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Four Tips to Lower Your AC Bills & Save Money

When the temperatures and humidity increase and the humidity rises, an AC can help you stay cool. But do you know how to stop the electric bills from rising, reducing the energy consumption and keeping you warm during summer's scorching heat? So follow these four guidelines that you can use. For more information please visit about air conditioner Hitachi Aircon India website. https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/inverter-split-acs

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Four Tips to Lower Your AC Bills & Save Money

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  2. AboutAC When the temperatures and humidity increase and the humidity rises, an AC can help you stay cool. But do you knowhowtostoptheelectricbillsfromrising,reducingthe energy consumption and keeping you warm during summer'sscorchingheat?

  3. Hereare4guidelines thatyoucanuse-

  4. 1.SettheRightDefault Temperature Researchhasshownthataround6percentoftheenergyissaved each degree we increase the temperature. The lower the temperature you set for your air conditioner, the longer the compressorsareworking,rackingupyourelectricbill.. IfyouoptforkeepingtheACoperatingatthedefaultsettingyou couldsaveupto24percentenergy. CheckHitachiAC1.5TonPriceonline.

  5. Makesureitstaysat 24degreesCelsius insteadof18degree Celsius

  6. SealedRooms&Shut DevicesSave Electricity Electronic devices that are heavy such as the refrigerator, TV and computers generate lots of heat, which makes your AC work more. TurnthemoffpriortowhenyouturnontheAC.Theroomshouldcool offsome,andthenyoucanturnthembackon.

  7. SwitchonandSwitch offtoSaveElectricity If you're sitting for long periods in a room that is air-conditioned try thistrick.Youcankeepthefanrunningforafewhoursbeforeturning off for a further one or two hours. The room will remain cool, while savinglotsofenergy.

  8. GetinTouch ThankYou 7971414848 11-22717161 suryakant.anand@jci-hitachi.com

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