  25. High Risk of Re-emergence of Infectious Diseases Some in connection with El Niño/La Niña events Choléra Dengue Meningitus Emphasize societal benefit areas World Population at risk: 2 to 3 billions Human Mortality per yr: 3.5 to 4.5 millions with ½ under 5 yrs (~ 5 millions due to AIDS) Animal Mortality per yr: 10 to 15 millions • World Population at risk: 2 to 3 billions • Human Mortality per yr: 3.5 to 4.5 millions with ½ under 5 yrs (~ 5 millions due to AIDS) • Animal Mortality per yr: 10 to 15 millions

  26. Data, services and models tailored to communities of practice

  27. Data, services and models tailored to communities of practice Network of sensors that observe, record and disseminate geographically referenced information

  28. ARGOS Data Collection System (16000 plats) 650,000 messages processed daily

  29. Data collection services Tracking Positions collected over a fixed period of time Monitoring Data from remote stations, fixed or mobile

  30. Argo bouy network

  31. Data, services and models tailored to communities of practice Athmosphere, ocean, chemistry climate model (resolution 200 x 200 km) Atmosphere only climate model (resolution 50 x 50 km) Regional climate model Resolution e.g 10 x 10 km Hydrology, Vegetation Soil Topography (e.g, 1 x 1 km) Regional land use change Socio-economic changes Adaptative responses (e.g., 10 x 10 m) Models: From Global to Local

  32. Greening of technology

  33. Digital Earth as a laboratory for multi-disciplinary science Improve existing models Create new models Increase model interoperability Model Web

  34. Digital Earth as a laboratory for multi-disciplinary science “Google Earth will not be the next ArcGIS” (Ed Parsons) Will the new generation of GIS be more like Google Earth?

  35. Open Globe (def) collection of trusted spatial data and services, available operationally and reliably on a open access policy

  36. Open Globes Virtual Globes OpenStreetMap Wikimapia

  37. Open Globes Virtual Globes Data + services (can only be provided reliably by organizations that are trusted) ? visibility, communication, acessibility Scientists as policy-makers (peer-reviewed results) Citizens as sensors (perception, individual actions)

  38. Shall we perish in the hell of discord? Siena Cathedral (pulpito de Luca Pisano) Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate!

  39. Or shall we be saved by our actions? Siena Cathedral (pulpito de Luca Pisano)

  40. O buono Appollo, a l'ultimo lavoro fammi del tuo valor sì fatto vaso, come dimandi a dar l'amato alloro

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